One Piece Manga Spoilers - Chapter 957

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Have you read Mihawk's fight with Zoro???
Cause if you did, you would realize that Mihawk is unlike all other brutes who go all out to hunt a rabbit.
Mihawk could have finished Zoro in one attack. yet, he chose to entertain himself because he's amused by this kid who is challenging him for the first time. He wants to see his swordsmanship and what he can do. So, he gets out his small knife and simply allows Zoro to use ALLL of his moves and still rendering him useless instead of just oneshotting him.

Mihawk is that damn bored that when he sees a promising swordsman, he wants to test this character and see what they can do

It was made clear when Mihawk met Vista, it was THEIR FIRST TIME. Because Vista himself said it "So, you've heard of me?"

And Mihawk replied "I would be ignorant if I didn't hear about your name"

And this may be a non-manga because it was only shown in anime. But there was a dialog between them which also emphasized that on Mihawk.

Mihawk says to Vista: Best swordsman on WB ship, will you not show me your flower blade style?
Vista: take a good grasp, Rose rondo!

The point is that, Mihawk is that damn bored who's looking for someone who can either be a challenge of him right now, ORRRR if he's not able to do it now, they are AT LEAST promising enough to develop later and pose a challenge later. Zoro and Vista belonged to the latter group.

Mihawk was interested and amused by them, he simply didn't go all out wiping them out with one big attack like other brutes (Kaido as an example who finished Luffy with a big named attack)
The headcanon of Vista-Mihawk is dumb.

It practically says Vista> Shanks...

But coming from Ndule is normal .

Great you see the point
they said they are working on warlords bounties. time to see how mihawk's Bounty compared to shanks.:myman:
Probably will be way lower to be real... besides strength we’re they might be equal or close to each other, politically, socially, economically, geographically Shanks has much more power and influence and is much more dangerous, than Mihawk...
shanks doesn't have black blade, uses advanced coa that is agains't swormdanship since it's a ''shield'' and wrecks body from indise wtihout cutting it, and could fight with legs too like rayleigh.
Rayleigh doesn’t fight with legs. Zoro has punched and kicked people on panel to you bozo stop trying to throw Sanjis name in with the all powerful one piece sword bois
Vista was smiling vs the so called Yonko level Mihawk lol

:cheers: I get it
Mihawk smiles vs Mihawk yet Looks worried and stressed, angry vs injured Akainu



Akainu>injured akainu>Yonko/admiral level confirmed
He never looked concerned or worried.

You have it backwards. The champion doesn't have to prove that he's at the contenders level. It's the contender that has to prove he's at the champions level. Vista was never able to make Mihawk become serious, that shows us the difference between the two. Unlike the Admirals, Mihawk wasn't trying to kill anybody there.
this chapter heavily implied Shanks have the strongest YC and crew ... maybe by far

no wonder he stopped the war

Shanks and his crew = C3
It didn’t heavily imply it... it confirmed it.

All of Shanks’ core members are YC3 or higher

Shanks is Yonko level
Beckman is Admiral level or Old Trio level (if those two aren’t the same thing)
Roo is YC1
Yasopp is YC2
The rest are YC3

Based on the latest math where YC1 + 3 Vets = mid diff for 2 Admirals, RHP > C3
but Yonko are strongest if Mihawk wasn't a factor right?

so Mihawk matter THAT MUCH for plot?

so why he didn't do anything for plot in last 22 years ... like NOTHING AT ALL

why should Oda give him THAT MUCH respect while he gave NOTHING CLOSE TO THAT on screen for 22 years
He does matter that much to the plot. He's the final opponent and goal for Zoro a member of the SH crew.

Oda can't reveal too much about mihawk otherwise it spoils the entire Zoro vs Mihawk plot.

It's the second reason why we've yet to see the full capabilities of a lot of characters.
He never looked concerned or worried.

You have it backwards. The champion doesn't have to prove that he's at the contenders level. It's the contender that has to prove he's at the champions level. Vista was never able to make Mihawk become serious, that shows us the difference between the two. Unlike the Admirals, Mihawk wasn't trying to kill anybody there.
But our poor mister One that almost got sliced in half
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