They have CoC haki comparable to Shanks that wifi diffed an Admiral, not farfetched thinking they have high level CoO that can sense the danger level of incoming attacks.
Sure they have regeneration hax, that's why they don't bother eating attacks like these
But suddenly, when Zoro tries to attack Venus, Venus bothered to block the attack.
Why don't they bother to block any attacks even from Sun God Nika to 2 legendary Giants' captain, but when Zoro moves suddenly Venus worried enough to block the attack while every other time they only depend on regeneration?
Does Venus sense the danger level coming from Zoro's attack? Does Zoro's attack have potential to harm Venus and other Gorosei for real?
@JoNdule @nik87 @Artem @Fujishiro @Sentinel @ZenZu @NikaInParis @Tai long @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Embers Kaios @RayanOO @Akai2 etc.
Sure they have regeneration hax, that's why they don't bother eating attacks like these

But suddenly, when Zoro tries to attack Venus, Venus bothered to block the attack.
Why don't they bother to block any attacks even from Sun God Nika to 2 legendary Giants' captain, but when Zoro moves suddenly Venus worried enough to block the attack while every other time they only depend on regeneration?
Does Venus sense the danger level coming from Zoro's attack? Does Zoro's attack have potential to harm Venus and other Gorosei for real?
@JoNdule @nik87 @Artem @Fujishiro @Sentinel @ZenZu @NikaInParis @Tai long @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Embers Kaios @RayanOO @Akai2 etc.