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Says the most popular guy on the site, Erkek
Yeah I am the most intelligent here unlike you clowns I debunk all the clowns asses by using logical arguments.

Clown says Luffy beat Kaido fair.

Why Luffy isn't WSC and strongest pirate then?

Is Zolo not going to be WGS after beating Mihawk?

Thats how I easily debunk lies troll.
As long as Oda wants, cause Luffy fights are ridiculous sometimes. Most can last 15-20 chapters while everyone else hasn't even started fights yet.

Key examples:

- Luffy vs. Lucci: Started after Franky and Chopper had their fights and the middle of Nami's in like Chapter 405, but before even Zoro and Sanji got their 1v1s. Then it lasted another 12 full chapters after lmao. Basically 23-25 chapters altogether

- Luffy vs. Doffy: technically starts in 759 while everyone is mostly matched up, but then basically gets pushed aside for a Flashback, 2 chapters with Bellamy, then everyone's 1v1's. Then it resumes properly at 780-790, with some stuff in the middle obviously. So a good 10-11 chapters of mostly fight content in that ~30 or so chapter span.

- Luffy vs. Kata: basically starts in 877 with virtually no breaks (except when Luffy runs for 2 chapters) until 895. So basically 18 chapters of fighting while other things happen.

- Luffy vs. Kaido: The most egregious example. Starts in 1000 with everyone, then becomes a 1v1 in 1010 and only lasts 2 chapters. Then he comes back in 1026 after everyone has their fights sans Sanji and Zoro.

From 1026-1042 (17 chapters), he's basically fighting Kaido until he loses due to CP0. Then 1044-1049 is the rest of the fight.

Essentially, post TS major enemies all take between ~20-25 chapters on average to lose once Luffy starts fighting "without" major interruptions (this is while everyone else is fighting). The exception is Kaido since its more like 50 chapters, but Luffy lost twice, and then resumed at different points.

Essentially I expect either:

- Luffy vs Kizaru to last ~20-25 chapters nonstop while others are fighting to in the middle
- Luffy vs. Kizaru to get interrupted for x amount of chapters and resume later, basically the same span of 20-25 chapters.

Tldr: Egghead probably has about 30 chapters left its like.....a staple with Luffy fights.
Luffy already used Gear 5. I dont think this fight will be 20~ chapters if there isnt a round 2 ile Kaidos. This clash is most likely end in few chapters before Saturn arrives.
The moment Luffy started to fight Kaido 1v1, Luffy was much more worn out than Kaido. Kaido never even showed moments of being "worn out" or out of breath.

And the fight was not won in an endurance but a shere skill and power level. Its not like they fought days and then Kaido dropped down due to lower endurance or shit.
Luffy had multiple rounds of rests and recovery and upgrades in between
Yeah, base Luffy usually gets the best looking choreography

Esteban: We really are the only people dumb enough to compare Akainu with Queen or even Katakuri. Lmao the world hates us because of one dude

Actu RYO: Was the same with Aramaki, we won and we will win again

Take the side of the Anglophones who ridicule your country if you want, you will lose with them

TheFable: I swear the Anglophone wankers are crazy
We will start the next hundred years war
Luffy still playing with Kizaru by going Gear 4th and not straight to Gear 5.

Luffy vs Kizaru is going to be lit.

If Admiraltards and Yankers could put their agenda aside for one moment they're about to witness an epic battle that'll show just how far our rubber boy has come


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
That is factually incorrect… Kaido literally out of his mouth says He is not underestimating Luffy WHILE LUFFY WAS IN BASE FORM

Kaido was serious against BASE FORM LUFFY… This was before Luffy went into G4 and before he even awakened G5
but he was lifting the island until g5. So I understnad serious kaido was in that point
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