Anyone else finds it annoying that Zhao had several crushing defeats and somehow can still raise massive armies and find generals out of their ass?
I mean do they though?
Riboku's crew been a thing since teenage Shin years. Riboku, Keisha, Houken, Mangoku, etc.
Keisha then had his own cronies in Kinmou and Gakuei. Kisui is--fine, a city lord who's not overly OP in anyway. Bananji and Shunsuiju came from the north IIRC.
Kochou was always the defense guy for Zhao, though I'll admit Gakuhaku Kou did come out of left field.
Shibashou's crew is just isolate in Seika.
I guess that leaves with Gyou'un and Chougaryuu, who probably just didn't want to do any offensive campaigns after Rinshoujo died.
If there was just a random Zhao army not connected with an excuse for where they were, then I would probably agree with the criticism, like if Han somehow has someone like Gyou'un we're going to have a problem lol
As for the armies I wouldn't put too much thought into it, estimates have the population at 30 million but honestly it never seems to ever be a historical accurate stress detail ever since the start.