He’s not wrong

Only “Sukuna strong” fans are enjoying this. This shit is reaching Onigashima levels of dragging
“Dragging” bruh this is literally RUSHED if anything.

Also Sukuna’s CT is literally one of the most interesting mysteries in the story and frankly one of the ONLY interesting things left in the story.

The fact that people just go “huurrrr durrrr do damage to the antagonist” without actually wanting to see what the antagonist can do is crazy to me.
“Dragging” bruh this is literally RUSHED if anything.

Also Sukuna’s CT is literally one of the most interesting mysteries in the story and frankly one of the ONLY interesting things left in the story.

The fact that people just go “huurrrr durrrr do damage to the antagonist” without actually wanting to see what the antagonist can do is crazy to me.
It’s only rushed because Gege wanted a gauntlet instead of a build up arc for Yuji.

Aside form that this has been almost a year of fighting with very little plot development. It’s basically heroes do something, Sukuna shits on them and repeat cycle. There’s nothing interesting about that

So yes, you may find his CT and whatnot still interesting, but for the majority of fans seeing his mug for the past 30 chapters with no development is boring. This would’ve worked if we actually took a break from Sukuna and Gege decided to structure this arc more traditionally.

This would be like if Aizen was literally the only foe in the Karakura war arc. I bet most people would be tired of the overexposed Aizen
I agree that Mahito never displayed the soul recovery but I think if one guy could also learn it especially at the end it’s him

Yeah but he never reached that potential so no point guessing. Mahito peaked at Grade 0.
Maki is probably about to get one shot by Fuga the same way Toji was one shot by Purple.

“Something’s wrong.” Part 2 incoming
Wanna bet on it Kinyagi? It’s time to redeem your sorry ass after Admiral Piece collapsed.

Let’s see how far Gege’s wank of either Sukuna or Maki takes her.
This would be like if Aizen was literally the only foe in the Karakura war arc. I bet most people would be tired of the overexposed Aizen
I wish Aizen had gotten the Sukuna treatment instead of the butterfly treatment.

We had a short break from this, Kenjaku's fight, now it's near the climax of the manga, the heroes giving it their all and actually landing damage and weakening Sukuna through strategy and team effort, but actually struggling because the character that has been hyped as being worlds above them is actually worlds above them.

Is it really the majority that has a problem with this? I wouldn't know, since I'm not on social media, but personally I think this is great.

Whether it ends up being truly great or not will depend on how Gege wraps it up, but the road has been good.
Yuta ~ Maki with SSKatana > Kenjaku > Kashimo > Hakari > rest

Yuji sidelined again for Maki Kaisen, she’s even going to have a color page next chapter, let’s hope he’s not absent again for one more year.:kobeha:
I wish Aizen had gotten the Sukuna treatment instead of the butterfly treatment.

We had a short break from this, Kenjaku's fight, now it's near the climax of the manga, the heroes giving it their all and actually landing damage and weakening Sukuna through strategy and team effort, but actually struggling because the character that has been hyped as being worlds above them is actually worlds above them.

Is it really the majority that has a problem with this? I wouldn't know, since I'm not on social media, but personally I think this is great.

Whether it ends up being truly great or not will depend on how Gege wraps it up, but the road has been good.
Then you have shit taste idk what to tell you lol.

Didn’t we literally have a like 5 chapter stretch of Takaba/Kenjaku comedy shenanigans like not even 8 chapters ago?
It was not enough, and people were bitching that Kenny was taken out so quick as well, or did you forget that?


Again can you not read you retard? Is Yuta being written to be dying? No. That is what I’ve said. He’s being carried away to be healed, but everybody and their grandmothers know he’s not dying.
If he needs to heal is because he is fucking dying do you even understand what that mean you fucking idiot
It was not enough, and people were bitching that Kenny was taken out so quick as well, or did you forget that?
So which is it? Do we have no plot developments as you said earlier? Or do we have plot developments that are bad? Since you seem to be contradicting yourself here.

Also, this might be a hot take, but I literally have never cared for anything in JJK besides the battles. Not in any of the other arcs.

Frankly I think the entire depth in the series is in the battle mechanics, seeing something like Yuta’s domain for example is a bigger thing to me than MC/villain character moments I’ve already seen hundreds/thousands of times before
Takaba vs Kenjaku was by far the worst stretch of this arc. Pointless development for a pointless side character and horrible execution of the death of one of the most major villains of the series.

Every chapter with Takaba was always ass and cringe. Glad he is dead but Kenjaku having character assassination on the side really made me give up on any hope of decent writing from Gege.

All he can really do well is wank his favorite characters in battle. That’s why Sukuna and Maki are written to be such monsters.
So which is it? Do we have no plot developments as you said earlier? Or do we have plot developments that are bad? Since you seem to be contradicting yourself here.
It’s called being hyperbolic, literally the only plot development to have happened is the announcing of the merger and that has yet to occur lmao

Also, this might be a hot take, but I literally have never cared for anything in JJK besides the battles. Not in any of the other arcs.
I know, I don’t expect more out of Sukuna fans