Character Discussion Why I no longer like Dracule Mihawk.

How do you feel about Mihawk?

  • Still like him the same if not more

    Votes: 37 41.1%
  • Started to like him less

    Votes: 11 12.2%
  • Don't like him anymore

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Has become irrelevant to me

    Votes: 8 8.9%
  • Never cared about him

    Votes: 34 37.8%

  • Total voters


It's a lie that Mihawk seeks challenges

So far in the manga, he has eierhe complained or backed down from tough fights/situations while flexing on weaklings only

Mihawk should have just be a solo bounty hunter who's hired by WG or pirates to hunt pirates
It would be cool that way
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Mihawk´s character, much like zoro, is fanservice for boys who like to see themselves as schizo stoics.

Just take a look at their fanbases in this forum and you will quickly realize what i´m talking about.


Lead them to paradise.
A lot of insecurity when it comes to Posthawk
Xione didn't mention powerlevel once in his post lol

All you see is 'you'll regret this' blah blah. Like yeah he's a top tier who'll have great feats like anyone else, but he's not the character his fans expect him to be. But yeah regardless of powerlevel his character was handled poorly.
Its the same reason I understand why people hate Kaido as a character, yeah he has great feats and is muh strong, but thats pretty much it. He's a very shallow character.
As I said Help croco with utopia will help him to keep a quiet life
And if he have to put fights for that he will do it wanting a peaceful life doesn't mean he won't have fights for that just he won't pick for people who he is not interested
You dont wish for a peaceful life then join a terrorist organisation that is actively hunting the law enforcement of that world. It just doesnt compute mate.
But the bullying puts me off a bit, I was under the impression Mihawk would be above caring about trivial things like how the ship looks and the aesthetics of the crew, but I think for the sake of the gag Oda made Mihawk look like he gives a shit about these things, and he's bullying Buggy for it. It's a bit overdone.
See this is why I’ve always said that Mihawk’s character is very poorly understood by the fandom. I’m not blaming Oda this time - the man has dropped hint after hint that Mihawk isn’t as above it all as he likes to think he is. Mihawk is one of the only characters to have achieved his dream, but it’s a hollow existence at its core and he knows it. Somewhere deep down, even Mihawk believes in romanticism, idealism and dreams. He just needed someone to bring it out of him.

Mihawk is absolutely not above bullying lowlife scum - Don Krieg can certainly tell us that. Oda has also drawn Mihawk annoyed at baby bears crawling on him, sticking one finger in his ear to avoid Perona’s yelling and acting awkward when she cried at his rare words of kindness.

I agree with this as well, out of all the characters in One Piece, Mihawk was the one guy I figured was the most sure of himself. Like he had accomplished what he wanted and was content. If Buggy is managing to light a fire under him, then he isn't who I thought he was. Which might be fine I guess, because we didn't know too much about him, but I might like him less because of it.
I just can’t understand this mentality. Mihawk finally has a chance to learn, grow and expand his horizons. He’s achieved what he wanted, but it hasn’t made him happy. He’s bored, cynical and has some very unhealthy views on experiencing defeat. Buggy is someone of his generation, someone whose experiences Mihawk can actually relate to. 1082 is giving Mihawk a chance to actually try for something, for the first time in many years, to get involved in the main plot after so many people complained that he doesn’t do anything. And people are still complaining.
Disclaimer/clarification: Generally I do not like making threads that are negative towards any character. In fact I don't think I've ever made a thread about disliking, trolling, slandering any character specifically. However, after the recent events that have been happening in One Piece since chapter 1050, I find myself writing this thread. Acknowledging that this is probably a sentiment not shared by the masses, but also filled with curiosity if there are others share such feelings toward this character now to. Now to me likeability of a character and writing of the character are two different things. So don't take this as me saying Mihawk is a trash written character, the thread is simply to express why I, after 1000+ chapters of having Dracule Mihawk in my top 10 fav characters don't even have him in the top 30.

For years now Dracule Mihawk has been a character I really liked, like we're talking top 10 fav character type shit. I've made giant posts about this dude and where he stands against the emperors and even the admirals. But holy buddha has his character just become non-intriguing and borderline irrelevant for me. Before I explain why no longer like him, I reckon it's probably best I explain why used to like him.

Why I used to like Dracule Mihawk:

When he first got introduced at Baratie, my god, mans had that swagger. His attitude towards Roronoa where he's talking like a superior dude who stands above all and nothing in the damn world is doing shit to him. Then even making a declaration for Zoro to grow strong enough one day to come fight him, and that until Zoro does that he'd wait there at the top. Which led to Zoro making his declarative statement, and Mihawk smirking like "ayeee there we go come at me one day, I can't wait".

Next time we see him he's talking to Shanks who at that point we know is Luffy's pirate idol. And just calls him a 1-armed has been, while exuding the same intimidating aura.

Then we come on to Marineford, I wasn't a huge fan of his presentation with Luffy and how all of that played out (though Luffy in general that arc was just a walking PIS causing terrorist) with Mihawk. However, I did like Vista-Mihawk clash, probably one of my fav moments regarding his since it involved another swordsman. Then there were the trash moments with Daz & Crocoboy, but all em didn't matter much to me. Since that Iceberg slash overshadowed all of those presentations by FAR. After this he leaves the war and marines are like "yo Mihawk where you going bruhh??" Brotha just said heh I done my agreement y'all continue this non-sense war.

From Marineford we then went to his mentoring Zoro. He takes in Zoro after Zoro greatly humbles himself. I really loved this "Goal turned teacher" role for Mihawk. So fucking badass man, homie legit said "im gone train the dude who's eventually gone come fight me." Then his castle and everything about his presentation going into the timeskip was absolutely amazing.

Then the last moment that had me insanely hyped about Mihawk. The Lonewolf about to do his own shit and excited to be chased, with 0 fucks given. LETS GO.

Essentially I just loved his lonewolf type of thing, it made him very unique and made the WSS title itself very unique to me. You had the entity separate from the admirals and the emperors doing his own thing when he wants and how he wants with no regard. I just insanely loved that idea man. But then...we come post-Wano and yea...

Why I no longer like Mihawk:

To get straight to the point, I just don't like his presentation and his character in the world of One Piece is no longer the same.

Now post-Wano he makes his appearance in the Cross Guild non-sense, where him and Crocodile are essentially bitching Buggy. We see his little flashback with Crocodile and how both agreed to form the organization. But he also said he just wanted to live a quieter life (something he had been doing pre-Cross Guild as a warlord). So I figured cool no problem, Oda just wants to use him as a hype tool to elevate two bums and create a gag faction, while Mihawk himself goes away and keeps up his lonewolf persona... Now despite the terrible writing that went into CG's creation, I didn't necessarily mind Mihawk's presentation that much, though still not happy about it.

What was really annoying about this though was Oda making it clear Crocodile was the one doing the actual leading, through "we follow crocodile" instead of "we follow them" or "we follow hawkeye and crocodile"

But chapter 1082 happened, and we are shown Dracule planning shit out with Crocodile for their plan to create a Utopia.

So his character went from:

-> Separate entity who was a top tier without crew or any group on his own unlike the Admirals & Emperors.
-> Lone wolf persona who just wants to chill out and wait for somebody stronger than Shanks to show up.
-> Just badass in general.

To being:

-> Renowned as an underling of 1 of the four emperors who's backed by major criminal organizations of the world.
-> Following Crocodile's lead and legitimately trying to help Crocodile achieve his goal of Utopia. Where he's now planning with Crocodile to figure out how to attain overwhelming strength.
-> He's not the character who's reached his goal and is just waiting for somebody to contend him, now he himself has a goal in creating a Utopian country that can resist any other power.

For me those are two different characters. They're not the same in their essence or atleast in their outward presentation. And I just found it interesting that after reading this chapter and thinking on it I came to the conclusion man... I really just don't give a fuck about Mihawk anymore. Ironically, the character who I've spent a vast portion of my time going against whether it be for the admirals, mihawk, or other characters... Shanks... I've actually started liking his character more now.

I've seen the threads about Mihawk and explaining his "development" or whatever it is, some of it is just based on misconstrued shit about Mihawk's character which I simply disagree with and the other shit is just subjective things that you might like and others might now. That is why I said at the start this has nothing to do with judging Mihawk's character writing... but simply why I personally don't like Mihawk anymore, but others might like Mihawk even more now.

So i'm very curious to know your guys' opinion on how y'all feel about Mihawk after Cross Guild, whether you started liking him more or have a similar opinion to mine, etc.
Mihawk and Oda's CG treatment is like drifting a new Benz s-class off-road.
It's true that Mihawk so far did not hold up to expectations. The question is though, were it just the expectations that were too high, jazzing Mihawk up to this ultra-stoic #1 or #2 in the verse that is just "bored" because no one can give him adequate competition, so when he actually shows some concern going up against powerful foes and ends up residing on an "empty bluffs" island and riding on a clowns-ship, the facade built up by the fandom crumbles.
Honestly the only reason to be disappointed would be if people actually believed mihawk vs Zoro would be an epilogue fight rather than one connected to Luffys story, which we all knew it inevitably would be.

Mihawk even in his introduction never looked like someone who was bored, he just wanted to live in peace.
Why did he attack krieg? Krieg disturbed his peace.
Why did he not fight shanks? There’s no point fighting him.
Why did he participate in Marineford and go to warlord meetings? Ignoring them may revoke his warlord title and he wouldn’t be able to live in peace in a WG dominated world.
Why did he join cross guild? With marines hunting warlords, he needed another powerful organization to be a deterrent to being attacked by marines.
Why go along with hunting marines and creating utopia? While the marines have the highest military power Mihawk can never truly live peacefully. As such creating utopia which is the ultimate military power in the world and stronger than the wg he can live in peace.

Mihawk is exactly as he always has been.
This is what bothers me too, him joining up with Crocodile is fine, we already know he doesn't want the marines after him that was why he chose to be a Warlord in the first place. I don't see much contradiction there.

But the bullying puts me off a bit, I was under the impression Mihawk would be above caring about trivial things like how the ship looks and the aesthetics of the crew, but I think for the sake of the gag Oda made Mihawk look like he gives a shit about these things, and he's bullying Buggy for it. It's a bit overdone.

I agree with this as well, out of all the characters in One Piece, Mihawk was the one guy I figured was the most sure of himself. Like he had accomplished what he wanted and was content. If Buggy is managing to light a fire under him, then he isn't who I thought he was. Which might be fine I guess, because we didn't know too much about him, but I might like him less because of it.
Mihawk is not above bullying people. I think yall just had a idea of Mihawk. Mihawk a psychopath he chased Don krieg cause he bored and seems to akready accomplish his goal in life.

Also ofcourse Mihawk is prideful and doesn't want to look like a clown. Bro go reread Mihawk Introducion. He has his own look of a boat. He was talking wild shit. Its just like people forgot Kuzan was a jokester in his introduction. So they thought the way he joked around was out of character.

Where did Buggy light anything
To being:

-> Renowned as an underling of 1 of the four emperors who's backed by major criminal organizations of the world.
-> Following Crocodile's lead and legitimately trying to help Crocodile achieve his goal of Utopia. Where he's now planning with Crocodile to figure out how to attain overwhelming strength.
-> He's not the character who's reached his goal and is just waiting for somebody to contend him, now he himself has a goal in creating a Utopian country that can resist any other power.

For me those are two different characters. They're not the same in their essence or atleast in their outward presentation. And I just found it interesting that after reading this chapter and thinking on it I came to the conclusion man... I really just don't give a fuck about Mihawk anymore. Ironically, the character who I've spent a vast portion of my time going against whether it be for the admirals, mihawk, or other characters... Shanks... I've actually started liking his character more now.

I've seen the threads about Mihawk and explaining his "development" or whatever it is, some of it is just based on misconstrued shit about Mihawk's character which I simply disagree with and the other shit is just subjective things that you might like and others might now. That is why I said at the start this has nothing to do with judging Mihawk's character writing... but simply why I personally don't like Mihawk anymore, but others might like Mihawk even more now.

So i'm very curious to know your guys' opinion on how y'all feel about Mihawk after Cross Guild, whether you started liking him more or have a similar opinion to mine, etc.
I think you have misunderstood many things.

- If they follow Croco, it's not because he's the leader, but because he has a crew and wants to increase it. Mihawk just like you said is a lone wolf. In fact, if anyone is the "leader", it would be Mihawk. He has the greatest reward, he would be the choice as Yonko if he were not with Buggy, something he does not want and that is why he spares his life and it is precisely Mihawk who decides to spare Buggy's life.
- As for Utopia, it is not something that has become Mihawk's dream, in fact it is presented as Croco's dream only. But ti end they are in an alliance, they have to collaborate and the more power, the less they will bother Mihawk. It is a win-win.

Mihawk for now is still the same character. The only thing that he has changed is that now we are given hints of what will be in the future. He has to be developed so as not to be a mere rival to Zoro.
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I think you have misunderstood many things.

- If they follow Croco, it's not because he's the leader, but because he has a crew and wants to increase it. Mihawk just like you said is a lone wolf. In fact, if anyone is the "leader", it would be Mihawk. He has the greatest reward, he would be the choice as Yonko if he were not with Buggy, something he does not want and that is why he spares his life and it is precisely Mihawk who decides to spare Buggy's life.
- As for Utopia, it is not something that has become Mihawk's dream, in fact it is presented as Croco's dream only. But ti end they are in an alliance, they have to collaborate and the more power, the less they will bother Mihawk. It is a win-win.

Mihawk for now is still the same character. The only thing that he has changed is that now we are given hints of what will be in the future. He has to be developed so as not to be a mere rival to Zoro.
He's basically willing to follow Crocodile's plans
And he will follow Buggy's plan

Mihawk is not above bullying people. I think yall just had a idea of Mihawk. Mihawk a psychopath he chased Don krieg cause he bored and seems to akready accomplish his goal in life.

Also ofcourse Mihawk is prideful and doesn't want to look like a clown. Bro go reread Mihawk Introducion. He has his own look of a boat. He was talking wild shit. Its just like people forgot Kuzan was a jokester in his introduction. So they thought the way he joked around was out of character.

Where did Buggy light anything
Buggy just gave a speech that will force both to battle for PK throne

Which means either They follow Buggy's wish or they refuse and get seen as frauds
In both cases, Buggy wins as a bigger Man!
I never cared much about Mihawk, to be honest. Before the timeskip he was the final plot point of Zoro so it made some sense that he wasn't show much. After he turned into Zoro's teacher my interest dropped to below zero. To be honest, I don't even believe that he will be Zoro's final opponent after that. He is the teacher that will be defeated to hype the actual final opponent of Zoro. Maybe they will have a friendly fight after the events in the manga that will be offscreened.

In terms of power he is not presented with the same level of gravitas than other top tiers in the series. He actually look like some loser that likes to bully the weak but ran away when a strong opponent appears. When is a shit opponent like Don Krieg and East Blue Zoro there's no excuse. When it's someone stronger? He always forget that he let something at home and dips out. It's similar to old and new admirals. The new admirals may be even stronger than the old ones but they are presented in a more pathetic way compared to the old guard (Aokiji makes Doffly looks like a bitch, Doffly makes fuji looks like a bitch. Kizaru is ready to fight BM and Kaido, Greenbull states that he would never face kaido).

With Mihawk is the same. Most of his feats seem somewhat ''lesser'' compared with other characters in the manga:

When Shanks met whitebeard for the first time, the story made it look like only top tiers could even stand close to him. Shanks may be weaker than WB but the story made him look like a contender, even spliting the skies. When Mihawk met WB it was not presented with the same gravitas. Mihawk acted like a challenger that was looking at someone stronger and the fact that his attack was interrupted made it look that he was not yet at that level. In other words, with Shanks was a meeting between equals, with Mihawk it was not the same.

In the end Mihawk was relegated to fight Vista, not WB. Later they postponed the fight but nothing indicates that they were not equivalent opponents. The same Vista later was unable to fight Akainu and had to get help of other commanders (and failed). Akainu was presented as a raid boss, someone that only the true top tiers could fight. When Shanks appear and stop the war, him and his crew are made to appear as those top tiers. This may be subtle but the portrayal of Shanks and Mihawk is like night and day.

When he was made into a teacher, he finally got a status similar to Rayleigh. Someone strong but that will never matter in the actual grand scheme of things. That was when I lost the hope that he would fight Zoro as his final opponent. Oda tried to give him some feats, like the black blade but it actually made him worse (if the black blade is such a big deal why he struglled so much? and so on).

So, I don't think that he is having a bad portrayal. It is actually consistent. It's just that the excuses of his fans are diminishing.
He's basically willing to follow Crocodile's plans
And he will follow Buggy's plan
Following a plan and making it your dream is not the same.

Mihawk and Crocodile are in an Alliance, both have to contribute and row to the same place. Mihawk's dream is to be the Best Swordsman and find a rival to surpass Shanks.

As long as they don't say otherwise, what you do in between is irrelevant.