Right? Giving those 3 equal bounties actually pissed me off lol. So forced.
Oda definitely did it so he can say Shanks 1 shot a 3 billion guy too, sigh. Blackbeard is on 3.3 billion now I think and Mihawk on 3.9? What you trying to say here Oda? Lmao.
100% too lmfaooo, the biggest casualty here is definitely the sanity and hopes of us Kidd fans, although I'm already crazy/used to it, so it's affecting me a lot less too!

I genuinely worry for the other Kidd fans especially Pantheos, Reference, Reggie, LukeG etc. This has understandingly broken and upset them but after seeing Sanji get shat on for MANY years, this is nothing new for me. Same shit, different character lol.
I'll wait to see where Oda goes with this before I truly snap or not, before I might break as well lmfao.