Who will be the next SH?

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Yamato's decent character moments are overshadowed by her constant "I'm Kozuki Oden!" shtick that got old really fast. She almost never interacted with the crew, and when she did (during the festival) it was a literal repeat of Carrot arriving at whole cake or Bonney and Luffy looking around Egghead lab. Nothing special. By comparison Tama's interactions with the strawhats are much more unique and actually have emotional weight to them.

Yamato was a perfect candidate, until she decided to give up on her dreams... And that opposes SHP views on dreams...
Deciding to stay was actually a good character moment for her as Oden's biggest mistake was abandoning Wano to continue his adventure, but yamato fans refuse to admit this because they care more about their joining agenda than about her actual character.
Yamato's decent character moments are overshadowed by her constant "I'm Kozuki Oden!" shtick that got old really fast. She almost never interacted with the crew, and when she did (during the festival) it was a literal repeat of Carrot arriving at whole cake or Bonney and Luffy looking around Egghead lab. Nothing special. By comparison Tama's interactions with the strawhats are much more unique and actually have emotional weight to them.

Deciding to stay was actually a good character moment for her as Oden's biggest mistake was abandoning Wano to continue his adventure, but yamato fans refuse to admit this because they care more about their joining agenda than about her actual character.
I don’t understand why Yamato haters keep saying she kept enforcing "I’m kozuki oden" to me it was that much of a focus. But I guess you have to come up with a reason to hate. You could also say that Luffy keeps saying "I will become pirate king" and that’s annoying, but no one does say that. Strange how that works!? Yamato was and is a great candidate that also got invited by Luffy, last time that happened it was Jinbe and he joined. So Yamato will definitely join before the end of the series.
Boa is already part of the Kuja Pirates. I don’t know who would rule over Amazon Lily if she isn’t there to protect it, considering how powerful her DF is.

Pudding will probably go back with the Big Mom Pirates since they’re still her family.

Romance in One Piece seems more like an EoS sort of thing, with Oda setting it up gradually throughout the series so he can tie it all together in the end.
I don't have any remaining hope in her joining, but Hancock said her being there puts the country in danger at the exact moment Shakky shows up and is revealed to be the previous Kuja empress. Pretty obvious she'll replace Hancock.
Kuzan matters because the only character that arguably on his level is Yamato of new SH candidates, it's either that or someone needs to explain who Kuzan is fighting (Sanji or Zoro) or this is all just a wash and there's no more new SHs.