Why did York Betray Vegapunk?

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I guess Shaka and Pythagoras are dead?

Pythagoras does seem like he died, Shaka I'm still not too sure but it does seem like he really is dead.

So the only satellites left are Lilith, Edison, and Atlas.

Lilith is petrified but other than that she is still alive unless S-Snake destroyed her as well, Edison is damaged but still alive, and Atlas for now is alive.
Yeah for sure I think. Maybe Boa Hancock gets involved too, as mentioned either to undo the effect on Usopp and whoever else got turned to stone. Since her clone did that she might be able to undo the effect too.
I hope Hancock unlocks Advanced Conq, she's already suggested to somewhat be a high tier as BB and Sengoku were beefing her and her sisters have Advanced Armament so she should too, to a greater extent ofc.
Imagine the rest 2 Admirals pull up too

Greenbull's already nearby anyway, no reason why he wouldn't lmao no hakiman with a movie to promote to protect them now, he's too busy with Captain Mid. That also means Weevil as well, since we know he's connected to Vegapunk now.

That just leaves Fujitora, but he's probably somewhere else playing dice or some shit
The notion that he was soo hopeless that he didn't bother using his ultimate defence still bemuses me.. Its utterly nonsensical to assume oda would paint ULTIMATE DEFENCE in that light by having him block and dodge attacks even before Acic

Matter the fact King does not even know if Zoro could damage him with flame on.. COZ ZORO NEVER LANDED A ACOC BLOW
What the hell was he even scared of

Why is he scared of an attack that he never had hus defences on for

Oda drew this for a reason. It clearly implies that KoH Zoro had enough power to break through Lunarian defense.

Though, the fight was kinda badly written. So it's confusing as to HOW King knows Zoro can now hurt him if he hasn't even tried to tank his ACOC attacks. (as you said)
But I promise you King knows his ability and his limits more than anybody else and he isn't stupid. And if he ditched his defense for speed, then it the correct decision to make.

Maybe he knows ACoC is the counter to his ability? Or he just knew using Observation Haki (which allows you to sense the strength of your opponent) or something?
I hope the anime clears this out a bit more.
Literally nothing about the World Government's power structure makes sense if the Gorosei are not powerful.

They thought the most hyped old men, in a series full of badass old dudes, needed to be babysat by Admirals. Ugh.

Works well, too.

Marines = stronger than every individual Yonkou crew, but unable to fight two Yonkou crews at once
-3 Admirals

Yonkou = Could beat the Marines in alliances, but too divided and untrustworthy/untrusting to make alliances work
-4 Yonkou

World Government = Possesses an Ancient Weapon (most likely), and is ruled by "The King of the World" Imu. Unknown force, but by ruling the world, the strongest force
-5 Gorosei

As long as the Marines and WG are allied, the pirates are fucked. Which is why Sword exists, to weaken the WG for the final battles.
Truth is if luffy care about certain things he would been more than ready to take on WG
But to early in story for that .
“Things are heating up in the Wano Contry right now, but if Luffy can set sail from here safely, there will be developments on a global scale, a thrilling story the likes of which no one has ever read before, I’ll draw the ‘greatest battle ever’ in OP history,” commented Oda. “it will be exciting! In other words, I made such an statement so readers could be mentally prepared to understand that even a story as long as this one is properly heading towards its end. That said, for now just take your time and enjoy Wano while it’s hot. I’ll be drawing with all of my strength!”

Where the Elbaf stans at
Only one ship with respectable people, the others at most have vice admirals like Smoker and that guy who lost to Bartolomeo in the coliseum
Meinar one shot don krieg and his entire fleet lets forget smoker .
Mihawk was sinking fodders ships even the main one was child play for him . Your ealy see zoro by himself sinking kizaru and saturn ? Hel a strong va probably can stop or redirect his attack
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