If you ever wonder why people in the USA (especially the older ones) are freaking crazy, here you go.


Crazy ass lead poisoning
We estimate population-level effects on IQ loss and find that lead is responsible for the loss of 824,097,690 IQ points as of 2015.
BLLs greater than 5 µg/dL were nearly universal (>90%) among those born 1951 to 1980, while BLLs were considerably lower than 5 µg/dL among those born since 2001. The average lead-linked loss in cognitive ability was 2.6 IQ points per person as of 2015. This amounted to a total loss of 824,097,690 IQ points, disproportionately endured by those born between 1951 and 1980.
While these exposures were deemed harmless at the time, animal studies and epidemiological evidence accrued in the intervening years reveal that such exposures likely disrupted healthy development across multiple organ systems (particularly the brain, bone, and cardiovascular systems), resulting in subtle deficits to important outcomes, such as cognitive ability, fine motor skills, and emotional regulation (6), that may influence the trajectory of a person’s life (e.g., their educational attainment, health, wealth, and happiness). These deficits largely persist across time and, in some cases, worsen (7, 8) and are now hypothesized to put individuals at risk for difficult-to-treat chronic and age-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease and dementia (911).
Thanks for your input!
A couple my father knew were buried in their own restaurant (landslide). He tried to help the police and firefighters with the rescue. About five people died there. The road was blocked, they had to go through the bush, down a whole hill. The owner of the restaurant waited 10 hours to be rescued but died of cardiac arrest when they arrived at the place.
My father feels devastated. I'm so sad for him 😞
That's terrible, I'm sorry for this tragedy...


The Sol King
Those two events are disconnected. You can argue the violent counter protestors deserved to be jailed, but you can’t go ahead and act like the ones arrested the next day weren’t because of the bill of rights
I disagree on them being disconnected. They occured in the same university under the same police force's watch with only 24 hours in-between.

The "counterprotestors" shot fireworks into the encampment and came with sticks and poles to attack it. Yet none of them were arrested.

I dont believe a better example can highlight that a double standard was displayed here.

If you’re moving to the U.S you should be aware that our bill of rights don’t offer you protection for every single thing
Protesting in the campus is actually protected iirc, the college has the right to regulate the time/place of the protest that ensures it can continue its classes/function.

I am not arguing against arresting students who overstayed the protest, but rather their arrest while those who attacked them beforehand weren't arrested.
I disagree on them being disconnected. They occured in the same university under the same police force's watch with only 24 hours in-between.

The "counterprotestors" shot fireworks into the encampment and came with sticks and poles to attack it. Yet none of them were arrested.

I dont believe a better example can highlight that a double standard was displayed here.
They are disconnected because they are separate events. Look at it this way

1 guy goes into a bar and beats up a random guy. Police is called to separate the two and no charges are being pressed. The next day the guy who gets beat up gets too drunk and refuses to leave the bar, gets arrested for trespassing.

it is pointless to argue who deserved jail more because they were different events and different charges. It is quite literally apples to oranges.

Protesting in the campus is actually protected iirc, the college has the right to regulate the time/place of the protest that ensures it can continue its classes/function.
"Protected" as in you can do it, up to a point. Just like free speech there are limitations in place. Disorderly conduct being one
I'd gladly say that feminists can say "all men" are the problem and this or that. But then I compare it with anti-americanism and any kind of generalization. It's just ridiculous. Especially when it's purely based on where you are from and not on your ideas. I have known americans who get severely bashed because of Trump the second they say they're from the US --by people who think they have the higher ground in national championship of ethics-- even though they are more left-wing than Bernie.

Main argument being "but they haven't suffered enough so we can insult THEM ALL and whatnot" is just plain silly. I don't believe in PC or wokes being a thing. But imbeciles reign supreme in mankind. They're the perfect embodiment of believing in their own sacred purity. It's pure ideological narcissism.
I'd gladly say that feminists can say "all men" are the problem and this or that. But then I compare it with anti-americanism and any kind of generalization. It's just ridiculous. Especially when it's purely based on where you are from and not on your ideas. I have known americans who get severely bashed because of Trump the second they say they're from the US --by people who think they have the higher ground in national championship of ethics-- even though they are more left-wing than Bernie.

Main argument being "but they haven't suffered enough so we can insult THEM ALL and whatnot" is just plain silly. I don't believe in PC or wokes being a thing. But imbeciles reign supreme in mankind. They're the perfect embodiment of believing in their own sacred purity. It's pure ideological narcissism.
So prejudice bad
I'd gladly say that feminists can say "all men" are the problem and this or that. But then I compare it with anti-americanism and any kind of generalization. It's just ridiculous. Especially when it's purely based on where you are from and not on your ideas. I have known americans who get severely bashed because of Trump the second they say they're from the US --by people who think they have the higher ground in national championship of ethics-- even though they are more left-wing than Bernie.

Main argument being "but they haven't suffered enough so we can insult THEM ALL and whatnot" is just plain silly. I don't believe in PC or wokes being a thing. But imbeciles reign supreme in mankind. They're the perfect embodiment of believing in their own sacred purity. It's pure ideological narcissism.
That would be right if both case were comparable. But in reality they are not. In the case of the US, there is indeed a small % of the population that is bigoted and voted trump and therefore we can't say that all american are racist.

But for men, that's not the case. EVERY MEN without exception me included have been educated under a patriarcal toxic system and are benefiting from it and that is a system of oppression against women. So while there are indeed people who will never do or say something sexist toxic or harmfull to women (which would be a very VERY rare case) in their life, ALL men are potential abusers.

So while saying "all american" is false, saying "all men" is a base of truth.
That would be right if both case were comparable. But in reality they are not. In the case of the US, there is indeed a small % of the population that is bigoted and voted trump and therefore we can't say that all american are racist.

But for men, that's not the case. EVERY MEN without exception me included have been educated under a patriarcal toxic system and are benefiting from it and that is a system of oppression against women. So while there are indeed people who will never do or say something sexist toxic or harmfull to women (which would be a very VERY rare case) in their life, ALL men are potential abusers.

So while saying "all american" is false, saying "all men" is a base of truth.
Gold medal mental Olympics to justify prejudice lmao
Can you explain me why you are comparing this situation with patriarchy mate ?
My comment was regarding prejudice, which anybody with a brain thinks is generally not a good thing. You said if there’s facts backing up said ideas it’s not prejudice. So I brought the easiest example to show how stupid this is.

Don’t try to back out of it now tho. Are only white women allowed to be prejudiced against black men, or do we allow all white people?
My comment was regarding prejudice, which anybody with a brain thinks is generally not a good thing. You said if there’s facts backing up said ideas it’s not prejudice. So I brought the easiest example to show how stupid this is.

Don’t try to back out of it now tho. Are only white women allowed to be prejudiced against black men, or do we allow all white people?
Dude, I don't even understand your comparison. Why are you talking about white women and black men and all white people ? Explain the context before creating nonsense please.
Dude, I don't even understand your comparison. Why are you talking about white women and black men and all white people ? Explain the context before creating nonsense please.
Lmao it’s so easy to follow

you said it is not prejudice when the idea is based off fact.

ok, so let’s accept that. Black men overwhelmingly commit most of the crimes in the U.S. Do then white people get to act on their prejudices? Since it’s based on a “fact” it is not really a prejudice right? Or are we only allowing white women to be racist against black men? Since this whole thing started because of dumb gender war rage bait