Big Mom being after Uta is a stretch. She doesn't go after people with unique power. She goes after living beings with unique traits. Uta us just a human with DF. No big deal. Teach would make more sense.
Uta isn't just a DF user, she has a certain status in the movie in addition to being Shanks daughter. She's the most famous diva in the world and her influence is so huge that even the WG keeps an eye on her. I maintain what i said especially because Big Mom also has humans in her book.
But that's the lesser issue since they wanted Katakuri to be there for his popularity.
Yeah that's true i can't say anything about that.
Big Mom children going in that kind of mission doesn't make sense. Specially Brulee. That place almost had no mirrors for her power to work properly. That's it so true that she had to carry a mirror by herself. And Blueno doesn't have that restriction.
Here you seem to forget that the place where she appears is a scene. The fact that Brulée has her own mirror shows that they came as observers "just in case" like Katakuri would say. If there had been a mirror near of the scene, the coincidence would have been too big
Thanks you just agreed to me then. It doesn't make sense. They could have done a better plot like Big Mom was doing any other shit else. She was having a breakfast or snack. This shut would already make more sense. And then she just talk to her children by den den mushi giving them orders.
I hear what you're saying but the plot just didn't need her and no Big Mom doesn't give them orders after they leave, the den den mushi don't work in Utaworld it's shown with Helmeppo.
No. It doesn't show that. Brulee just happen to be the person Luffy kidnapped and later was there for Katakuri. He protects all his siblings equally.
I invite you to reread the end of WCI. There is no relationship between two members of the Charlotte family has been so sincerely as Katakuri and Brulée.
Because Zoro is always suspecting people. Whiskey Peak people also looked all nice that even Luffy believed. Zoro also suspect of X Drake that ended up helping alliance. That's who Zoro is.
You're comparing the incomparable. On Whiskey Peak, despite their status of pirate they are seen like heroes. Drake worked with Kaido just before it's normal that he doesn't believe him at first. This has nothing to do with Uta who is a childhood friend of Luffy's, hugs him when she sees him and helps the mugiwara get rid of the Charlotte. I'll say it again but Uta was unstable.
Moreover if we follow your logic because Zoro didn't unmask Kanjuro who was really playing a double game contrary to Uta, his personality wasn't respected was it ?
We never saw Shanks lying or hiding anything from anyone. He is always talking the truth and what he thinks similar to Luffy.
WHAT??? The guy can go to see the Gorosei in secret, steals the fucking Nika Nika no mi and passes it off as a so-called Gomu Gomu no mi a random fruit that according to Vegapunk, doesn't exist. Even if I don't believe it there are plenty of people who think that Shanks is a mastermind. If as you say he seemed so honest this theory would never have seen the light of day and wouldn't have so many supporters.
And Luffy obeys Shanks as much as Uta. Poor excuse.
We see it when Shanks says no to come into his crew that's right. Luffy is stubborn and doesn't listen when he wants something the Mt Colubo flashback shows this clearly.
No. It was a moment like Dad is here for you son after so many time. Is not his character.
Go look at the scene again, you're inventing something that doesn't exist. They tell each other where people will attack on their side nothing more.
Yeah but Luffy didn't had problem remembering Crocodile was a logia and needed water to be hit. And that's a villain not a childhood friend which Luffy makes sure to remember the name. Dude you see hopeless. Defending this kind of shit.
Well I can tell you Crocodile faced him just a few months or even weeks earlier. Uta was 12 years ago. Luffy doesn't have a good memory and has difficulty understanding anything that's a bit complex as is the case with the working of Uta's powers. Solidifying Crocodile's body to touch it is easy to understand.
+ Nah it's not hopeless many are in excess on some criticism.