So to end it, reason why right wingers and now rise of far right is kinda good, is bcs it defers immigrants for overflowing countries that can't handle them in any capacity, legal or illegal.
The birth rates are the only important quantitative measurement that determines immigration and emigration flows on the planet in the long term (think in 1000s of years not just one human lifetime). Nothing can fix this number problem, besides forcing, or better incentivizing, Croatians (or any other countries) to have more children.

No industrialized country has above replacement level fertility. The right wing might fix it, since the current left government can not increase birth rates.
But relatively right wing conservative countries like Poland (1.32 Births per Woman), Japan or South Korea can have even lower fertility rates than left wing Sweden or Germany (1.58 births per woman).

Note how Israel is exceptional, since it the only modern fully industrialized country with 2.8 births per woman (means above replacement, (exponential) growth).

I wish we had more quantitative number discussions instead of qualitative discussions about imigration. How can we increase birth rates? Cloning? Child Money? Religion?

Are these good/bad?
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This has to be joke right

The birth rates are the only important quantitative measurement that determines immigration and emigration flows on the planet in the long term (think in 1000s of years not just one human lifetime). Nothing can fix this number problem, besides forcing, or better incentivizing, Croatians (or any other countries) to have more children.

No industrialized country has above replacement level fertility. The right wing might fix it, since the current left government can not increase birth rates.
But relatively right wing conservative countries like Poland (1.32 Births per Woman), Japan or South Korea can have even lower fertility rates than left wing Sweden or Germany (1.58 births per woman).

Note how Israel is exceptional, since it the only modern fully industrialized country with 2.8 births per woman (means above replacement, (exponential) growth).

I wish we had more quantitative number discussions instead of qualitative discussions about imigration. How can we increase birth rates? Cloning? Child Money? Religion?

Are these good/bad?
You're implying that populations shrinking is a bad thing. We'd all to better if there were less humans considering the earth's resources are limited and we're already fighting resource wars. Some past societies solved their resource shortage issues through recurring ritualized warfare to reduce population numbers. And our stupid industrial cultures today are artificially trying to increase population numbers despite already limited resources and having convinced themselves that we can create resources out of thin air.
People need to get a grip already.

And said article mentioned the historical context of those particular u-turns and that the no cruising signs were removed already in 2011. Now you could argue "why not just keep using these for what these road signs usually are for instead of bigotry" or that it's just virtue signalling to supposedly support a minority while not solving any issues they face today, but at least this choice to remove them wasn't just done randomly.


And said article mentioned the historical context of those particular u-turns and that the no cruising signs were removed already in 2011. Now you could argue "why not just keep using these for what these road signs usually are for instead of bigotry" or that it's just virtue signalling to supposedly support a minority while not solving any issues they face today, but at least this choice to remove them wasn't just done randomly.
Bro I read all that I need someone to tell me if U-turns are actually allowed or not on these streets 😭
Bro I read all that I need someone to tell me if U-turns are actually allowed or not on these streets 😭

They are otherwise, it's just removed in that one particular street/neighbourhood because of the context. Theres not gonna be campaigns now to remove all u-turn signs from american streets, tho i wouldn't be surprised if a few from a certain political spectrum were already crying about this supposedly happening.


They are otherwise, it's just removed in that one particular street/neighbourhood because of the context. Theres not gonna be campaigns now to remove all u-turn signs from american streets, tho i wouldn't be surprised if a few from a certain political spectrum were already crying about this supposedly happening.
Me the next time I'm driving in LA
You can't even neg diff your fear of talking to women
i neg diffed your mom the other day
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The funniest thing to come out of this thread is Nameless and Herrera hating one another
nah its all fun and games
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This has to be joke right

You're implying that populations shrinking is a bad thing. We'd all to better if there were less humans considering the earth's resources are limited and we're already fighting resource wars. Some past societies solved their resource shortage issues through recurring ritualized warfare to reduce population numbers. And our stupid industrial cultures today are artificially trying to increase population numbers despite already limited resources and having convinced themselves that we can create resources out of thin air.
People need to get a grip already.
To be honest,i only care about my tribe nowadays. If Japan,Europe or whoever has xyz problems,fuck them. Its none of my business.
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The birth rates are the only important quantitative measurement that determines immigration and emigration flows on the planet in the long term (think in 1000s of years not just one human lifetime). Nothing can fix this number problem, besides forcing, or better incentivizing, Croatians (or any other countries) to have more children.

No industrialized country has above replacement level fertility. The right wing might fix it, since the current left government can not increase birth rates.
But relatively right wing conservative countries like Poland (1.32 Births per Woman), Japan or South Korea can have even lower fertility rates than left wing Sweden or Germany (1.58 births per woman).

Note how Israel is exceptional, since it the only modern fully industrialized country with 2.8 births per woman (means above replacement, (exponential) growth).

I wish we had more quantitative number discussions instead of qualitative discussions about imigration. How can we increase birth rates? Cloning? Child Money? Religion?

Are these good/bad?
Israel has a cultural element to this. Lots of more religous jews have like 5+ kids and live off government aid.
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Isn't this about immigration anyway? Isn't immigrants the most cause of insecurity nowadays in Europe? And aren't they accepting getting paid less so they are overtaking all the low study (I forgot how they are called) jobs?

A bit off topic I've recently saw an article explaning how the youngs are avoiding universities and looking for technical courses instead where they could be more sure about having a job when they are done.

Yeah funny how the whole world always go back to the right when they need to be saved

Let me ask you, how is the "temperature" about a possible World War coming with this whole Russia x Otan situation?
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Porn is what keeps society sane.
You keep jacking off to loli hentai and you might just end up like Nobuhiro Watsuki.
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You keep jacking off to loli hentai and you might just end up like Nobuhiro Watsuki.
Only oppai loli
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The birth rates are the only important quantitative measurement that determines immigration and emigration flows on the planet in the long term (think in 1000s of years not just one human lifetime). Nothing can fix this number problem, besides forcing, or better incentivizing, Croatians (or any other countries) to have more children.

No industrialized country has above replacement level fertility. The right wing might fix it, since the current left government can not increase birth rates.
But relatively right wing conservative countries like Poland (1.32 Births per Woman), Japan or South Korea can have even lower fertility rates than left wing Sweden or Germany (1.58 births per woman).

Note how Israel is exceptional, since it the only modern fully industrialized country with 2.8 births per woman (means above replacement, (exponential) growth).

I wish we had more quantitative number discussions instead of qualitative discussions about imigration. How can we increase birth rates? Cloning? Child Money? Religion?

Are these good/bad?
I've heard studies claiming that US should maintain a sustainable population even around 2100's while Europe and Asia should shrink tremendously and Africa, South America should keep growing (nothing crazy like China and India). But of course this can change based on what happens during the following years.

I don't fully understand the "problem" of birth rate unless your country has a pyramid scheme like retirement like Brazil has which consists on young employed people to pay for the retirement of the eldery. So if population shrinks this system collapses (is already like that because of corruption as well) and since people live longer and longer we also have to increase the age they can retire.

I've also heard of some governament "projects" to make population to have more babies like in Japan sending the ones turning 18 into a cruise so they can fuck and get pregnant. Lol.

I don't believe one method alone would be enough to make people having more babies again and the population stop to shrink but what I believe would help is: Increase safety since no one wanna have babies in a place you can die any day by getting robbed or something, increase economy since babies are expensive, increase freedom so people can be themselves (specially stop trying to force men to be femine and woman to be masculine) and also so we can have, not sure how to write this in english, but birth service from woman that become pregnant for couples that can't on their own.
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We'd all to better if there were less humans considering the earth's resources are limited and we're already fighting resource wars.
This is a self reinforcing loop though: More people -> Scarce Resources -> Resource Wars -> Side with more people / quantity wins resource war.

Malthus already theorized in 1798 that the population can not grow once a resource limit is breached. The Industrial revolution allowed for huge growth powered by innovation we live in at the moment counter to his predictions. Once innovation slows down the curse of limited resources will lead to resource wars again and we would enter the loop again. I agree that this is cursed, but that seems to be reality.

unless your country has a pyramid scheme like retirement like Brazil has which consists on young employed people to pay for the retirement of the eldery.
Most industrialized countries have such a Pyramid scheme (Germany, Japan, France ...) only exception I know is Israel with a high birth rate. US population growth is driven by immigration as their birth rate is below replacement. Interesting Brazil got old before it got wealthy, similar to China and North Korea. Is that also the case for Argentina?

I guess population growth and decline are exponential processes like f(x) = 2^x for growing population or f(x) = 2^(-x) for shrinking population -- and humans are bad understanding non linear things. Which makes it very hard to balance between the two kind of Pyramid schemes: Exponential growth/decline.

Increase safety since no one wanna have babies in a place you can die any day
South Korea and Japan are low crime, high safety societies but still have very low birth rates smh. Meanwhile the unsafe poor countries at (civil) war have the high birth rates (Syria, Myanmar, Iraq etc.) ... why? Maybe because logic and education destroy birth rates?