[FNZ] Role Madness Round 11: Covid - 19

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Holy Simp
We stopped catching up at page 48.

In our absence more votes are gathered just because 2 scummy players call out this votes. Get lost town seriously.

We are a doctor. Keep this in front of your face when you see the flip.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
You do realize that it being out of norm is the point right? Scum isn't always going to play by conventional tactics. You need to understand that. Scum will be ballsy. Rej is ballsy. The scum perspective that I showed you is literally succeeding right now. You're proving my point.

What do you mean you don't buy it? There is no jester. That's not an "unlikely" that's a certainty. If there was a jester in this game, it would have said so in the signups. Did you see any mention of this being a jester or bastard game? No. We do not have jesters. Before you bring up ToL and ToS, those two are different from normal mafia.

I've already voted for him.

A good number of ppl did not believe that you and him were buddies lol. I'm pretty sure if I was the only one. Others stated that you were suspect but I was the one who associated as buddies and I have now changed that thought. If there were more, can you tell me what happened to them? Do you see anybody else still saying you both are buddies? Hell, do you see anybody else from Noctis and I who keep saying that Rej is scum. I quite frankly don't. From the looks of it, Rej has won y'all over.
Hi, Drago! Got ten pages left, but I voted Rej a while ago and have also been put off by his behavior all game.
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