Kingdom General Tier list

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Gyou'un also said that he failed to kill a single member of 6GG despite dedicating his life to do it. And this is suposed to be this so called "prime" Gyou'un.
Which is why comparing even prime Gyou’Un to the Qin 6 is wrong. Lol

But it’s undeniable Shukai Gyou’Un < prime Gyou’Un to one degree or another.
Prime Gyou’Un would've taken the final Qin 6 seat that Sei left vacant.
And then you wake up
But who knows maybe Sei can give him a few missions that if he succeeded in accomplishing a single one he can get the seat:
1: Break Akou's defensive formation using your numerical advantage while getting help from multiple commanders of your own caliber.
2: kill Ouhon in a 11 v 1.
3: don't die to a dude who just got out of a coma and is barely alive.
Oh Difficulty 1000, couldn't achieve.
People should stop with all this prime nonsense
Gyou'Un at Shukai is the best he's ever been unless stated otherwise
I am more on board with this take than the alternatives. Unless some reasonable character explicitly states that a certain character has been weakened (e.g. by age or rustiness) then I am just going to assume that the character is effectively at their peak level.

I remember that Gyou'un and his army were stated to have been vigorously training to maintain their strength all these years. Gyou'un thinking he had been weakened because he didn't kill Shin in a day was him underestimating and refusing to acknowledge the new generation, the new generation that he eventually acknowledged by the end of the arc by passing Rinshoujo's message onto them.

In fact, shouldn't Shukai Plains Gyou'un undoubtedly be peak Gyou'un as this was the Gyou'un carrying the "Weight" of his deceased master's legacy? Plus his eight deceased General comrades? Lol.
Break Akou's defensive formation using your numerical advantage while getting help from multiple commanders of your own caliber.
It's a Top Top Tier formation. We've yet to see another commander go up against it. If SBS just trashes it against Ousen I'll agree with you.

kill Ouhon in a 11 v 1.
Ouhon is him. Always has been.

don't die to a dude who just got out of a coma and is barely alive.
Same answer as above. Nah real talk Gyou’Un had a negative IQ moment. He basically ruined the battle for the whole wing.

But this panel though
Training drills helped keep Gyou'un in shape obviously, but I refuse to believe a 20 year old gap between fighting in serious conflicts didn't hurt him at all
In a world where people beat up tigers with their bare fists and squeeze skulls like ripe plums, I'll happily believe that a 20 year battlefield absence is mitigated by daily yoga sessions in full armour. :pepedoffy:
Training drills helped keep Gyou'un in shape obviously, but I refuse to believe a 20 year old gap between fighting in serious conflicts didn't hurt him at all
This is a manga
People are at their best unless it makes narrative sense to make them weaker
Ouki was the same
Why is he still Houken's daddy?
F7 were in jail where they had no training or probably even decent food
Can you imagine how nasty an ancient prison is?
Why is Gaimou not scrawny? How is Ranbihaku fighting Tou?
I legit don't understand how some of my bros think here tbh. I see ridiculous takes like Kyoukai already during Shukai being the strongest fighter in the entire series and capable to beat all but when I say Ouhon or Shin might actually have been able to beat Oukotsu or Kyou the two most irrelevant and humiliated Qin 6 members, one of which who was literally slain by Houken who was slain by Shin during Shukai (and Houken has grown stronger by a lot!) It’s a crazy take.

Then we have these panels.

Shin, Ouhon and Mouten always punches above their ranks, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I'd bet actual on money on either of those three to slay Oukotsu or Kyou in a 1v1 battle army vs army even.

Gyou’Un is a different case but his hype even as a subordinate is ridiculously high, it goes beyond HK level and I dare to say it's equal to the Fire Dragons.
I see ridiculous takes like Kyoukai already during Shukai being the strongest fighter in the entire series
I don't think this is wrong but I don't want it to be right. Thing is, I just don't see how in a world filled with people who fight on horseback that they can fight somebody that moves in bursts of speed faster than the human eye can track. She moves several times faster than the smeggin horse. :lusalty:
but when I say Ouhon or Shin might actually have been able to beat Oukotsu or Kyou the two most irrelevant and humiliated Qin 6 members, one of which who was literally slain by Houken who was slain by Shin during Shukai (and Houken has grown stronger by a lot!) It’s a crazy take.

Then we have these panels.

Shin, Ouhon and Mouten always punches above their ranks, this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. I'd bet actual on money on either of those three to slay Oukotsu or Kyou in a 1v1 battle army vs army even.
I don't see anything crazy about this. Shin and Ouhon were physically keeping up with Fire Dragons years ago and Ouhon cracked out a solid Great General level plan back then. From Shukai Plains onwards, both are effectively Great General level threats. Ouhon especially. About the only thing they lack compared to Legendary Great Generals is experience but that's about it.
I am more on board with this take than the alternatives. Unless some reasonable character explicitly states that a certain character has been weakened (e.g. by age or rustiness) then I am just going to assume that the character is effectively at their peak level.

I remember that Gyou'un and his army were stated to have been vigorously training to maintain their strength all these years. Gyou'un thinking he had been weakened because he didn't kill Shin in a day was him underestimating and refusing to acknowledge the new generation, the new generation that he eventually acknowledged by the end of the arc by passing Rinshoujo's message onto them.

In fact, shouldn't Shukai Plains Gyou'un undoubtedly be peak Gyou'un as this was the Gyou'un carrying the "Weight" of his deceased master's legacy? Plus his eight deceased General comrades? Lol.
I've always been on the fense regarding how much of an affect prolongued inactivity has on the overall ability of someone in Kingdom.

Realistically speaking, it should be the case for there to be a decrease in overall stats.

But then I look at those Fire Dragon dudes who look as healthy and competent as ever like they didn't just spend 14 years in an isolated cell. :kaidowhat:
But then I look at those Fire Dragon dudes who look as healthy and competent as ever like they didn't just spend 14 years in an isolated cell. :kaidowhat:
They were fighting and playing goated battle simulations using sticks, rocks and mices against the Three Demons of Wei, a group of legendary Great Generals who were the obscure counterpart of Zhao's Three Great Heavens and who likewise had ended up in prison, three years earlier.

More on that in the main Wei arc when these crazy blokes make their return to feverishly haunt China's battlefields once again:sanmoji:
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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
People are at their best unless it makes narrative sense to make them weaker
And why does it make narrative sense for Gyou’Un to still be in his prime when Gyou’Un stated the opposite multiple times? The era of Rinshoujou was long gone, it certainly made no sense for Gyou’Un to still be in his prime.

F7 were in jail where they had no training or probably even decent food
Clearly you’ve never met a single convict irl lol. These motherfuckers be coming out of prison jacked and stronger than ever. There is literally nothing to do in prison except work out lol.
And why does it make narrative sense for Gyou’Un to still be in his prime when Gyou’Un stated the opposite multiple times? The era of Rinshoujou was long gone, it certainly made no sense for Gyou’Un to still be in his prime.
the whole point of Gyou'Un and CGR was to acknowledge the new age, give them the message and leave the Unification in their hands
Wasn't Gyou'Un supposed to carry on the will of his master to crush guys that aimed for unification and incase he failed then give them his message? Why should he be weaker if the point is to prove that the new generation is supposed to surpass them and do what they couldn't?
About the being weaker statements as @Owl Ki already said
I remember that Gyou'un and his army were stated to have been vigorously training to maintain their strength all these years. Gyou'un thinking he had been weakened because he didn't kill Shin in a day was him underestimating and refusing to acknowledge the new generation, the new generation that he eventually acknowledged by the end of the arc by passing Rinshoujo's message onto them.

In fact, shouldn't Shukai Plains Gyou'un undoubtedly be peak Gyou'un as this was the Gyou'un carrying the "Weight" of his deceased master's legacy? Plus his eight deceased General comrades? Lol.
6gg era passed it didn't weaken Ouki
Ouki era passed it didn't weaken Tou
Unless the character is too old or credibly stated to have grown weaker i'm gonna assume they are at their best
Clearly you’ve never met a single convict irl lol. These motherfuckers be coming out of prison jacked and stronger than ever. There is literally nothing to do in prison except work out lol.
It's clearly you who can't differentiate between a modern prison and an ancient china verson
The Heki treatment or slightly better is what you get not the shower time, visitation hours and 2 hours of gym time
These guys are locked in a dungeon with barely enough food to survive while rats are eating their flesh

Not only do i not believe that Gyou'Un had gotten weaker i would say Shukai Gyou'Un is even stronger than the Gyou'Un that served RSJ
There is a case for you to say that carrying the will of his dead master and 8 buddies added to his weight
Shukai Gyou'Un >= RSJ era Gyou'Un

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Why should he be weaker if the point is to prove that the new generation is supposed to surpass them and do what they couldn't?
Because this wasn’t at all the point of Gyou’Un and Chougaryuu??? Do you think Shukai Shin and Ouhon surpassed fucking Rinshoujou?????? Lmfao

It's clearly you who can't differentiate between a modern prison and an ancient china verson
And it’s clear you can’t differentiate between a prisoner of war labor camp and an actual prison lmfao.
F7 were in jail where they had no training or probably even decent food
To be fair, prisoners of that calibre probably got some decent accomodation, likely similar to what royal or high ranking noble prisoners would typically get. After all, they were still assets to the state should the state have need to spring them out in a crisis scenario.

They were confined for sure but probably not treated like crap. Lol.