Me: Living in fake capitalist society. Taxation and bureaucracy are ridiculously high. Everything is overpriced due to taxation,inflation and stupid laws. Public services are bad and don't work. Latin America is proof that socialism sucks.
No.. that's just the effect of capitalism mate. Or more precisely, that's the effect of meritocracy.

But I guess some people just can't understand reality. Guys like you are doomed to repeat the circle of hell. And you will keep blaming the wrong target until you die because you are two lazy to learn and understand.

I just hope that there will be more leftists to counter this growing foolishness.

The term that is often used around here is Metacapitalism: big ass corporations paying politicians to create bureaucracy and taxes to kill of the competition and solidify their monopolies.
It’s not a bureaucracy itself. It is simply a system that primarily creates welfare programs for corporations instead of people.
The reality of socialism ?

Without the push of socialism, socialists or social values... NONE of those things would have been made possible.
jesus imagine being this confidently wrong

Attribute everything you perceive as good as a deed from your god "Socialism". Cult like behavior
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i still cant get over the fact that you put stuff like women's suffrage and gay rights up there lmao. Those things were pushed hard by liberals, aka the people you constantly shit talk :suresure:
jesus imagine being this confidently wrong

Attribute everything you perceive as good as a deed from your god "Socialism". Cult like behavior
Without socialism, those thing would have NEVER existed mate.

I think you are confusing "attributed to socialism" and "made possible because of socialism". Some of those things were attributed to "democrates" or "progressist" indeed, but for progressism to exist, there must be a progressive push first. Those rights didn't not come from nowhere.

People ( socialist / communists / Anarchist / Leftist / Militant) had to FIGHT to the BLOOD sometimes to push the overton windows toward the left in order for people with more liberal ideas to finally accept their struggle as legitimate.

MOST of the social rights you have now (or don't have because some people is some countries are a little bit dumb) are the fruits of a social struggle led by leftists (and therefore socialists).

But hey, keep spitting on the hand that helps you, see how far it will get you.

Tell me, how much do you spend in medical care again ?

Without socialism, those thing would have NEVER existed mate.

I think you are confusing "attributed to socialism" and "made possible because of socialism". Some of those things were attributed to "democrates" or "progressist" indeed, but for progressism to exist, there must be a progressive push first. Those rights didn't not come from nowhere.

People ( socialist / communists / Anarchist / Leftist / Militant) had to FIGHT to the BLOOD sometimes to push the overton windows toward the left in order for people with more liberal ideas to finally accept their struggle as legitimate.

MOST of the social rights you have now (or don't have because some people is some countries are a little bit dumb) are the fruits of a social struggle led by leftists (and therefore socialists).

But hey, keep spitting on the hand that helps you, see how far it will get you.

Tell me, how much do you spend in medical care again ?

This is so ahistorical lmao. Progressives weren't/arent always socialist, in fact being a liberal was being a progressive for most of our history.

But what did I expect from the guy who just learned what communism was couple month ago. This is what infuriates me of this thread, people like you speaking on things you have 0 clue about
This is so ahistorical lmao. Progressives weren't/arent always socialist, in fact being a liberal was being a progressive for most of our history.
Not really no, only around the revolution and the 19th and 20th century after that, liberalism became obsolete. That's why I'm not talking here only about human right (what liberalism allowed) but also social rights (what liberalism is against).

Again, without the push of social values against capitalism and liberalism (what socialism is) social rights that I showed you here, would not be possible.

Again, you are confusing those who were attributed with the signatures of said reforms and those who pushed for said signature to happen in the first place.

But what did I expect from the guy who just learned what communism was couple month ago. This is what infuriates me of this thread, people like you speaking on things you have 0 clue about
I did not learn about communism mate, I just understand it better. What I'm telling you is something that I was already telling you before. Me not being fully aware of certain data does not negate the fact that I'm right on leftist most of the time (if not all the times)

Again, how much do you pay in medical fee in your country if you have, lets say, a broken arm or a cancer ?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Socialism: Ideology that seems to build a socialist society and is an umbrella term.

Social Society: a society in which the means of production, distribution, and exchange as owned by the community as a whole rather than private individuals.

Communist ideology: to establish a communit society. Simple enough.

Communist Society: a society where there is no state, no money, and no class.

Communist State: Socialist state ruled by a communist party(USSR for example).

Classical Marxism: a transitionary stage between capitalism and communism. The transitional stage is called socialism.

Anarchism: same as Classic Marxism but without any transitional stage. It seeks to establish communism immediately after overthrowing capitalism

Orthodox Marxism: continuation of classical Marxism with some changes since Karl Marx died before his work was complete. Examples include Lennism.

Revisionist Marxism: Using Classicla Marxism as an inspiration, it can be so radically changed from the original that it no longer resembles Marxism. Examples include Social Democracy

Social Democracy: a capitalist society with strong socialist regulation. It's just a tame version of captialism which isn't socialist, as socialism is anti-capitalistic by design.

Democratic socialism: an ideology that seeks to establish a society with socialist mode of production alongside a democratic system.

As you can see, socialism mostly just an ideology with dudes trying different methods to achieve their ideal society as an enconomic system. Almost all of them turned into dictatorships and failed.
As you can see, socialism mostly just an ideology with dudes trying different methods to achieve their ideal society as an enconomic system. Almost all of them turned into dictatorships and failed.
When you say "failed", do you mean millions in poverty, Authoritarian states, monopolies of ideas and ressources and millions of death ?
It’s not a bureaucracy itself. It is simply a system that primarily creates welfare programs for corporations instead of people.
Bureaucracy does make it harder for the little guys to start their business. Big corps can hire an army of lawyers and accountants. Small business cannot.
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Give me 2 ARs and I'm negging Russians left and right:getnappaed:
you can buy those in paraguay
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now post the reality of socialism

You're just as retarded as the mcarthyist
Dude, thinks every country is like France, where public services actually work and are good quality. The man would be living in the streets if he was born Brazilian.
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When you say "failed", do you mean millions in poverty, Authoritarian states, monopolies of ideas and ressources and millions of death ?
Africa,Latin,America,East Europe,parts of Asia...You live in fantasy world.
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