like me being called a cis woman instead of just woman?
Its not hurtfull to you. No one is oppressing you by calling you cis and you are not discriminated because of that. Cis just means "identifying to the same gender identified at birth, this is not an insult. I, for example, am a cis man.
On the other hand, people are discriminated for being trans or even cis women. So lets not make an fallacious equivalence here.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
You maybe, other people are not as strong as yours. You might wanna learn - for example - about the power of words in the context of the golem effect. But even closer, words have effect, not only on the way you think but also on other people. People kill themself because of words.
Let's not forget about that.
Should people be punished for things I find offensive?
It depends, do the things you find offensive are legitimately things that can hurt actual oppressed people in society ? If that's the case, then yes.
I like absolute free speech.
So when an entire class tells a child to kill themself and the child does it or try to do it, then there should be no punishment or prevention done to forbide other children from saying those stuff ?
Or maybe your point of view doesn't apply to children and you might wanna be reminded that adult can face the same kind of behavior ?
What happens when someone with gender disphoria and suicidal tendancy gets told multiple time and time again that they are not normal ?? Should the person not face consequences for their words ?
But lets take a more random example : What happens when on television famous far right personnality explains that we should kill people because of their identity and it happens that... a lunatic kills multiple people in a gay bar the day after... Should this person not face any consequence for their words ?
You ask me to tell you how you mesure what is offensive or not. But I ask you the following instead:
How do you measure that something is acceptable ?
There is no half freedom. You ate either free or not.
Yes there is, its called freedom of speech and its different from absolute freedom of speech.
The Systemic oppression is you aiding them and giving them money only for them to use to kill others.
They want global domination and ethnic supremacy and cleansing
You are talking about white supremacist here ?
Muslims that spread hate speech have absolute free speech pass from the wokes.
Nop. THey are denounced just as much. But since those denounciation would go against your agenda, you don't talk about it and you spread disinformation. Typical far right intellectual lazyness.
And seriously, with 90% of trans women it is easily recognizable that they are trans
And ?
this is incredibly anti-reality
No, this is following the studies mate. THere are difference of performance but only when you look at the most competitive datas.
I'm talking about this forum. Yes, in the word transmen are also oppressed, that's a reality. But people here are choosing to focus on transwomen for some (not obvious at all) reason.
Straight men will disagree
We are not talking about sexual preference here but the differenciation of transwomen from cis women as individuals in society.
the retarded gender definition
And you still don't understand why you are not on my side of the political fence ? Dude.. take a hint.
the issue is that trans women for example claim they are factually them same as biological women
Nop. No trans women say that, you are either lying or moral panicking or both.
and demand the same privileges, protections and medications(like birth control or period cramp pills)
That they should get yes.
Men and women are separated in sports because of striking biological differences
No, mainly because of patriarchy. The difference is only observable in the data of the more competitive scenes.
Dylan Mulvaney can become the 2023 Women of the Year
Good for her.
That's only your point of view. I think it has more to do with the representation she provided.
The left has free pass for hate speech and incitement of violence.
The left doesn't promote hate speech. But yes, they do incite violence when its needed and just.