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A lot. Kaido going to different gauntlets, Luffy being able to rest and eat, Kaido carrying onigashima which fked up his stamina. I am not saying Luffy used some unfair techniques that‘s not what I meant with „unfair“, but Oda clearly had to give Kaido‘s some dumb handicaps otherwise Luffy wouldn‘t even be able to beat him in G5.
But at the end of the fight Luffy was in a worse shape. He had to learn Conquerors coating and a powerup. If he had those he could have beat Kaidou bu himself.
So we must hype kizaru for doing something that kaido did which was actually oneshot gear 4? Or resoundingly defeat gear 4 several times with luffy being knocked out? Kizaru not only failed to knock out gear 4 luffy but he also failed to force luffy to use g5 immediately which stupidly enough Lucci did
you don't need to hype, it's very normal for an admiral, they just really mad cuz as i said they thought luffy g4 is enough :gokulaugh:
Several rounds, Kaido wearing himself out raising the castle, Kaido fighting multiple characters...
The moment Luffy started to fight Kaido 1v1, Luffy was much more worn out than Kaido. Kaido never even showed moments of being "worn out" or out of breath.

And the fight was not won in an endurance but a shere skill and power level. Its not like they fought days and then Kaido dropped down due to lower endurance or shit.
Sabo has yet to prove that he can beat Katakuri while Akainu's inferior is out here fighting Snakeman Luffy equally who had Drunken Mode Kaido use FS.

How can Oda justify that Sabo became that strong. Dragon is the one.

Does this make sense? @comrade
As long as Oda wants, cause Luffy fights are ridiculous sometimes. Most can last 15-20 chapters while everyone else hasn't even started fights yet.

Key examples:

- Luffy vs. Lucci: Started after Franky and Chopper had their fights and the middle of Nami's in like Chapter 405, but before even Zoro and Sanji got their 1v1s. Then it lasted another 12 full chapters after lmao. Basically 23-25 chapters altogether

- Luffy vs. Doffy: technically starts in 759 while everyone is mostly matched up, but then basically gets pushed aside for a Flashback, 2 chapters with Bellamy, then everyone's 1v1's. Then it resumes properly at 780-790, with some stuff in the middle obviously. So a good 10-11 chapters of mostly fight content in that ~30 or so chapter span.

- Luffy vs. Kata: basically starts in 877 with virtually no breaks (except when Luffy runs for 2 chapters) until 895. So basically 18 chapters of fighting while other things happen.

- Luffy vs. Kaido: The most egregious example. Starts in 1000 with everyone, then becomes a 1v1 in 1010 and only lasts 2 chapters. Then he comes back in 1026 after everyone has their fights sans Sanji and Zoro.

From 1026-1042 (17 chapters), he's basically fighting Kaido until he loses due to CP0. Then 1044-1049 is the rest of the fight.

Essentially, post TS major enemies all take between ~20-25 chapters on average to lose once Luffy starts fighting "without" major interruptions (this is while everyone else is fighting). The exception is Kaido since its more like 50 chapters, but Luffy lost twice, and then resumed at different points.

Essentially I expect either:

- Luffy vs Kizaru to last ~20-25 chapters nonstop while others are fighting to in the middle
- Luffy vs. Kizaru to get interrupted for x amount of chapters and resume later, basically the same span of 20-25 chapters.

Tldr: Egghead probably has about 30 chapters left its like.....a staple with Luffy fights.
You do realise that Luffy can't use g4 and g5 that long right?
Luffy using them seriously here means oda wanna end the arc in 10 chapters max

The battle ending in 2-3 chapters unfortunately at this rate
Yeah, like I said: Luffy liked his hairs in G5 better, that's way he used it.
In fact, I have an exclusive dialogue for you:

Trust me bro, this will be published in a few hours lol.
Still waiting for the panel of Kizaru DEFEATING Luffy like you said, won't respond further until you show it.

If you wanna keep babling nonsense do it alone or show me Luffy getting knocked out and being defeated by Kizaru.
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