In what instance? Cause the Republicans had their term before this, democracy seems intact. Half of US history was run by both parties, so I fail to see where the fascist accusations come from.
Specifically, Trump appointed 2 judges, another 4 years means he might be able to appoint more. If Biden gets appointments maybe it can get better than 6-3 (and reverse some of the things they have done recently).
Project 2025 is the main accusation, because they're planning to """drain the swamp""", fire a lot of people and replace them with loyalists, and push a lot of things that go against freedom.
And in general Trump and the republicans (who have become mostly MAGA for trump) are pro putin and russia that it will hurt NATO and the war in Ukraine, and possibly future fronts like Taiwan

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
America is supposed to be a democracy, but isn't one in practice. Money is what makes the place move. The winning candidates(federal and state level) are usually the ones who receive the most funding. Corporations supply the cash and deals so that you get commercial air time and positive representation. Neoliberalism is about using the Govenrment to deregulate the private sector and make it easier to obtain and hold capital. The best candidates for Corporations are ones they pay to keep things unregulated.
In what instance? Cause the Republicans had their term before this, democracy seems intact. Half of US history was run by both parties, so I fail to see where the fascist accusations come from.
Specifically, Trump appointed 2 judges, another 4 years means he might be able to appoint more. If Biden gets appointments maybe it can get better than 6-3 (and reverse some of the things they have done recently).
Project 2025 is the main accusation, because they're planning to """drain the swamp""", fire a lot of people and replace them with loyalists, and push a lot of things that go against freedom.
And in general Trump and the republicans (who have become mostly MAGA for trump) are pro putin and russia that it will hurt NATO and the war in Ukraine, and possibly future fronts like Taiwan
"Drain the swamp" is manipulate speech for "expand their own swamp"
And in general Trump and the republicans (who have become mostly MAGA for trump) are pro putin and russia that it will hurt NATO and the war in Ukraine, and possibly future fronts like Taiwan
The invasion of Ukrainian began after Trump. Just saying.
Specifically, Trump appointed 2 judges, another 4 years means he might be able to appoint more. If Biden gets appointments maybe it can get better than 6-3 (and reverse some of the things they have done recently).
Project 2025 is the main accusation, because they're planning to """drain the swamp""", fire a lot of people and replace them with loyalists, and push a lot of things that go against freedom.
And in general Trump and the republicans (who have become mostly MAGA for trump) are pro putin and russia that it will hurt NATO and the war in Ukraine, and possibly future fronts like Taiwan
Project 2025 sounds like a silly wet dream by an independent organization, I'm not too alarmed about that.

As for the Supreme court, there's no turning back on their decisions no matter who comes next. There's only adding an amendment, and I'm not too sure the US is flexible enough on that (the last one was ratified in 1992) :kobeha:

If someone wants to vote for Biden, the reason shouldn't be Supreme court, and shouldn't be Putin (who is publicly rooting for Biden btw, he would be spooked by Trump).
The US are not special, they are simply the country where those people have a chance. Where do you want them to go ? South ? Where they will be treated even worst and where insecurity is high level ?

What you are doing is dehumanization



The entire human species's history. But hey. you have hate on your side so...
You keep speaking bullshit dude.
Why are you so against them trying to do it legally? Where they can be vetted, and not people who are criminals... Because what You want there's been several girls either raped and or killed by Illegals.. Fuck your notions.

I didn't know this existed, I just took a quick look. This literally looks like a fascist project !!

It's basically what it is, just created by conservative think tanks, 900 pages on everything, DoJ, FBI, rights, president power... it's actually insane.
Wikipedia sums it up pretty well:
It proposes reclassifying tens of thousands of merit-based federal civil service workers as political appointees in order to replace them with those loyal to the next Republican president.[4] It also adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States,[5][6] which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch.[3][7] Critics of Project 2025 have characterized it as an authoritarian, Christian nationalist plan to transform the United States into an autocracy.[8] Several legal experts have asserted it would undermine the rule of law, the separation of powers, the separation of church and state[9][4] and civil liberties.[10]
Project 2025 sounds like a silly wet dream by an independent organization, I'm not too alarmed about that.

As for the Supreme court, there's no turning back on their decisions no matter who comes next. There's only adding an amendment, and I'm not too sure the US is flexible enough on that (the last one was ratified in 1992) :kobeha:

If someone wants to vote for Biden, the reason shouldn't be Supreme court, and shouldn't be Putin (who is publicly rooting for Biden btw, he would be spooked by Trump).
I don't think it's a silly wet dream anymore, and it's not one independent organization:
Project 2025's advisory board consists of "a broad coalition of over 80 conservative organizations"—mainly conservative think tanks, as well as several universities and the magazine The American Conservative.[54] As of February 2024, the project has over 100 partner organizations.[55]
Notable authors of the project's Mandate for Leadership include many officials and advisors from the Trump administration, including Jonathan Berry, Ben Carson, Ken Cuccinelli, Rick Dearborn, Thomas Gilman, Mandy Gunasekara, Gene Hamilton, Christopher Miller, Bernard McNamee, Stephen Moore, Mora Namdar, Peter Navarro, William Perry Pendley, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Kiron Skinner, Roger Severino, Hans von Spakovsky, Brooks Tucker, Russell Vought, and Paul Winfree.[56]
I agree with the angle that Putin didn't want an unstable Trump
but after him and republicans trying (and succeeding for a long time) to block Ukraine aid, it's different now. And the whole way they talk about NATO. They might cut funding for Ukraine or force them a shitty cease fire. I wouldn't say it's the main point. Project 2025 is more than enough. Why shouldn't it be the supreme court? more appointments can even the scales with those corrupt judges.

I am saying this as someone who liked trump and was happy at 2016 (not anymore). This isn't about anyone's political opinion on the spectrum, it's about still having the option to vote on these political opinions and be free. I'm not even American but this can have horrible global consequences.
You keep speaking bullshit dude.

Why are you so against them trying to do it legally?
Because legality is not something that is accessible for everyone mate.

Because what You want there's been several girls either raped and or killed by Illegals..
Just like there are a lot of girls raped by country people being in the US or in Europe.


This is not an argument mate.

It's basically what it is, just created by conservative think tanks, 900 pages on everything, DoJ, FBI, rights, president power... it's actually insane.
Hell.. those people do not understand what they are advocating for. Its scary.

Because legality is not something that is accessible for everyone mate.

Just like there are a lot of girls raped by country people being in the US or in Europe.


This is not an argument mate.

Hell.. those people do not understand what they are advocating for. Its scary.
Wow, You would blow off a 12 year old being killed and sexually assaulted because it goes against your narrative. Spineless coward.
Laken Riley was killed as well.
If anybody doesn't have an argument, It's you.

"Because legality is not something that is accessible for everyone mate."

That's the point... You dimwitted soul. Would you give access to your home to any and everybody?
Wow, You would blow off a 12 year old being killed and sexually assaulted because it goes against your narrative. Spineless coward.
Noone is invizibilizing anything Gandhi, what I'm explaining to your is that insecurity is not related to immigration. Its related to poverty, marginalization and bad treatments.

In short, the vision of guys like you is what creates the seed for insecurities to arise.

Plus, sexual violences are - again - really not something that is a attribute of immigration but the society in general.

I know you have a hard time understanding basic fact, but make an effort please :)

That's the point... You dimwitted soul. Would you give access to your home to any and everybody?
The country is NOT "your home". Its a large place of land where your home is located. There are a LOT of places to welcome people without even thinking about opening your home.

So relax mate, and stop watching TV and internet far right gurus. They are brainwashing you.
„So relax mate, and stop watching TV and internet far right gurus. They are brainwashing you.

So relax mate, and stop watching TV and internet far left gurus. They brainwashed you.

Nevermind you never had a brain to wash. Their manipulation was directly injected into your vain, spineless and evil soul

comment directed to the degenerate above me

No Tv, do not like Internet Gurus and I'm mostly listening to scientifics and militants.

But hey ! Maybe you are right, maybe you have better way to inform yourself ?

Those two migrants that were directly involved in Jocelyn Nungaray's sexual assault and murder should be made an example out of.

In Texas, an action which involves the murder of an individual under 10 years of age, or older than 10 years of age but younger than 15 years of age would have the perpetrator receive the death penalty (under Texas Capital Offenses).

The country is NOT "your home". Its a large place of land where your home is located. There are a LOT of places to welcome people without even thinking about opening your home.

So relax mate, and stop watching TV and internet far right gurus. They are brainwashing you.
This is belief system born of the notion that all these things are separate. The land is not too separate from the culture, for the culture has developed on that land, and that culture creates a sense of community and shared values, which is necessary for a home.

Sure the land itself isn't 'your home' so to speak, but it's more holistic, Logiko.

I don't know why I am trying to explain things to you, who believes in the amalgamated singular mass of humanity, but people feel like their homes are being destroyed because their own national cultures are being diluted. They believe that those who would threaten their way of life shouldn't be on their shores.
Because legality is not something that is accessible for everyone mate.
Well said.
Plus, sexual violences are - again - really not something that is a attribute of immigration but the society in general.
This is belief system born of the notion that all these things are separate. The land is not too separate from the culture, for the culture has developed on that land, and that culture creates a sense of community and shared values, which is necessary for a home.
....I frankly don't know how to respond to this. I could write a 200 word ZKK level essay but I'd rather let it be.
Those two migrants that were directly involved in Jocelyn Nungaray's sexual assault and murder should be made an example out of.

In Texas, an action which involves the murder of an individual under 10 years of age, or older than 10 years of age but younger than 15 years of age would have the perpetrator receive the death penalty (under Texas Capital Offenses).

Deport rapists back to their countries or hang them if you will but most immigrants are NOT rapists. Stop fear mongering.