Are there any actual evidences for that? I personally don't see what Putin and his oligarchies would actually gain from this Coup attempt.
I don't know but Russia and China are building up influence in Africa, it would be a clever move to blame the US for everything and play into the collective conscious of the Africans who are fed up with European and American bs.
I don't think that I've witness such a political treason in my life. This was really a school case.
Macron rolling out the red carpet for the far right by dissolving the National Assembly. Eric Ciotti making an alliance with Vichy. Francois Hollande betraying social democracy for neo liberalism and thus killing the hope for the left. Big news channels saying that wanting peace in Palestine is an antisemite and extremist position… so many people to blame.

Currently watching France going toward post-fascism (Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Israel & Russia) within a month.
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To think that it all started with Hayek, Reagan and Thatcher 🤡
Macron rolling out the red carpet for the far right by dissolving the National Assembly.
This one was rather a slow burn and not really unexpected. It has been common leftist knowledge that liberals (media and politics) and others conservative rightist (UMP, old school LR) have been preping the field for the arrival of the far right, so Macron doing the same things once in power wasn't a surprise. It is horrible and dangerous, but not really a shock.

Francois Hollande was quite a treason too, but I was too apolitical at the time to pay attention to his politic. And it really not surprising since the PS was always quite sos dem to begin with. And we can't trust sos dems to really apply a radical politic by themselves.

Big news channels saying that wanting peace in Palestine is an antisemite and extremist position… so many people to blame.
Yup, if I were given point for the arrival of the far right in power in France. I would say that media are responsible to at least a level of 80%

This video sums up clearly and perfectly the problem (if you guys want to understand, the automatic subs might do the job)

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Macron rolling out the red carpet for the far right by dissolving the National Assembly. Eric Ciotti making an alliance with Vichy. Francois Hollande betraying social democracy for neo liberalism and thus killing the hope for the left. Big news channels saying that wanting peace in Palestine is an antisemite and extremist position… so many people to blame.

Currently watching France going toward post-fascism (Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Israel & Russia) within a month.
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To think that it all started with Hayek, Reagan and Thatcher 🤡
Divide and conquer

BTW what's the English word for Bauernfänger?


The CPD commissioned me to design a poster for the first presidential debate tonight. What an honor!

Did I cook?
Learn what the words mean before you use them. Don't just regurgitate what you hear elsewhere, not even in the media. Do your own research.

Conspiracy = a plan to do harm. For example conspiring on money laundering.
Now a theory about that isn't even farfetched as the slang meaning makes believe.

Further you have so called "conspiracy theories" that turned out to be real:

And last but not least, human greed is real, following the money leads to the right answers. You got serious issues and you are really audacious to make such ignorant comments, especially because you got nothing to back it up with.
But whatever, stay ignorant, you won't be the first and you won't be the last.
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Nice one. I like this running gag. Cat pooped on the bed, it's Russia's fault because it's a russian blue cat, duh!
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I suggest looking up all possible J6 video and watching them yourself. Why is a literal antifa commie in the crowd and filming himself?
Also lots of inconsistencies with the stories, claims and the actual footage.

What actually happened is hard to tell.
Dude, if you’re gonna talk about money in politics I’d suggest looking into the billionaire money your boy has been taking as of late, or all the money he took from the saudis through his golf courses. Or better yet, read about project 2025. You’re simply projecting your lack of knowledge regarding campaign funding and Trumps actual policy positions and pretending I’m here watching MSNBC and CNN every night. I’m not the one pretending that J6 was a ANTIFA conspiracy.
This one was rather a slow burn and not really unexpected. It has been common leftist knowledge that liberals (media and politics) and others conservative rightist (UMP, old school LR) have been preping the field for the arrival of the far right, so Macron doing the same things once in power wasn't a surprise. It is horrible and dangerous, but not really a shock.
It was a shock though. Maybe we should have seen it coming with the likes of conservatives who welcomed Mussolini and Hitla to power. To be fair, between Ciotti and Macron what is even the remaining difference ? This immigration law they passed hand in hand with the far right still gives me headaches.
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This one was rather a slow burn and not really unexpected. It has been common leftist knowledge that liberals (media and politics) and others conservative rightist (UMP, old school LR) have been preping the field for the arrival of the far right, so Macron doing the same things once in power wasn't a surprise. It is horrible and dangerous, but not really a shock.
It was a shock though. Maybe we should have seen it coming with the likes of conservatives who welcomed Mussolini and Hitla to power. To be fair, between Ciotti and Macron what is even the remaining difference ? This immigration law they passed hand in hand with the far right still gives me headaches.
To be fair, between Ciotti and Macron what is even the remaining difference ? This immigration law they passed hand in hand with the far right still gives me headaches.
Well, there is still a difference between the far right and the right (liberals). Those are two different political streams. But I'd say that Macron is a free electron at the very right of the liberal spectrum.

Sometimes he will get to the progressive side, sometimes to the conservative ones.

My guess is that the guy doesn't really have a moral compass. He is mostly an opportunist that believe that his rationnality is superior to everything. That's why he will acts as he wants and still rationnalize his bad descision.

The problem is that Macron (or the liberals/rightist overall) are not at all rationnal, they are idealistic. They do not create politics based on reality or the scientific consensus, but on how they believe the reality should be.

This vision, if not controlled, only has two (indirect) potential ending points:
- Dictatorship
- Fascism

It looks like we are headed toward the second in France. Take a look at what this guy is saying:

The guy is basically saying "people with two nationalities won't be able to have a post in public fonction".. which is a justification to rationnalize the fact that they want to get rid of arabs people in public fonction.

In short, not only the far right in France wants to get rid of the immigrations and prevent stranger from having basic social rights and social aids, but they want ALSO to prevent a large part of FRENCH PEOPLE from accessing to a LOT of posts.

This is literally the far right saying that there will be "good french people" and "bad french people". And of course it opens the path to even more similar politics. We can for example imagine that binational people will have less and less access to social services for example...

This is how fascism started in the first place.

All of that because some rich journalist and their billionnaire bosses thought it would be fun to dediabolize the far right on TV and let them have access to all public debates.
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Biden's performance in that debate was atrocious.

He was stuttering more than enough times and his brain was going all over the place + looking blankly in different directions a couple times.

The guy is seriously unwell, compared to Trump who still had a brain that was functioning very well.