Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1082 Spoilers Discussion

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Formerly Seth


What's worse Frauda's hypocritical writing for Fujitora of wanting to be a goody goody guy while be servant to the Celstial Dragons and their oppressive regime


Frauda making Crocodile and Mihawk two smart and cunning individuals a part of Buggy's gags because... well it's funny apparently.
Equally dumb. I care about both Mihawk and Admirals so it's tough.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Mihawk/Swordfandom vs Navy/Wg fandom vs Shanks fandom vs Yonkou fandom vs Blackbeard fandom vs trolls having fun to trigger other people vs that one random fan who switch sides to bait all fandoms.

Oda didn't lie, that is really a battle royal...
Worstgen right now:
Meanwhile I'm just chilling waiting for my boy to have some cool fights and find a mystical sea.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Find a post of me saying Zoro wouldn't make it to the rooftop. I honestly didn't care.

Luffy beating Kaido and Zoro not killing him was always what we argued over and I was right.

I was always mocked by Zoro fans saying Zoro was done on the roof when Luffy told him to go down and for saying King vs Zoro would be Zoro's main fight.

I'm making the noise you should be making but won't because you don't want Zoro's EoS goal looking bad. Rather than defending this pile of shit you should be demanding more so Zoro looks better EoS.

Imagine if Mihawk beats no one of note by the time Zoro fights him

Ohhh look Zoro beat that one guy who once stalemated another swordsman who was YC3 at best.
You talking as if its done and mihawk isn't gonna get any showing. Which is the whole fucking point. Stop fake crying


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
—> Crosses into Paradise with two weak subordinates to take the most hax fruit of the verse.

—> successfully ambushed a 3b pirate and utterly defeats them with only a few weaker subordinates.

—> sends his men out to Egghead to pick up Vegapunk.


—> Too afraid to go ahead with Crocodile’s plan, “muh manpower”.

—> Visibly afraid of entering the race for the one piece.

This dude is allergic to screen time
I request you

Stop wanking Blackbeard
Yeah. Even when we are away from Straw Hats ( I refer to it as outside world chapters ) it feels like the world is in motion only because Straw Hats are sailing the seas.

Like what the fuck was Dragon doing for 20 years before Luffy punched a CD?

Iva: That man has yet to make his move


What fucking move IVA he just stands on a balcony frowning looking emo doing nothing.

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