Character Discussion "Zoro beat Mihawk during the Timeskip."

Garp the Fist

It was an atrocious take 10 odd years ago when it was first mooted. One that has only gotten worse with time, which is impressive considering how bottom level the theory was back then.

Weird thing is that these guys are, genuinely, Zoro fans. They aren’t playing some odd game, they are Zoro fans who believe this would be good. This is the second worse disservice to the character I can possible think of, with the only one worse being that Zoro never becomes WSS.

The man also seems to have totally ignored that one of the main purposes of Cross Guild is to bring Zoro vs Mihawk back fully into action.
There is something in « Zoro vs Mihawk » that is unsettling.
Something truly visceral that stop people with normal functioning brain to actually think straight.
Something so out of the norm that people will not stop at any length for it to not happen.
As if a primal part of their being, a primeval section of their soul, knows deep down and with an unyielding certitude that the world, as we know it, cannot sustained the consequences of this fight happening.

This should be studied with the utmost seriousness, the mental health of the one piece community depends on it.
Since when does Naruto offscreen important events?

people really misremember what went wrong with Naruto and randomly conflate anything bad to “being like Naruto”… No… Naruto didn’t even end badly… It ended somewhat subpar but not outright badly… The Naruto vs Sasuke plotline is the by far much better written than anything Oda has written in the last decade or so

if Oda offscreens Zoro vs Mihawk, one piece will be WORSE than Naruto not “just as bad”
It's when Naruto achieved his dream of hokage. It happened during ts when Gaara becomes raikage.
Or its revealed there is a true WSS. Think about it.
Well the obvious problem that results from that is… How do you prove that this other guy is the “True” WSS? I mean we the readers know Mihawk is the WSS because the Narrator tells us he is

if it’s revealed the narrator is lying then how will we be able to confirm that this “True” WSS is that?

in fact EoS how will we even be able to prove That Zoro has become WSS after beating them? I mean what if they are also a lie.

if we are dealing with fake titles then we automatically have the problem of proving what the real titles are
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Weird thing is that these guys are, genuinely, Zoro fans.
@Garp the Fist
I can sympathize.

”Zoro vs Mihawk” is the probably the only MAJOR plot point left in the entire story that has nothing to do with the main plot.

And there’s this dissonance between how much the Fans cares about it versus how much Oda seemingly does.

I legitimately think that in the back of most OP fans, and especially Zoro fans, they truly believe that Oda is not going to deliver on this plot point. It’s just festering in their minds anytime they even try to think about this. They are thinking:

What if Oda just 3 chapters this entire encounter. They meet. They clash. Zoro wins.

what if Zoro doesn’t even get a character arc in this too? I mean he didn’t get one in Wano the island he descended from.

What if the choreography of the fight is ass? That’s par for the course for Oda sword fights.

what if Mihawk is weaker than we thought? So then who even cares about Zoro accomplishing a lame goal.

what if mihawk is stronger than we thought? This doesn’t make sense for Zoro to do something this impressive.

what if Mihawk doesn’t get a flashback, and what if it’s ass?

when does it even make sense for this to occur without disrupting the sacred MAIN PLOT? This is literally just a side detour that has nothing to do with anything.

a new one is: What if Oda forces Mihawk to also be a Nika worshipper in order to somehow make this encounter still about Luffy and supposedly make it relevant to the main plot?

There’s a reason Oda can have 10 main characters with 10 dreams (11 dreams if you count Luffy’s secret Dream) and yet Zoro is THE ONLY ONE who people actively argue about whether he’ll accomplish his dream, or whether his dream even matters, or maybe his dream was fraudulent the entire time, or maybe Zoro changed his dream offscreen to just wanting to be a good Right hand man(even though Luffy has never called him that) or maybe Zoro already accomplished his dream offscreen and there’s better writing for him up ahead that’s not shackled by this plot point that people no longer have faith in.

I blame Oda. It’s entirely his fault that so much doubt in the quality of his writing has infected the fans so much that they are actively hoping he just cuts the entire thing off than subject them to a poorly written storyline that they have been anticipating for decades.
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and these kind of people are working on one piece anime and opla... not only that but if you dare to disagree with the greg guy he fucking blocks you AND to any one who likes,retweets,etc that tweet LMAOOO

these mfs think that Zoro, one of the most important character, member of romance dawn trio said to be the triggers of the op by oda, first mate of straw hat pirates, etc achieved his dream fucking off panel :risitavirus:

shit so bad even the most anti zoro/ mihawk guys were disagreeing

ofc they have no agenda they are just in for:

because zoro achieving his dream off panel is very amazing plot :mihanha:
He prob didn't read the manga he wouldn't last here for 1 day with that kind of attitude
"It's so unexpected...its the best thing oda can do hurr durr."

These Oda cult fanatics, will say the stupidest of things, regardless of its contradiction to the source material, as long as its different and unexpected.

Wanted to be so different, they've joined the stupid bookclub. They'll say they're trolling though just watch :whitepress: