Will Shiryu sneak kill Mihawk ?

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Kitetsu Wanker
You are creating imaginary laws to support your argument. It is nonsense to debate on that.

Brass Knuckles are not superior than a Knee/Elbow attack for example or even a kick.

Being used to get hit or not was never said to make someone tougher or not. Ace isn't used to get hit and still endured long enough against Teach. Teach is used to get hit but still got one-shotted by Magellan.

It was never stated that Katakuri had a weakness like that. Luffy can handle blunt damage but is always avoiding when he can.

Luffy was strong enough to defeat Doffy on his own. That's why he did it.

Yes Doflamingo tanked better hits than Katakuri and yes if Katakuri had Kaido's DF as you are proposing he would tank not only hundred but thousands of Luffy's punches.

Luffy's can punch weak or hard. Example is his last punch overcoming Kaido WSM. Garp's punches being weak is headcannon of yours. One punch of him made a huge explosion without having any kind of DF. Best non-DF non-Weapon feat we ever saw.
There are too many mistakes in your arguments and I am starting to think you are making them intentionally.
Or what are the chances that we disagree about everything lately? :milaugh:
CG warlords got their bounties when CG formed

Or else Brannew wouldn't hype CG as group first before mentioning warlords new bounties

Mihawk, Croco and Buggy didn't get their bounties for being solo or whatever
Old sick Whitebeard suffered far worse.
And actually performed better than Garp is doing rn.

Garp is directly beneath Kuzan at the moment so it doesn't matter.
It's about Garp's overall strength and portrayal.

Besides, he's just one guy now, I'm sure he will be worth as much as Whitebeard/Roger if he was the Captain of a Yonko Crew.
They are basically giving every Marine a bounty, imo this is how Oda wants us to view Marine Powerlevels.
He had to accomplish more than this imo or an Old Healthy Roger or WB is just overrated.
I love that they have enough resources for 3 bill, but 4 bill is too much.

The only thing I'd say in favour of the Admirals, it's CG bounties are rounded. So it's either 3 or 4.
The Math just doesn't add up. I don't get why Garp keeps getting a pass when even in this chapter he quite literally disappoints.

Garp is perceived as ~ Roger so we could literally put an Old Roger in this scenario, do you think it would fit his portrayal if he lies on the ground close to being defeated after fighting Kuzan + YC1 + three fodders?
That is no worthy PK level combatant for me.

I'm not slandering Garp but his showings don't add up with hype around him. He was always just ~ Sengoku, beating him in an Akainu vs Aokiji type of battle.
Garp got weaker.
He said this twice.
And even then he's still hanging with Kuzan (ex Admiral) a YC1, and some Commanders at once.
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