His plot armor excuse "I will not lose again" oops I lose again
only works with swordsman and guess who is the swordsman between the two yonkos
Dont worry, BM will throw her sword away so Luffy can fight her. Just like her son did.
Excuses? That's why I cannot take you seriously. You do realise that both Luffy and Zoro were trashed by Apoo and were fine afterwards anyways?
How much evidence do you need to get that Luffy sees the same future like Katakuri?
He dodged a huge explosion point blank, Caesar being fodder is irrelevant.
As soon as Apoo walks in, error 404, no CoA, no Enma.
Yes, excuses. Every time he gets trashed, Lulffy fans come up with an excuse.
Katakuri didnt need excuses, he was one step ahead no matter the situation, Luffy isnt and never will be.
The fact that they are fine afterwards doesnt change that FS on Luffy has different purpose than on Katakuri.
Zoro dodged a huge explosion point blank before TS when CoO wasnt a thing and from an opponent far above him. That's a feat, not Luffy's trash feats against fodder.
Zoro's CoA is just fine and Enma is as irrelevant as it always was. Luffy's FS is to be a step ahead of Apoo, he wasnt. Condom is trash.
There is plenty of fodder around tho, he may flex FS on them.