Spoiler One Piece Chapter 980 Spoilers Discussion

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Kitetsu Wanker
This part is really ironic. What's your excuse about Zoro being trashed as well? That's the third opponent in which Zoro was unable to cover his body with hardening, I can play the same game, dude.
Katakuri himself confirmed that Luffy can see the same future like him. Are you really disregarding manga facts because it does not support your fanfiction about "plot elements"?
This is just another conjecture based on nothing.

I don't care what Zoro dodged before the TS, is this some dick measuring contest, or what? You are too much obsessed with Zoro vs Luffy, lmao. My initial point was that FSless Luffy dodged an explosion much bigger than this one without problems in which this entire scene does not make sense from begin with, you follow?
That's why Zoro did not cover his body in CoA against all of his opponents? Zoro's CoA is just a plot element after all. Imagine hating a character so much, you have to use a controversial feat, in which both Luffy and Zoro were used as hypetools, just to justify your baseless headcanon about Luffy's FS.

Don't worry fam, you simply have to swallow your L like I do. Luffy and Zoro were simply hypetools for Apoo and Apoo was a hypetool for Kidd. :kayneshrug:
My excuse? No excuses, it is a fact that Zoro doesnt have a FS to be step ahead of everyone but neither does Luffy, it seems. :suresure:
What would have changed if Zoro covered his body, lmao? If he saw the attack coming he would defend with swords not by coating his body, lmao. You can play some game but your game is useless and has 0 logic.

Katakuri himself said "less frequently" and since then, FS has only been used on fodder while decent opponents have been trashing Luffy left and right, no FS found and never will be on Katakuri's level, that is basically a fact which you dont want to accept just like you cant accept that 3-steps ahead isnt how FS works in the first place.

Yeah, you dont care because it makes pre-TS Zoro look better than post-TS Luffy and we all know Lulffy fans cant handle that.
Yes, I follow but you dont follow. He saw Caesar attacking before the explosion, he didnt see Apoo whose attacks cannot be noticed at least with the understanding so far. The FS however would clearly show him getting hit but no FS found, once again.
I already explained your 0 logic Zoro's CoA wild ideas. :myman: My "headcanon" about Luffy's FS is not headcanon, it is manga facts one after another but Muh FS too stronk. :milaugh: Apoo is hypetool for Zoro the fainter. :myman: Luffy is the only hypetool for Apoo.
So luffy cant see apoo's sudden attack with his FS?:choppawhat:
The other day back then, some dudes told me that FS could foresee literally moments seconds ahead. Still confused about FS:zorothink:
You can't keep FS active all the time, as we saw in Luffy fight on gear 4, haki is consumable, if you overused it you'll run out. I think is the same with observation haki, you can't keep him acctive 24/7.
the truth was always obvious, Zoro was just a bully flexing on small fries in the new world, the moment he faced half decent opponents he got exposed

to think his fans was actually hyping the fact he never got injured against fodders before Wano lol now he drown in his own blood every fight lol
Show some respect for Fujitora, man. No need to call him fodder like that :gonope:
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