Powers & Abilities AdCoC Lightning is Red, KoH Lightning is Black..

As you say, we can do it as many times as you want. But that won't change that the first known attack, which also allows Luffy to learn about the AdvCoC, is in chapter 1009. Not to mention that 1009 is one more defeat for Luffy, also very important moments. It also won't change the fact that every time Kaido's attacks aren't met by another attack, he hits his enemy.
Your mental gymnastic is not working..

AdCoC's power reveal is 1010 and that's what matters the most for AdCoC as a power in the narrative to be established.. In that very chapter there's commentary by Law that they are not touching which is a direct analogy comparison to how Oden reacted against Roger and Whitebeard..

Actually Chapter 1010 confirms that the attack in chapter 1009 was not touching either..

Hyou: You were captured… and now you're in the middle of an execution game…
You have been parrying your punches before striking, saying “It's not the same.” What the hell is that about...!?

Luffytarou: It's not that I want to stop them!! I want to throw a punch that hits without touching!!
Then I think I will be able to break Kaidou's tough scales...!!

Of course the AdvCoA is mentioned as not touching, not only is it mentioned, but it is shown on several occasions as a distinctive feature. On the other hand, the AdvCoC is only mentioned as no touch when there are two attacks. While the distinctive feature is the trails, a visual effect that we have never seen before... :sanmoji:
Luffy thinks CoA level 2 will help him against Kaido, but he didn't know that's CoA level 3 that does internal Damage..
CoA level 2 is defensive, not touching, CoA level 3 is offensive and making contact..

AdCoC is always no touch whether it's alone or with an opponent.. Nice try..
Your mental gymnastic is not working..

AdCoC's power reveal is 1010 and that's what matters the most for AdCoC as a power in the narrative to be established.. In that very chapter there's commentary by Law that they are not touching which is a direct analogy comparison to how Oden reacted against Roger and Whitebeard..

Actually Chapter 1010 confirms that the attack in chapter 1009 was not touching either.
You know what? You are right, chapter 1010 is more important because it is when they explain AdvCoC to us.

When is the AdvCoA explained to us? In chapter 993. We know that Hyogoro, Luffy and Scabbards have AdvCoA. Show me some image of Hyo, Luffy and the Scabbards with the same contrails as Zoro between chapter 993 - 1010.

Luffy thinks CoA level 2 will help him against Kaido, but he didn't know that's CoA level 3 that does internal Damage..
CoA level 2 is defensive, not touching, CoA level 3 is offensive and making contact..

Are you telling me that Luffy blew up a tree with a defense?

AdCoC is always no touch whether it's alone or with an opponent.. Nice try..

The AdvCoC always does not hit, except when it does :funky:

By the way, you forgot to answer this part of the message. :beckmoji:

- Show me a panel or some SBS where it is referenced that Sandai or Wado have these powers. They are Zoro's attacks, it has nothing to do with his swords and there is not the slightest clue to it. And I know that he has been with them for +1000 and almost 900 chapters respectively. Specifically, the Iai is a drawing technique, as you say, it has nothing to do with the sword and, coincidentally, Zoro always appears behind his enemy after said attack.
-Additionally, if it could be transported:

  1. Why didn't Zoro teleport back to the Island but instead use the knockback of an attack? Why didn't Zoro teleport to attack Kaido and ask Law for help? Why didn't Zoro teleport to the roof and do I need Marco's help? Why didn't Zoro teleport to defeat Pica that I need Orlumbus's help?...:choppawhat:
  2. If the Dragon Dammation is a flying attack... Why did Zoro teleport away from the Island? Is Zoro stupid or are you?
Let's see, I know it's difficult for you. But forget about Zoro a little and think things twice. Every time you flee forward, you only become more and more obvious, inventing powers, relying on non-original matter, making ridiculous drawings...

That image is complicated as hell. Think that Zoro is falling, King is more or less static and the Dragon is rising. There is only one specific point at which they would be aligned and Oda cannot use it because only Zoro would be seen, which is the first element.

Let's see, Zoro starts in front of the Dragon because we see the face and ends after King.

-If it's a flying attack, Zoro shouldn't have moved.
-If Zoro has moved, he doesn't know how to fly, so he can only fly in a straight line, like Black Lightning.
When is the AdvCoA explained to us? In chapter 993. We know that Hyogoro, Luffy and Scabbards have AdvCoA. Show me some image of Hyo, Luffy and the Scabbards with the same contrails as Zoro between chapter 993 - 1010.
Zoro's new level of CoA Haki Swordsmanship has not been explained yet.. No Samurai wielded or were shown to wield a Great Grade Blade.. Kouzaburo did say that Special Sword have powers but that part was mistranslated.. He said that Dangerous Blades(cursed Blades) are not Cursed, that's what Meitos are.. All Meitos are dangerous Blades with powers, some more dangerous than others..

Are you telling me that Luffy blew up a tree with a defense?
He was on offense staying purposely in range of the three for training..
You can see the difference between no touching AdCoA and touching AdCoA with the palm or the fist closed..


The AdvCoC always does not hit, except when it does :funky:
Always assume it's not touching even if it's not Drawn.. Refer to what Law and Oden said..
Look Oda is trying to keep the no touching with White Star gun, instead of a hand inprint it's a bubble.. AdCoC no touch is really a crucial factor..
Zoro's new level of CoA Haki Swordsmanship has not been explained yet.. No Samurai wielded or were shown to wield a Great Grade Blade.. Kouzaburo did say that Special Sword have powers but that part was mistranslated.. He said that Dangerous Blades(cursed Blades) are not Cursed, that's what Meitos are.. All Meitos are dangerous Blades with powers, some more dangerous than others.
Are you telling me that Zoro has a level of CoA that not even Luffy has? You're crying because Zoro skipped a CoC level and suddenly you're giving him an unknown CoA power that skips 2-3 levels.

Furthermore, Kozaboro said that cursed swords do not exist, at no time did he say that meito swords had any power. Such things have never been hinted at after +1000 chapters, there is not the slightest reference and we have seen a good number of meitos.

It also doesn't make any sense that the Scabbards, being one of the greatest symbols of Wano, the country where the Meito were born, don't have a Meito... Especially Kinemon, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, Kiku and Ashura.

How far are you willing to go?

He was on offense staying purposely in range of the three for training..
You can see the difference between no touching AdCoA and touching AdCoA with the palm or the fist closed..

So Hyogoro broke Alpacaman's face defending himself?

I only know that in those images you posted, there is no trace of Zoro's contrails.

Always assume it's not touching even if it's not Drawn.. Refer to what Law and Oden said..
Look Oda is trying to keep the no touching with White Star gun, instead of a hand inprint it's a bubble.. AdCoC no touch is really a crucial factor..
This explains everything. So now we have to invent the manga to fit your opinion?

Unlike you, I don't make up the manga and I take into account what Oden and Law said. When two attacks collide with AdvCoC, they will not touch each other. If there is only one attack with AdvCoC, it will hit your enemy. That's what the manga shows.

But of course, if you prefer to invent it... It is impossible to change your mind, if you think you are above Oda.

By the way, you forgot to answer this part of the message. Again :beckmoji:

- Show me a panel or some SBS where it is referenced that Sandai or Wado have these powers. They are Zoro's attacks, it has nothing to do with his swords and there is not the slightest clue to it. And I know that he has been with them for +1000 and almost 900 chapters respectively. Specifically, the Iai is a drawing technique, as you say, it has nothing to do with the sword and, coincidentally, Zoro always appears behind his enemy after said attack.
-Additionally, if it could be transported:

  1. Why didn't Zoro teleport back to the Island but instead use the knockback of an attack? Why didn't Zoro teleport to attack Kaido and ask Law for help? Why didn't Zoro teleport to the roof and do I need Marco's help? Why didn't Zoro teleport to defeat Pica that I need Orlumbus's help?...:choppawhat:
  2. If the Dragon Dammation is a flying attack... Why did Zoro teleport away from the Island? Is Zoro stupid or are you?
Let's see, I know it's difficult for you. But forget about Zoro a little and think things twice. Every time you flee forward, you only become more and more obvious, inventing powers, relying on non-original matter, making ridiculous drawings...

That image is complicated as hell. Think that Zoro is falling, King is more or less static and the Dragon is rising. There is only one specific point at which they would be aligned and Oda cannot use it because only Zoro would be seen, which is the first element.

Let's see, Zoro starts in front of the Dragon because we see the face and ends after King.

-If it's a flying attack, Zoro shouldn't have moved.
-If Zoro has moved, he doesn't know how to fly, so he can only fly in a straight line, like Black Lightning.

Although well, seeing that you are willing to invent CoA powers, sword powers and the manga itself, I suppose it is useless to continue debating anything.

Are you telling me that Zoro has a level of CoA that not even Luffy has? You're crying because Zoro skipped a CoC level and suddenly you're giving him an unknown CoA power that skips 2-3 levels.

Furthermore, Kozaboro said that cursed swords do not exist, at no time did he say that meito swords had any power. Such things have never been hinted at after +1000 chapters, there is not the slightest reference and we have seen a good number of meitos.

It also doesn't make any sense that the Scabbards, being one of the greatest symbols of Wano, the country where the Meito were born, don't have a Meito... Especially Kinemon, Kawamatsu, Denjiro, Kiku and Ashura.
CoA is Swordsmanship's peak and Zoro's specialty.. Yes, the Great Grade Blade level are bringing a whole new level of CoA with base CoC to master them..

No that's a wrong translation.. Kouzaburo said that Dangerous Swords named '' Cursed Blades '' are simply Meito Swords..

I'm not saying that Scabbards don't have Meitos, i'm saying that none of them have Great Grade Blades and above..

So Hyogoro broke Alpacaman's face defending himself?

I only know that in those images you posted, there is no trace of Zoro's contrails.
Hyogoro used a defensive technique offensively, it's still a defensive ability just like Hardened fist use for battle..
The point is you can't flow Haki inside your opponent with CoA level 2 since it's defensive in nature..

It's a new level of Swordsmanship CoA only attainable with CoC and Great Grade Blades.. So yes not a lot of Swordsman have this ability, so it has not been delved into yet..

By the way, you forgot to answer this part of the message. Again :beckmoji:
I'm staying focused on one or two of your bullcrap at a time..
This is your Headcanon , why are we even arguing over it.
It's not, it's common sense.. Swordsmanship is everything by the blade.. Black Blades which are the peak are eternally clad in Black CoA..
Or are we fooling ourselves into thinking that Black Blades are not mostly CoA?..


It's not, it's common sense.. Swordsmanship is everything by the blade.. Black Blades which are the peak are eternally clad in Black CoA..
Or are we fooling ourselves into thinking that Black Blades are not mostly CoA?..
What does CoC coating make blades? Pink?
Why bother when they simply wanted to do sky split.
CoA has no point here when AdCoC is not touching power according to you.
It comes back to the Battleship Bag training..

It's hard to remove Haki when you punch with all your might.. Same thing with AdCoC, you're going to naturally Harden your blade with CoA..


It makes sense.. When you're a Haki user and you put your 100% into an attack, it's hard to not use Haki or partially.. CoA and Strenght are closely related, that's why Oda made the 6 powers Haki recently..

Why is sword not coated in CoA then Rootie chan.
According to you he's using KoH and that's simply a blast of haki , means Zoro trying his best. Why no black blade.