US elections.

The 2020 election thread was peak Worstgen. People getting banned left and right :shocked:

I will be there for the 2024 thread :funky:
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In the 2020 thread, I said I'll be on the #Ye2024 train....but I guess that didn't work out too well :willight:
I don’t remember the 2020 thread, guess I was on a hiatus. Just saw that Trump and Biden are about to have the first debate in two weeks. The 2020 presidential debates was a comedy show :kobeha:


I don’t remember the 2020 thread, guess I was on a hiatus.
Enjoy the biggest shitshow in the history of internet shitposting lol :suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:

I remember mods saying the thread broke the ban/report record lol
Just saw that Trump and Biden are about to have the first debate in two weeks.

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My vote is still on Ye :josad: can y'all unlock the thread so I take back my vote? :josad:
Enjoy the biggest shitshow in the history of internet shitposting lol :suresure::suresure::suresure::suresure:

I remember mods saying the thread broke the ban/report record lol

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My vote is still on Ye :josad: can y'all unlock the thread so I take back my vote? :josad:
Oh I remember that thread, pretty sure I was a mod then too but wasn’t around the forum when it was popping off lol. 1700 pages is wild tho, I’d like to think the 2024 thread won’t be the same, people aren’t sitting around in lockdown this time around. Like 2020 was just a wild year in general; covid locking down the whole world, George Floyd protests in the US etc. all of this probably added way more fuel to Biden vs Trump. Otherwise Trump vs Clinton in 2016 was arguably more toxic.
Oh I remember that thread, pretty sure I was a mod then too but wasn’t around the forum when it was popping off lol. 1700 pages is wild tho, I’d like to think the 2024 thread won’t be the same, people aren’t sitting around in lockdown this time around. Like 2020 was just a wild year in general; covid locking down the whole world, George Floyd protests in the US etc. all of this probably added way more fuel to Biden vs Trump. Otherwise Trump vs Clinton in 2016 was arguably more toxic.
2016 was definitely worst

Now with 2024, if only Trump would move his ass and do something

While i agree with some things Bisoromi mentioned, immigration is not the main issue for young europeans in particular who fueled this triumph of both far-right and conservatives in european elections the most, rather the main issues are the rising cost of living and even moreso "livelyhood insecurity".

While older generations were/are fearing job loss, younger generations fear to never land a job (let alone a well paid one) in the first place, no matter how many master or even PhD degrees they invest in and it's this fear that a study in Germany analyzed as what mainly drives the younger generations in Germany to the far-right since they don't believe left and liberal parties are up to the task to solve this big issue and this is truly the main task to solve for the younger generations if you want the EU to remain in existence long-term outside of political powers in other parts of the world threatening Europe (Trumpism, Putin, PRC).
Both are the results of the same bs intentional mismanagement by the elites.


Yes they are pushed to immigrate as a result of the West messing with other countries and destroying their economies. Everyone with a shred of intellectual honesty and general knowledge knows that European colonialism is the cause of Africa's poverty yet you'll find plenty Westerners today who believe that Africans are simply less evolved (racially) and that this is the reason. The same people you'll hear argue that immigration has to stop because quote "we can't save the whole world" . I've heard and read this line so often in this context. The lack of awareness among Westerners is next level.
And the almost the same can be applied to the middle east only that the west ruined these countries by perpetual conflicts and evidently deliver weapons to regimes that it publically criticizes.
Long story short, this whole mess results not only in neocolonialism outside of European but in additional auto- and recolonisation of Europe itself. The only ones benefitting are European elites and to some extent their affiliated proxies in the colonies outside of Europe.
Who doesn't benefit are the immigrants as well as the local European population.
External more powerful and wealthier countries messing up Africa for sure is one of the biggest reasons why they are poor nowadays but that's not all of it. Africa is full of dictatorship that follows a bunch of left wing ideias that doesn't work because they wasn't made to work but to keep the political status quo unchanged. And be sure it is much more benefitial for africans to move to Europe than you think lol. Europe is a paradise compared to what their lives were at Africa. That place sucks.

why do we –Europeans– have to bring anything to other people? Why can't we let them live their lives and not force our idea of statehood, wealth and culture on them?
Welcome to wisdom my fellow libertarian.

Humans naturally diversify. Strip them of their uniqueness and they'll come up with different views and ways of life sooner or later, leading to the formation of new cultures and genetically distinct groups with different linguistic varieties. Removing the cultures of people without their consent only leaves traumatized and emotionally unstable people that are more easily controlled than people with independent identities.
Exactly. And that's why there is social and economical disparities between individuals. Some seek fame while others avoid it. Some seek money while others don't care much about it.

The only way a world without borders would ever work is with an actual world government in place that forcefully reestablishes the common culture through violence every time regional variations emerge. Essentially like a communist empire such as the USSR or PRC. Are you aware how minorities are 'dealt with' in these regimes?
He is aware and this is exactly what he wants and I've being warning everyone here about it for a long time already.
External more powerful and wealthier countries messing up Africa for sure is one of the biggest reasons why they are poor nowadays but that's not all of it. Africa is full of dictatorship that follows a bunch of left wing ideias that doesn't work because they wasn't made to work but to keep the political status quo unchanged. And be sure it is much more benefitial for africans to move to Europe than you think lol. Europe is a paradise compared to what their lives were at Africa. That place sucks.

Welcome to wisdom my fellow libertarian.

Exactly. And that's why there is social and economical disparities between individuals. Some seek fame while others avoid it. Some seek money while others don't care much about it.

He is aware and this is exactly what he wants and I've being warning everyone here about it for a long time already.
Ultra brainrot


To think there would be a day when I agree with everything you've said... Bisoromi Bear.

I've tried to reiterate this. It's not just the European natives who suffer, but also the immigrants who come here. The only people who benefit from this whole system are the elites.

I think you tapped into something I wanted to say, and I'm grateful for that: The immigration crisis destroys cultural identity which leaves them unstable, and, thus, easily controllable.
Just to be clear on what I say while quoting Bisoromi Bear... I'm not saying that immigrants have no struggle when moving just saying their lives gets much better. Otherwise they wouldn't be moving in first place.

Not sure about that whole culture thing you are talking about. I really can't see this happening. As long people have freedom to be what they want without breaking any law nothing bad towards culture should happen. And even if a culture or some traditions disappear within time... What's the problem? This happens since the beginning of the years...
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You got so close dude... But keep trying hard. You are almost there!
Just to be clear on what I say while quoting Bisoromi Bear... I'm not saying that immigrants have no struggle when moving just saying their lives gets much better. Otherwise they wouldn't be moving in first place.

Not sure about that whole culture thing you are talking about. I really can't see this happening. As long people have freedom to be what they want without breaking any law nothing bad towards culture should happen. And even if a culture or some traditions disappear within time... What's the problem? This happens since the beginning of the years...
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You got so close dude... But keep trying hard. You are almost there!


While i agree with some things Bisoromi mentioned, immigration is not the main issue for young europeans in particular who fueled this triumph of both far-right and conservatives in european elections the most, rather the main issues are the rising cost of living and even moreso "livelyhood insecurity".
Isn't this about immigration anyway? Isn't immigrants the most cause of insecurity nowadays in Europe? And aren't they accepting getting paid less so they are overtaking all the low study (I forgot how they are called) jobs?

A bit off topic I've recently saw an article explaning how the youngs are avoiding universities and looking for technical courses instead where they could be more sure about having a job when they are done.

While older generations were/are fearing job loss, younger generations fear to never land a job (let alone a well paid one) in the first place, no matter how many master or even PhD degrees they invest in and it's this fear that a study in Germany analyzed as what mainly drives the younger generations in Germany to the far-right since they don't believe left and liberal parties are up to the task to solve this big issue and this is truly the main task to solve for the younger generations if you want the EU to remain in existence long-term outside of political powers in other parts of the world threatening Europe (Trumpism, Putin, PRC).
Yeah funny how the whole world always go back to the right when they need to be saved

Let me ask you, how is the "temperature" about a possible World War coming with this whole Russia x Otan situation?
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Porn not banned yet?

I thought crying about politics online would change the world to my tune:shocked:
Porn is what keeps society sane.
Isn't this about immigration anyway? Isn't immigrants the most cause of insecurity nowadays in Europe? And aren't they accepting getting paid less so they are overtaking all the low study (I forgot how they are called) jobs?

A bit off topic I've recently saw an article explaning how the youngs are avoiding universities and looking for technical courses instead where they could be more sure about having a job when they are done.

Yeah funny how the whole world always go back to the right when they need to be saved

Let me ask you, how is the "temperature" about a possible World War coming with this whole Russia x Otan situation?
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Porn is what keeps society sane.
You are so dumb.