Is there any proof this is a mental illness? Do we just call anything that is out of the norm an illness?
Because being trans is not a freaking mental illness.
The fact that they have such a high suicide rate, high rates of depression, and that their behaviours deviate from normal human convention. Gender dysphoria was considered a mental illness. I argue it still should be. Why are we equating ILL to BAD?
I fell into the same ideation. I had trans thoughts since I was 5 years old. I was your archetypical trans person, and lo-and-behold, I realised it was a mistake when my depression and anxiety got better.
My anxiety wasn't caused by GD. My GD was caused by anxiety.
The reason I'm so adamant on this is because doctors push for more and more lenient checks on this which will sterilise people unnecessarily and mutilate them.