Just think for one second how things are going. Let's start with Goofy. Goofy couldn't scratch the lunarius child and ran away from him (zoro finished off the pureblood lunarius in the previous arc without using ashura and 3000 worlds). Goofy couldn't bring down Lucci and ran away using Nicky's strength and name punches. Then he fell into a coma fighting the frivolous kizaru. He was fed by a caribou twice, and now goofy has called for help from lanji against kizaru, who is fine. 2 Landges. Literally stood for 10 chapters and didn't do shit. He screamed, then was paralyzed for 3 chapters and saved by 10-year-old Bonnie, who overpowered Saturn's acoc. And finally he did at least something useful, managed to repel the admiral's default attack. Zoro literally overpowered fujitora's gravity and pushed him away with two swords, that is, a feat below the level of Zoro's dress rose. 3 Now we look at Zoro. Yes, it was delayed because of the choral writing of the Ode (as it is with Pica, Apu, Hieso), but FUCK, Zorro is on equal terms with two swords without a bandana with an awakened lucci. Stands ON TWO SWORDS with a dude of Marco's level, lol. So gufilanji bitches, your trash boys are not comparable to the greatness of ZORO, who is equal to yc1 on two swords and without a bandana. CRY BITCHES CRY😂