"I'm just going to drop the fact that you, as the leader of the revolution, will need to have to gather like minded people and have these people as your underlings and party members."
First, no need for a revolution right now, at least not in the west. We just need to reform the institutions and move out liberals, conservative, libertarian and cryptofascist out of power.
We we can't do that with the help of the institution, then we can talk about revolution (Russian and chinese might wanna think about this right now for example)
Second, careful, when you start talking about your party members as your underlings.. its not a good sign for democracy.
As for the people who disagree with your views, it wasn't the first time that the people who harbored and expressed such thoughts were dealt with (and their fates were pretty much sealed shortly after).
This is dictature... let's not do that.[/QUOTE]
Removing liberals from power and fighting liberal ideas doesn't mean that we should put rightist in jail.
It means that we must fight them politically. I know that rightists think that saying that capitalism is hurtfull is already communism but let's stay calm here...
For a grand vision to come to fruition exactly as intended, certain freedoms that the citizens had previously must be sacrificed after all.
If we are talking about the freedom of owning guns or to say that trans or people of colors are the problem of society.. well yeah.. I agree with that. Those freedom shouldn't exist in the public space.
If we are talking about normal freedom of speech, and human rights then no. I do not agree.
As for why I'm bringing all of this up, your version of real progress can only come when the structures of power that currently exist are completely toppled.
Not necessaraly, progress can come during the transition. But structures of power will need to be dealt with to go beyond, yes.
After the revolution succeeds, you would end up with a single leader, the ones closest to the leaders, and the followers and the rest of the population. I just hope too many people don't disagree with your take on a society
No. Not necessaraly. It could indeed go wrong.. like any change of power.. or it could go right if people follow a real progressist and antiliberal mindset: In france there is a party that is trying to create a new way of thinking the institutions, we call it the "sixth republic". It stands on the basis that the executive power (the president and the ministers) have too much power and that we need a better representation of the people and more power to the people.
Its not perfect, but its already better than every other propositions. In France, it would look like that:
1- You elect a president that will call a specific type of assembly "the constituante" composed by elected people and people chosen at random
2- "The constituante" will right a new constitution with new added foundamental rights. (right for abortion for example). it will be a process of back and forth between this assembly and the work of the people.
3- The president holds a referedum to make the population approve or disprove of the text. If its approved, we move to the next step, if its not, the "constituante" rewrite the text. And it goes on until the population approves of the text and create the contitution of the 6th republic. Every modification of said constitution will be held with a referundum.
3Bis - In fact, every group of citizen who manage to get a significant number of signature will be able to invocate the holding of a new referundum to delete a law, revocate a treaty or add something in the constitution.
The structure of power would therefore be created and regulated by this new constitution. So you can expect a new type of political structure, much more representative and close to the needs of the people with actions like:
- A minimum wage of 1400€
- A maximum wage authorized in the business (the maximum wage must not grow over 20 times the minimum wage in the same business)
- Financial help (around 1060€) for young people that are alone to pay for their studies and housing
- The green rule with an ecological planification (Listing of ressources we take from the earth), it consist in not taking more in nature that what nature can create.
- Taxation of big inheritances
- Refound the Police
- A progressive taxation based on the income of the population
So you can expect a more representative type of power structure that we have now and therefore something far more equal, equitable and close to the needs of the people. If every country start to do that.. we might see the end of capitalism and neo liberalism.
That's for part one. For part two we might even see the world drift into new form of system.. Maybe something communist ? An anarchy perhaps ? Something new ? We don't know... but as long as people don't believe in the myth of single heroes saving the world.. we should be safe from despote taking over the power and creating apocalyptic societies.
So you dont think he is actually channeling an alien?!?!?!?!
Yup... I think we should be very careful about this type of content. It can quickly escalate into cultism.