Hello guys, here's a list of the CIS organic units and soldiers that I just did, I hope it will be interesting to you:
While the CIS' main military force was evidently its titanic droid army that was most surely the largest army that the galaxy has ever known, the separatists weren't totally reliant on droids and also had some organic military units, militias and other organic fighters that were either members of the mega corps of the CIS, the defense forces of the planets members of the CIS, militias fighting civil wars on their planets against loyalist forces, mercenaries and pirates or elite guards and troops guarding the leaders of the group.
These organic troops battled the GAR and other loyalist forces either with our without the support of the Droid Army, sometimes on planets whose environment made it impossible to deploy droids to fight the Republic.
Amongst these many organic separatist troops, there are:
- Geonosian soldiers, lightly protected and not very good soldiers, but very numerous and having dangerous sonic blasters and cannons.
- Trandoshan mercenaries, hunters, slavers or pirates most often fighting alongside the separatist forces against their Wookie arch-enemies on Kashyyyk. These Trandoshans were dangerous fighters thanks to the Trandoshans' natural strength, toughness and ferocity and were armed with very powerful weapons such as heavy blaster cannons and repetition riffles, flamethrowers, missile launchers and knifes, swords and bayonets.
- Jabiimi Nationalists. This militia was made of the people of Jabiimi who sided with the CIS over the centuries of neglect and abuse at Republic's hands, led by the very charismatic and badass Alto Stratus. Most of them were usual human soldiers, but they also had an elite force in the Nimbus Commandos who were equipped with special helmets, lots of blasters and explosives and repulsorlift skate boots that allowed them to hover on the mud terrains of their planet.
Their righteous anger at the Republic, cunning, determination and resilience and use of guerilla warfare made them particularly dangerous foes for loyalist forces as seen during the Battle of Jabiim.
- Umbaran Militians. The defense forces of Umbara, who fought against the Republic after Umbara joined the CIS and was invaded by the republic in response. They were equipped and armed with weapons and technological devices whose technology was superior to the GAR's, such as their helmets that pumped gas boosting their reflexes and aggressions, bug-like vehicles adapted to their homeworld jungles, and very powerful starfighters and cannons.
- Neimodian Soldiers. Despite their species' reputation for cowardice and reliance on droids to do their dirty work, Neimodians are actually a force to reckon with when the chips are down, something that become more obvious when you know how harsh and ruthless their youth is. There are three known kinds of Neimodian soldiers, the Irregulars who helped General Grievous attack Duro and on which we know nothing, the conscripted soldiers who took part in the neimodian planets' resistance against the Republic during the Outer Rim Sieges who were armed with medium or low quality blaster weapons like B1 Battle Droid; and the Neimodian Gunnery Battalions also called Royal Guards who were the elites of Neimodian's organic military, armed with bronzium beetle-like armors and superior quality blasters.
The most dangerous Neimodian Royal Guards were the Neimodian Brutes, who had been genetically modified to be hulkin, very strong and tough and very aggressive, and who were armed with heavy vibro maces that were devastating against Jedi and clones alike.
- Koorivar Fusiliers. Employed by the Corporate Alliance of Passel Argente, these Koorivar soldiers were described as excellent warriors and had better discipline than most organic soldiers in the galaxy, only using their weapons when ordered to do by their superior, and they an organisation similar to the GAR though on a smaller scale. used mostly to guard Corporate Alliance key worlds and factory planets, and sometimes were deployed on planets where droids could not operate. Armed mostly with riffles, they also made heavy use of artillery against their foes.
- Gossam Commandos. These elite commandos were evidently used for commando missions such as assassination, espionnage or sabotage; though they sometimes acted as security guards by the Commerce Guild, and their use was only permitted by Shu Mai in person This elite force was exclusively made of male gossams, they wore heavy armor and mainly used heavy repeating blaster riffles in battle, sometimes using heavy shoulder-mounted cannons that recquired two gossams to work, one to fire and the other to reload the cannon. Like their Neimodian and Koorivar equivalents, they also were used by the CIS on planets where droids could do not work.
- The Morgukai Shadow Army: The Morgukai were an infamous Nikto subspecies and cult, whose members were very dangerous assassins and mercenaries, often using electric or cortosis staffs, and were able of fighting Jedi. To give back the advantage to the CIS, the dark Jedi Sora Bulq recruited many Anzati assassins and masters and one of the rumored last members of the Morgukai, Bok (though it later turns out that the Morgukai were still alive and healthy though operating in the shadows), to create a clone army of Morgukai trained in the fighting styles of both the Morgukai and the Anzatis, armed with cortosis blades and electric staffs to be able of fighting the Jedi. This Shadow Army was built on Saleucami, causing a very long and gruelling battle with the Republic to prevent this army from leaving the planet and help the CIS turn the tide against the Republic, with it being eventually sabotaged and destroyed by Tholme, Quinlan Vos and Ayla Secura.
- The Mandalorian Protectors. These Mandalorian supercommandos, who were the successors of the True Mandalorians, were created and led by Mandalore the Ressurector, who was in truth Spar, an ARC Trooper who had rejected the Kaminoans' indoctrination and deserted the GAR to go to Mandalore and rebuild the Mandalorians.
Like their predecessors and other Mandalorian supercommandos, the Mandalorian Protectors were very formidable soldiers equipped with mandalorian armors, jetpacks, lots of varied and powerful weapons and they were reinforced by BL-series Battle Legionnaires, droids limited in numbers and looking like protocol droids but who were very formidable fighters with their various blasters and retractable finger blades.
The Mandalorian Protectors did many missions and won several victories against the GAR, often against overwhelming odds, but were eventually set on a trap by Darth Sidious and massacred.
It's sure that many other humans and other species worked and fought too for the CIS during the Clone Wars. I like the idea that Kaleesh, much like their former leader Grievous, also joined the CIS and fought against the Republic and Jedi during the Clone Wars but it's only speculation on my part.
While the CIS' main military force was evidently its titanic droid army that was most surely the largest army that the galaxy has ever known, the separatists weren't totally reliant on droids and also had some organic military units, militias and other organic fighters that were either members of the mega corps of the CIS, the defense forces of the planets members of the CIS, militias fighting civil wars on their planets against loyalist forces, mercenaries and pirates or elite guards and troops guarding the leaders of the group.
These organic troops battled the GAR and other loyalist forces either with our without the support of the Droid Army, sometimes on planets whose environment made it impossible to deploy droids to fight the Republic.
Amongst these many organic separatist troops, there are:
- Geonosian soldiers, lightly protected and not very good soldiers, but very numerous and having dangerous sonic blasters and cannons.
- Trandoshan mercenaries, hunters, slavers or pirates most often fighting alongside the separatist forces against their Wookie arch-enemies on Kashyyyk. These Trandoshans were dangerous fighters thanks to the Trandoshans' natural strength, toughness and ferocity and were armed with very powerful weapons such as heavy blaster cannons and repetition riffles, flamethrowers, missile launchers and knifes, swords and bayonets.
- Jabiimi Nationalists. This militia was made of the people of Jabiimi who sided with the CIS over the centuries of neglect and abuse at Republic's hands, led by the very charismatic and badass Alto Stratus. Most of them were usual human soldiers, but they also had an elite force in the Nimbus Commandos who were equipped with special helmets, lots of blasters and explosives and repulsorlift skate boots that allowed them to hover on the mud terrains of their planet.
Their righteous anger at the Republic, cunning, determination and resilience and use of guerilla warfare made them particularly dangerous foes for loyalist forces as seen during the Battle of Jabiim.
- Umbaran Militians. The defense forces of Umbara, who fought against the Republic after Umbara joined the CIS and was invaded by the republic in response. They were equipped and armed with weapons and technological devices whose technology was superior to the GAR's, such as their helmets that pumped gas boosting their reflexes and aggressions, bug-like vehicles adapted to their homeworld jungles, and very powerful starfighters and cannons.
- Neimodian Soldiers. Despite their species' reputation for cowardice and reliance on droids to do their dirty work, Neimodians are actually a force to reckon with when the chips are down, something that become more obvious when you know how harsh and ruthless their youth is. There are three known kinds of Neimodian soldiers, the Irregulars who helped General Grievous attack Duro and on which we know nothing, the conscripted soldiers who took part in the neimodian planets' resistance against the Republic during the Outer Rim Sieges who were armed with medium or low quality blaster weapons like B1 Battle Droid; and the Neimodian Gunnery Battalions also called Royal Guards who were the elites of Neimodian's organic military, armed with bronzium beetle-like armors and superior quality blasters.
The most dangerous Neimodian Royal Guards were the Neimodian Brutes, who had been genetically modified to be hulkin, very strong and tough and very aggressive, and who were armed with heavy vibro maces that were devastating against Jedi and clones alike.
- Koorivar Fusiliers. Employed by the Corporate Alliance of Passel Argente, these Koorivar soldiers were described as excellent warriors and had better discipline than most organic soldiers in the galaxy, only using their weapons when ordered to do by their superior, and they an organisation similar to the GAR though on a smaller scale. used mostly to guard Corporate Alliance key worlds and factory planets, and sometimes were deployed on planets where droids could not operate. Armed mostly with riffles, they also made heavy use of artillery against their foes.
- Gossam Commandos. These elite commandos were evidently used for commando missions such as assassination, espionnage or sabotage; though they sometimes acted as security guards by the Commerce Guild, and their use was only permitted by Shu Mai in person This elite force was exclusively made of male gossams, they wore heavy armor and mainly used heavy repeating blaster riffles in battle, sometimes using heavy shoulder-mounted cannons that recquired two gossams to work, one to fire and the other to reload the cannon. Like their Neimodian and Koorivar equivalents, they also were used by the CIS on planets where droids could do not work.
- The Morgukai Shadow Army: The Morgukai were an infamous Nikto subspecies and cult, whose members were very dangerous assassins and mercenaries, often using electric or cortosis staffs, and were able of fighting Jedi. To give back the advantage to the CIS, the dark Jedi Sora Bulq recruited many Anzati assassins and masters and one of the rumored last members of the Morgukai, Bok (though it later turns out that the Morgukai were still alive and healthy though operating in the shadows), to create a clone army of Morgukai trained in the fighting styles of both the Morgukai and the Anzatis, armed with cortosis blades and electric staffs to be able of fighting the Jedi. This Shadow Army was built on Saleucami, causing a very long and gruelling battle with the Republic to prevent this army from leaving the planet and help the CIS turn the tide against the Republic, with it being eventually sabotaged and destroyed by Tholme, Quinlan Vos and Ayla Secura.
- The Mandalorian Protectors. These Mandalorian supercommandos, who were the successors of the True Mandalorians, were created and led by Mandalore the Ressurector, who was in truth Spar, an ARC Trooper who had rejected the Kaminoans' indoctrination and deserted the GAR to go to Mandalore and rebuild the Mandalorians.
Like their predecessors and other Mandalorian supercommandos, the Mandalorian Protectors were very formidable soldiers equipped with mandalorian armors, jetpacks, lots of varied and powerful weapons and they were reinforced by BL-series Battle Legionnaires, droids limited in numbers and looking like protocol droids but who were very formidable fighters with their various blasters and retractable finger blades.
The Mandalorian Protectors did many missions and won several victories against the GAR, often against overwhelming odds, but were eventually set on a trap by Darth Sidious and massacred.
It's sure that many other humans and other species worked and fought too for the CIS during the Clone Wars. I like the idea that Kaleesh, much like their former leader Grievous, also joined the CIS and fought against the Republic and Jedi during the Clone Wars but it's only speculation on my part.