Your entire arguments keeps consisting on ignoring manga panels I post that already established what needs to be understood and you constantly tryna fit your refutation into your own understanding only. I don't think this conversation will go any where. You're only gonna be convince in your own independent interpretation/thinking so I'll just leave it be.
So you do not agree that AdCoC + ID CoA looks is akin to a Blown Balloon, while AdCoC has the appearance of a Pushed Cushion?..
The not touching part has nothing to do with CoA Emission since it's defensive stance where as AdCoC is stricly offensive..
Haki is a mess and quite confusing. But IIRC Luffy implied that non touching CoA is superior to touching CoA.
Are you referring to Luffy busting open the tree?.. It was for his training.. The reverse, Non touching CoA is Inferior to Touching CoA..