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If YOU don't trust MY abilities in the writeups, why would I trust YOURS
Because I'm not asking you to trust my claim nor do I care about what YOU want to believe. I think your game has been wolf as shit and Melkor confirmed fake write ups exists, I can't deny that. However, if people want to come after me BECAUSE I have a check on me, my claim should at the very least negate that and then they have to judge my slot based on my play. For example, Saka is only coming after me because they think I'm Joker. I'm claiming Firefly and claiming an ability, so that SHOULD at least make Saka consider reevaluating my slot of they are town.
Final post:
I hate writing from phone so it is what it is
No one is actually reading the game, I dont have to repeat my points 10 times because you're too lazy to read, and im not that invested in the game at this point lol

All I'm gonna say is I invested Destroya as Joker.
Observe my previous reads and game solving then try to judge who's the bad guy here

Peace out
I do not have control. I'll paraphrase here but Aries said it basically auto destroys the next one or two actions that target town.
these are usually hostile abilities that are stopped, stopping tracking is weird tbh

If what Destroya says is true, then Dr Watson is a townie

Because I'm pretty sure that was my tracking action that got destroyed, and thats who I tried to track
that should be kinda obvious though
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