Character Discussion Zoro is not the fighter of the crew he is the swordsman

Bro will add in dumbest thing known to mankind just in order to disagree.

All the crew has a job In the ship. Only Luffy and Zoro are designated Fighters.
Also Nico Robin
All the other people have a role while on the ship
While Zoro’s and Nico Robin’s role comes into play mostly off the ship.

1 Nami: make sure the ship doesn't sink thanks to her navigation skills

2 Sanji: make sure people on the ship doesn't starve to death

3 Usopp: is in charge of the artillery present on the ship

4 Chopper: provides the necessary health care to the crew members

5 Franky: Repairs the ship / improves the ship

6 Brook: plays music to soothe the spirits of the crew members

7 Jinbe: as the helmsman ensure that the ship doesn't sink
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Foul Legacy

Also Nico Robin
All the other people have a role while on the ship
While Zoro’s and Nico Robin’s role comes into play mostly off the ship.

1 Nami: make sure the ship doesn't sink thanks to her navigation skills

2 Sanji: make sure people on the ship doesn't starve to death

3 Usopp: is in charge of the artillery present on the ship

4 Chopper: provides the necessary health care to the crew members

5 Franky: Repairs the ship / improves the ship

6 Brook: plays music to soothe the spirits of the crew members

7 Jinbe: as the helmsman ensure that the ship doesn't sink
She works as an Archaeologist and works with info gathering and keeping crew knowledge.
Luffy is a very strong fighter but he is not the best fighter as he sometimes gets outsmarted by certain manuvers or is limited by his fighting style.

If Zoro was in Impel down he wouldn't sacrifice his arms fighting magellian, he would instead use his ranged attacks like his cannons or tatsumaki.

Pica is a direct example as Luffy would be able to defeat Pica but it would take too much time and energy from him as his solution to beat him would be to just punch the rock giant until it stops moving. Even then the fella could easily get away in the rubble.

Zoro came up with a plan to slowly isolate Pica's real body until he had to reveal himself which lead to an instant ko.

Zoro being incredibly precise with his attacks and thinking through his plans goes a long way and it's why he's the designated fighter of the crew.
Luffy is the best fighter since he's the strongest fighter of the crew

What are you even saying?
Zoro took hours and chapters to tell that Seraphims were like King
That's being smart combat wise or using your brain?
Zoro’s role on the crew is swordsman. A role that doesn’t necessarily require fighting but in zoro’s case it usually does. Mainly because he wants to be the strongest swordsman and surpass mihawk which requires him to get stronger

Technically zoro would be fulfilling his role if each arc he just cut tougher and/or bigger things or even more abstract things like fire yeah but in general he’s usually given fights to do so. With him being the strongest in the crew after luffy so he’s usually the next one to get fights

Like usopp similar has a role based on combat kinda but doesn’t really get fights just more accurate and further sniping feats. With like half of the crew without combat related roles get more fights than him. Most the time just because they’re stronger. Sanji might be a cook and Jinbe a helmsman but on top of that they’re still the stronger strawhats

As for people that try to force themselves to make believe that zoro has the be stronger than luffy because “combatant” they’re just weird losers and most people don’t actually think like that


Kitetsu Wanker
Cause he'd be a good measure of the power difference between Zoro and Luffy if Zoro could pierce his skin. Just like Zoro cutting and scarring the same Kaido Luffy could hardly harm showed he was superior on the rooftop.
That is pointless.
People would just say the same thing with next big bad after Egghead.
Evidence so far is enough.
People are either convinced Zoro is stronger than Luffy or they arent.
That is pointless.
People would just say the same thing with next big bad after Egghead.
Evidence so far is enough.
People are either convinced Zoro is stronger than Luffy or they arent.
Sorry but that's just not how powerscaling works. Unless you're like Mihawk and are confirmed by the narrator to be a god tier you need feats
If you don't have the feats then you just ain't that guy yet


Kitetsu Wanker
Kaido's feats are #1 currently
Kaido's shown us that his title is no joke and it never will be. Only person alive who could stalemate him is Mihawk.
Kaido's feats are only the best when it comes to fighting a gauntlet. Nothing will ever surpass that.
When it comes to best offensive feats, Zoro's Dragon Damnation reigns supreme.
When it comes to facing the strongest attack, Zoro facing Hakai reigns supreme.
When it comes to best performance in an injured state, Asura vs Kaido reigns supreme.
Kaido's feats are only the best when it comes to fighting a gauntlet. Nothing will ever surpass that.
When it comes to best offensive feats, Zoro's Dragon Damnation reigns supreme.
When it comes to facing the strongest attack, Zoro facing Hakai reigns supreme.
When it comes to best performance in an injured state, Asura vs Kaido reigns supreme.
Kaido has the best dura feats besides maybe Warcury.
Best AP feats, matched a huge island sized fist with CoA+ACoA+ACoC while he was fatigued
Top 5 speed
Top 2-3 endurance feats
Kaido is just a freak of nature. Dude's too damn strong for no good reason