You don't see the problem with those two behaviors ?

sitting with your legs spread hurts nobody

explaining things to a women is fine vice versa happens all the time

women explaining shit to dudes or just dudes explaining stuff to other men

if that's ok then why is a man explaining something to women bad. why is it only ok for certain genders to explain and not others

sounds like sexism
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That's not what objectification means.

''the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object''

that's how google defines it

if a woman degrades a man to the level of a object ie a atm or a tool for money then that's objectively objectification
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sitting with your legs spread hurts nobody

explaining things to a women is fine vice versa happens all the time

women explaining shit to dudes or just dudes explaining stuff to other men

if that's ok then why is a man explaining something to women bad. why is it only ok for certain genders to explain and not others

sounds like sexism
Hurting ? No. Everything is not always about hurting someone.

- Spreading your legs without reasons is making you own the place and in the majority of cases, it makes women take less spaces in consequences. This is just another burden you put on them. Of course it doesn't hurt them per say, but adding that to 1000 things you are doing a day can create an leveled unbalanced situation.

- No, women don't go explaining stuff to men all day long, in reality its the opposite that happens. Men explaining things for women is a constant and a mental load added to thousands of other mental load we put on women. Its not "ok", its sexist and disrespectful, don't do that.

The reason is not okay is a question of power, men don't need their voice to be more heard, women do. Again, you are creating a fallacious equivalence. But as you seems to be a little slow to understand this let me make you a metaphor.

Let's say that two men (Bob and Johnny) have apples in their hands, Johnny has 10 apples and Bob only has 5. They stand in front of a machine that distribute an apple per second. The goal he is to create equality, its for both Johnny and Bob to have 11 apple at the end. How can they do that?

The only way to do that is for Johnny to let Bob has the 6 next apples and to take the last one.

This is how you create equality, you can only do it through EQUITY.

Women are in the Bob situation, they have less rights than men, are less represented, have more gender based related violences against them and are basically under the oppression of men also called patriarchy. The ONLY way to create equality is NOT to give the same to both men and women, its to give (at least temporarily MORE to women (more representations/more regards in term of priorities etc.) and give LESS to men. (deprioritize men as a gender - (I'm speaking about priviledge here, not salaries or basic rights)-). Only that way you can create equality. I proved to you with more than 15 scientific sources that women are SYSTEMatically under a form of oppression, now its your turn to understand and accept their situation and to fight against patriarchy.

Refuse to do that and you are complicit in their oppression.

''the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object''

that's how google defines it

if a woman degrades a man to the level of a object ie a atm or a tool for money then that's objectively objectification
I wasn't talking about that specific example, just your previous sentence.


Cope Doctor
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
get that commie song outta here
but adding that to 1000 things you are doing a day can create an leveled unbalanced situation.

yea cause women have it so rough that their biggest concerns on men sitting weirdly

such a rough life

omg man you so right black slaves with their complete lack of freedom had it as rough these middle class white women

so much so that it's not evidendary true but rather only argued by left wing potitical pundits who are known to lie

women have it much easier then men and arent opressed in anyway whatsoever

every tendet of your belief is just that a belief

this opression stuff is all in your head, it's delusion

omen are in the Bob situation, they have less rights than men

women have more rights


afffrimtive action and so on

there's litterally quotas to get women hired

this idea that the world exists to harm and opress women is all in your head

if there's a opressed class, it's men

and if there's a opressor it's women if anything

litterally can put a man in jail over just accusing him of something if that superior social standing im not sure what is


Heavy Metal
yea cause women have it so rough that their biggest concerns on men sitting weirdly

such a rough life

omg man you so right black slaves with their complete lack of freedom had it as rough these middle class white women

so much so that it's not evidendary true but rather only argued by left wing potitical pundits who are known to lie

women have it much easier then men and arent opressed in anyway whatsoever

every tendet of your belief is just that a belief

this opression stuff is all in your head, it's delusion

women have more rights


afffrimtive action and so on

there's litterally quotas to get women hired

this idea that the world exists to harm and opress women is all in your head

if there's a opressed class, it's men

and if there's a opressor it's women if anything

litterally can put a man in jail over just accusing him of something if that superior social standing im not sure what is
Okay incel. Thats straight up nonsense.


Heavy Metal
Not necessarily. I don't agree with everything he's said but there's always some amount of truth to some of these things, if you can't see it you are willfully blind or ignorant. Sometimes there's case by case element to it too. It's not black and white though.
Sorry, but if someone tells me 90% things which are straight up bullshit and completely nonsense, i am not willing to discuss the other 10% and ignore the rest, just because there is "some amount of truth to some of these things".

Like, if i tell you reptiloids are truly rule over all of us, i declare you the whole theory and in some part i mention politicians dont act to the will of people, you wont discuss with me the whole theory, just because i may be right about some politicians in general.
even such women want providers

often talking about six figures as a thing they want in a man

they see us men as walking dollar signs, walking bank accounts

complete objectivcation and leftist say that's bad right

or does objectivcation only mean bad when it's guys only caring about girls as a means to get laid and as sexual pleasure

when women use men as tools, femminsts dont care but men do the same and it's the end of the world

how dare you want a woman for a sex object, you toxic pig meanwhilie same person literally wants a man as a atm
Spoiler alert: both are bad, its not mutually exclusive.

And in both cases just need to find a Partner who isnt like that
Sorry, but if someone tells me 90% things which are straight up bullshit and completely nonsense, i am not willing to discuss the other 10% and ignore the rest, just because there is "some amount of truth to some of these things".

Like, if i tell you reptiloids are truly rule over all of us, i declare you the whole theory and in some part i mention politicians dont act to the will of people, you wont discuss with me the whole theory, just because i may be right about some politicians in general.
No that's just running from ugly truths.
look at snapchat and instagram

or literally any site with tons of women

everyone be asking for money money money

gold diggers
Bruh no one is saying there arent gold diggers.

But you generalize women and thats highkey retarded
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How many women have you actually talked to?
He is probably watching too much fresh and fit or whatever podcast or the likes
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women existed before money did
And we stopped evolving when money came around?
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omg man you so right black slaves with their complete lack of freedom had it as rough these middle class white women
Why are you comparing women's oppression under patriarchy and the slavery of black peoples ? Are you for real here ?? Noone is doing that comparison because those two struggles are different, so why are you doing it ?

yea cause women have it so rough that their biggest concerns on men sitting weirdly
Its only YOUR biggest concern.

Not women's one.

This is far from a priority for feminists. But some wants men to be aware of the mental load they put on women, so its still relevant to talk about it in those context.

But again, only YOU is making a big deal out of this. This is a classical far right tactics, to make a big deal out of a little comment about men's behaviors to delegitimize FALLACIOUSLY the entire fight against the oppression that they (and you in that case) are legitimizing.

women have it much easier then men and arent opressed in anyway whatsoever
this opression stuff is all in your head, it's delusion
women have more rights


afffrimtive action and so on

there's litterally quotas to get women hired

this idea that the world exists to harm and opress women is all in your head

if there's a opressed class, it's men

and if there's a opressor it's women if anything

litterally can put a man in jail over just accusing him of something if that superior social standing im not sure what is
Volontary ignorance at its finest, and I finally came to the conclusion that at this point, I can't do anything for you.

I'm not your teacher and I'm not your parents so I can't make you understand and learn about something you REFUSE to learn about.

I gave you SCIENTIFIC evidences and data explaining CLEARLY why there was a real issue and yet, you keep speaking about the oppression of men that is literally non existence on earth.

> You are a science denier
> You are (VOLONTARALY) ignorant about reality and you refuse to learn more about it
> You have everything of a far right incel

In other words. You are dangerous

I can't do anything against your toxic ideas and discourse now. Only the moderation has this power and you are lucky, they won't take my report into considerations.

So I will do things differently. I'll write a post that will explain clearly:

- How you manipulate reality and other's argumentations fallaciously
- How you refuse to aknowledge scientific researches
- How you are spreading lies about leftism / feminism and progressism
- How you are just repeating the far right rethoric you hear on social media
- How you are basically an incel and why you are dangerous for women

And I will post a link toward this text under each one of your problematic posts (and tagging people of the convo) to create a context and a proof for new potential sensible people or even women, that your takes are not accepted here and that there is a voice of contradiction, but its simply impossible to make you even read properly what other's are writing so the best reply is just to give a heads up to others on your toxicity and sexism and don't reply to you.

That way, the more you will write, the more people will have occasions to see just how much of an incel you are.

I don't give a F about you anymore. And trust me, I really thought that you had potential here. But I'm done with you, and with me, you just lost your last ally in your invisible war against factual ignorance.

It's now only up to you.
guys get worried when walking on the streets too

like scared of getting jumped or robbed so literally no different to what your saying here

yea ex bf was mean to them so all men are bad

just bitter no different to what some men do

men didt make a movement out of crying over their exes tho so just far less petty
This isn't a system,its the way of nature since forever.
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Speak to an actual women.

Really, go speak to a real woman.

Gadly, not everyone is like you, so don't worry, women will have plenty of good choice.

Simply because patriarchy impose this on them. That's not "a tradition"

I think you are not at your place for saying what women should or should not do dear sexist.

Those are exceptions.

That's not what objectification means.

1. All the claim here are wrong.
2. That's evopsy or evolutionnistic psychology (it consist in attributing societal behaviors and situations - most of the time situation that defavors women - on biology) and that's (90% of the time) a pseudoscience.

No, women are not wired biologically to seek physical and financiat security. That's a common sexist myth that a lot of evopsy defender have created.

Furthermore, not all "weak" (what does this means ????) and poor men are ending up alone. In fact a lot of poor men are married. And you are missing the sociological data behind it is that with less money comes less attractivity and that's not just for men. In fact women suffer the same fate. The reason is not biology, the reason is societal and linked to ours biases toward wealth.

Also wrong. And you are perpetuating a patriarcal myth that men are strong and can therefore fight for themself (you see @Bob74h , if you REALLY want to help men, its not the left or feminists you need to aim at, but sexist and patriarcal discourse like this one of the far right/Nameless, because its THEM who perpetuate those toxic myths about men)

In fact we are. Men are just raised not to be like women.

Evopsy again. That's completely wrong on a scientific basis.

Blame patriarchy for that. Don't blame feminists or their ally

The reason why there is very few women here is because this environment does everything to reject them, that's not because they are less social or they love less One Piece

The reason is education, not biology.

Feminist women have reasons to hate mate. When you will need to look over your shoulder 2 times per minute when you are walking up alone in the streets, you will have a say on this matter, but right now, its not the case.

Careful when you talk about science if you don't wanna be seen as ignorant on the subject.

Women DID hunt during "cavemen" days, so much that their body structure was completely different from the one you know today.

Yes, those societies were in a way, more equal toward women.

The reason why women are the way they are now is social. The development of sedenterity and agriculture (the birth of neolithic) created the premisses of our economy and the uneven development of ressources and laborforces. Where a unhappy woman could just walk away and survive or find another group during the mesolithic or other prehistoric periods before that, the development of material wealth and therefore the need to defends crops and lands masses destroyed that possibility, so women were forced into a passive position of mother under the influence of their partner.

This was the premisses of capitalism but also the birth of patriarchy as we know it.
gtfo,stop quoting my shit,weirdo.
if that was true then men wouldt be homeless

wouldt be living with their parents more on average then before

wouldt be on welfare

the reality we exist in just cant be real if men provide for themselves without issue

you yourself even said poor and weak men struggle

literally have a whole thread hating on the tradcon ideals and literally spent 50 minutes fighting with nameless over this subject

tradcons wanna impose harmful standards on men such as forbidding and shunning emotions but same is true for femminists

they wanna go after men if they sit with their legs open or explain things, called manspreading and mansplaining

both groups dont care about men as a whole despite being 50 percent of the popluation
we are not fighting shit here.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Sung by a multi millionaire who abandoned his children and beat his wife.
that's a entirely consenual encounter, pay me or you literally have no option to spread your genes.
Sung by a multi millionaire who abandoned his children and beat his wife.
Man I wanted to say this:lusalty:

in more traditional cultures, that responsibility doesn’t usually fall on just one person.
Who wants to have kid and not see them?lol
Barbarian hordes I guess
majourity of people are now trans
Yet you’re the idiot that generalizes and calls all women parasites.
Bob is proving my theory that incels hate women because they have abusive mother figures in their lives