Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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Mihawk is a regular human with great Haki and one supreme blade.
Seraphims so far haven't shown Haki, which is tied to spirit and ambition. S-Hawk also has just a replica of Mihawk's blade. Nowhere was it stated to be as strong as a supreme blade.
Kuma has a special race that we don't know how much impact his physical prowess.
Hancock comes from the Kuja people, which are known for their haki as well. She also possesses CoC.
S-Shark comes from Jibe, a fishman, that, in normal conditions, is physically superior to regular humans in physical attributes alone.

Nowhere was it stated that the Seraphims rank accordingly to their "originals".
If they only mimic fighting style and the original DNA is meaningless then what is the value from Odas perspective besides merchandise to shape the serpahim after the originals.

It's kinda common sense the original hierarchy still stands considering Oda decided to make S Hawk i.e. the one who should be the strongest the one to make BB shit his pants.

Personally I don't think they'll be reaching the originals level as it makes no narrative sense however I don't believe they'd all be at the same level.
In my point of view the seraphim's power is nothing related to the original person . Per example boa is not in a place to be compared to her sraphim , she got conqueror she got advanced haki , plus her devil fruit is way more explored . Same thing for mihawk he's literrally the best swordsman alive his seraphim is only a cheap copy
I sort of agree. I don't believe they'll ever reach the originals power level because it's pretty odd from a narrative perspective for the WG to be able to produce Yonko tier fighters so easily (S Hawk upper limit)
S-hawk is not cutting through an island or giant pieces of steel machinery in egghead with wind. It's a haki infused flying slash. Haki is invisible unless you're using Hardening which is an advanced technique
Its only a slash like kaku with his kicks. The kids dont have haki and haki is something you must train with a will. I cant see that the serpahims have there own will cause they get controlled every time. But if they get smarter and maybe older then I think they should learn haki cause even animals in one piece can use haki so why the serpahims not! But not yet for sure
Keep in mind these seraphims look still huge for being kids

Wonder how large will they grow when they are fully grown up. Wonder if Vegapunk sprinkled some genes from giants as well, so they would get their raw strength and size somewhat once grown.
People were literally saying the same thing about Zoro/Sanji defeating yonkou commanders. Some people even thought Zoro's onigashima fight would be Who's Who and Sanji's Page One
It doesn't make sense if you believe they are not getting any new power up
Oh its not about if zoro/sanji being strong enough to face admiral, what i mean from powerscaling perspective is that this would create an anomaly and oda would need to also make gorosei top tiers on admiral scale because WG while only relying on the 4 admirals to handle the 2-3 allied parties(SHs,revos,supernova) is going to get bodied pretty comfortably


Talent is something you make bloom.
I know people are lost in powerscaling stuff and future events, but I really appreciate Egghead.

The Seraphims were meant to be tools the WG and Navy could use to fight the Yonkos.
Right now we have a bonafide Yonko Crew having trouble dealing with them. Their advantage is that Zoro already knows about their weakness.
Seraphims' potential is great and I'm really digging it so far.

And I like that we're in the endgame now.
No more "mere shichibukais" as main villains.
It's all about Yonkos, Admirals, and Gorosei now.

Not sure if Oda will be able to handle the sheer amount of characters later on, but I like the little "battle royale" going on right now.
Law vs BB, Kid vs Shanks, SHs vs WG.

Aside from the traitor plot that I still couldn't give two fucks about except if it was the BBP, I think Egghead is overall great.
Zorostans: S-Shark is the weakest Seraphim

1078 hints suggesting Sanji did no damage
Zorostans: all Seraphims are equal

1078 spoilers showing a Seraphim did no damage on Sanji
Zorostans: S-Shark is the weakest Seraphim
Considering the mental gymnastics sanjistans pull on a daily basis I think this is quite acceptable. Though, among the four known Seraphim S-Hawk, S-Snake, S-Bear and S-Shark, S-Shark probably IS the weakest. Unless, of course, Vegapunk adjusted them a to a specific 'power level' regardless of their fighting style.
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