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Ratchet potential scum
Muugen seems null to me
Destroya town
I think you were asked but I didn’t see it can you give reasoning please?
Muugen should be feared of me instead, he is in my PoE and meanwhile I can just use my vote on other slots, that is the strategy. I don't need to vote my PoE as it would create less content.
Reji boy there is no world where I am afraid of you. although I do find it odd I’m in your PoE to start given you’ve openly admitted it’s a personal call “OMGUS” I feel slightly better about your slot given you’re not giving in to actually placing a vote on me for no real reason here.
I know you'll hate this, but Muugen will never be MY problem in a game. If him and I are town, we almost always find each other. If he's wolf, he's usually never killing me and enough of the player base will go after him and take care of him for me; that's just about how ever game I've been in with him works. And even if I think he's a wolf in a game, I usually leave him alone so he doesn't kill me. But for the record, nothing has pinged me about him this game so far.

tho, I can understand why Ekko would easily go against me. I alted on OLF and I was scum, and I literally toyed the town there together with Ultra. And Ekko was a pocket target. So there might be recency bias involved. Tho I agree, the dynamic Ekko and Muugen is very questionable here.
there’s really not much to look into this early Kekko follows me when we have a mutual respect for the call, I enticed him by using weebs as the bargaining chip to vote you given we were both royally fucked by you. if Kekko and I have different views once he becomes active I’m sure we’ll butt heads but for now I think this angle is being looked into more than it needs to on kekkos part for the time being.

I will say the only time I spite votes a host (onii) he flipped scum so let’s hope you’re town this round rej.
Does anyone remember if mason=same alignment for Aries games? I mean if it's always the case. Whoever is mason person should ask that on their pm
It can be either alignment whoever masoned is probably someone trying to butter up ray tbh haha that’s like one of the few people I can see getting an instamason chat to be opened up with.

so whoever masoned I’d say please be wary of how much info you share to start off the game.

I assume they can share role pms in mason chat but still have separate role pms all together
kinda like the time I masoned you, this could also probably be like a phase situation where it’s spamable or X shots
Your posts so far have disappointed me as well.
I think he’s looked quite strong I like this champs X he’s actually came to play this round as well, his activity has been shown to be NAI given the last 4-5 games we’ve played he’s been low effort posting but he’ll pay attention and give more reads/thoughts as town overall
Why are you changing to Ekko so quickly when you were convinced Muugen was scum earlier?
he’s indeed scared of me is all.
Mainly opening with activity excuse and starting with vote on me because he says I am perma scum (he was also not first but second to vote me based on this). Which is interesting, because he was scum with me twice in a row (HP game of yours and Fuji's Bleach one). And then he lies (jokes?) about having an invest on me.

Seems like fake way to start contributing.
It wasn't ma activity excuse, I'm literally in fucking Champs and that's my main focus. I wanted to let everyone know that I may have divided attention in this game. However, I think my effort and focus on this game has been good despite that, so I'm not sure how I'm being sussed for an activity excuse when I'm clearly here and posting.

There's no way you actually believe that I was lying about having an invest in you. There's no way you saw me posting and thought I wasn't be facetious.
Starting with a joke is easy way to enter into a game.

I have seen you trolling as both alignments.

But if you convince me you are town I can work with you.

Any early reads?
Okay so you've seen me troll as both alignments yet you want to suss me and vote me for trolling this game? How have you decided, what you just admitted is NAI activity from, is worthy of a vote?
Okay then i will be happy to see your thoughts when you are caught up, not so many pages so far. @Destroya how i should regard you vote as joke when you ask other people to vote me?
I asked Ekko to vote you after you came in and started being so defensive. Also, I just want to see if Ekko would actually change his vote since he said he voted with Muugen simply because Muugen asked him. More of a reaction test for Ekko, but also a way to put a bit more pressure on you.
It wasn't ma activity excuse, I'm literally in fucking Champs and that's my main focus. I wanted to let everyone know that I may have divided attention in this game. However, I think my effort and focus on this game has been good despite that, so I'm not sure how I'm being sussed for an activity excuse when I'm clearly here and posting.

There's no way you actually believe that I was lying about having an invest in you. There's no way you saw me posting and thought I wasn't be facetious.
I forgot you are in Champs. Not that it clears you.

I knew it was a joke, I was wondering if it serves any purpose? I could not see any.

Yor activity is quite good, right now, though mostly focused on one person (me).
I asked Ekko to vote you after you came in and started being so defensive. Also, I just want to see if Ekko would actually change his vote since he said he voted with Muugen simply because Muugen asked him. More of a reaction test for Ekko, but also a way to put a bit more pressure on you.

What do you make of Ekko voting people Muugen and you ask him to while admitting he does not read the thread?
Okay so you've seen me troll as both alignments yet you want to suss me and vote me for trolling this game? How have you decided, what you just admitted is NAI activity from, is worthy of a vote?
The entrance overall looked bad to me from your side (actvitiy excuse + troll votes on me). Propably would look better if this was only one of these things alone.

Not that I need to be fully sure someone is scum to vote him on page 5.
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