This is hilarious because Trump isn’t merely Christian and didn’t remotely care about genders in 2016. This goes to show how politician would say anything to grab power

Nor did anyone really until first gamergate happened and shortly before that USA legalized same-sex marriage since then we get all the gender wars that even influence elections around the world.
Ngl Palestinian kids aren't going to be treated very well even in those first world countries they might be forced to migrate to when this war blows over

For years and years to come
No refugees have it easy, but at least those kids that somehow manage to escape the genocide will live somewhere far away from drone strikes, bombings, white phosphorus, and people being mutilated in front of their eyes

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
After seeing Trump go through the Stormy Daniels trial and being painted as the greatest villain in the entirety of U.S. history, the so-called supporters of Trump (whose numbers seem to be increasing day by day) might have had enough of Biden being president.

Being consistently painted as white supremacists and Nazis by the left for merely being a supporter of Trump further drives more and more people who don't support Biden and the left-wing political actions to the other side.

All the efforts to send Trump to prison, including bringing in a former pornstar who slept with Trump for hush money, and the Jan 6 incident (which actually didn't cause much physical damage to the Capitol building, unlike the George Floyd riots), made the grand jury's actions look like political persecution instead.
There are numerous reasons for the "Cult of Trump" growing stronger. Trump's whole gimmick is giving easy answers to complicated problems. Living in America has been getting worse over the past few years so it's easy for them to blame Biden for everything, and the fact that everyone is so obsessed with Trump's crimes instead of politicians as a whole makes it seems like he's a targeted scapegoat.
Trump, just like Jordan Bardella, Marine Le Pen or Eric Zemmour in France, is a mediatic construction.


1 - Trump is good mediatic subject.

This means that when Trump arrives on screen, the chances that audiences rise goes up. The reason were heavily documented everywhere, I won't get into that here.

2 - Trump is the perfect scarecrow for liberals and the bourgeoisie to keep the power.

Just like in France, the far right is the perfect voting argument for liberals to create a political and republican Front and unite the "progressist". This has for effect to keep liberals in situation of domination and leftists in situations of weakness.

2 - The far right do NOT threaten the liberals.

This is the main reason. The far right is pro capitalistic and pro-meritocratic. It NEVER threatens the rich. So dominant liberal medias (mainly in France now) will NOT attack the far right for what it is and the danger that it can become, on the contrary, they will promote it until it start to go against their interests.

That's why Trump arrived so fast in power and that why the far right in France is so powerfull. The far right, for journalist, is and is treated like a fun show, like sport. They will not be impacted by their politics, so they can act as simple analyst.

You will never see the same treatment with real radical leftists or the extrem left. Simply because we are their worst ennemy.
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and again, All False notions, George Floyd Was a criminal and deserved to go to jail, But instead He fentanyl'd himself to death. Good Job.

Makes your voices heard peacefully and Patriotically. Guess this went over your head, Not to mention all the other suspicious bullshit that went down, Also Nancy and her goons denying National Guard.

She Supposedly Had Responsibility!!!! kek What is it Nanc! Make it Make Sense!!! Steven Sund seems to think otherwise as well!
Right because “cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression” is a side effect from an overdose. At this point idrc about that case but so many conservatives holding this view is telling. Y'all can just say that you're ok with an officer killing a guy because he's black and worthless. No need to keep hiding your true opinions. Come on, we're all in favor of free speech man, use it.

And before you try to flip this to make it seem like I'm in defense of George Floyd, I'm not. The dude was a career criminal and drug addict. I just personally don't believe cops should be able to get away with homicide, no matter who it is.
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MAGA TFGs (Too far gone) tend to project when they talk about Trump derangement syndrome when they’ve used the same line of argumentation democrats use against trump, but against Biden. You have to be blind or purposely dense to think Trump is not an authoritarian demagogue (he himself called for suspending the constitution on truth social) and has that abhorrent plan “project 2025” that would hinder the ability of other branches of government to keep him in check.
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@Medeia You’re a voice of reason in a sea of extremists and conspiracy theorists. Glad to know there are people like you here.
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Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Nor did anyone really until first gamergate happened and shortly before that USA legalized same-sex marriage since then we get all the gender wars that even influence elections around the world.
Because it's nothing but a political tool to create moral outage and get people to the polls. Not only on the Federal level, but state level. In the early 1900s, the tool was foreigners. When that started losing steam, it was the Red Scare and Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s. When that started dying off, they switched to homosexuality for the 60s-80s.

When same-sex marriage became legalized, the right winger media and politicians lost a big scapegoat until they stumbled upon Trans in 2016. Now less than 1% of the population is after your kids and trying to overthrow God's values as they put it.

Another failed coup attempt in a country after the recent one in Democratic Republic Congo, the army around their chief tried to oust president Arce and his government, Zuniga then urged the soldiers to withdraw after country leaders around the world blasted the coup attempt as illegal.

Of course conspiracies are already spreading on the internet through russian bots and willfull Russia supporters that this were another USA/CIA ploy to get rid of a leftist government instead of inner domestic turmoil and instability that caused this failed attempt.