Deport rapists back to their countries or hang them if you will but most immigrants are NOT rapists. Stop fear mongering.
The fear a lot of people have regarding this is... when can you determine they're a rapist? After the damage has been inflicted? Or only when they're entering the nation and checking their past history?
The fear a lot of people have regarding this is... when can you determine they're a rapist? After the damage has been inflicted? Or only when they're entering the nation and checking their past history?
What kind of post is this?

How to determine who is a rapist: see if they have raped someone 🤡. Works with immigrants and non-immigrants.
You sound like you want to hire fortune tellers to determine which person is a rapist and who isn't and convict them based on the fortune teller's statement. Or did I misinterpret your statement?
Kind of misinterpreted, but I might have not explained properly at all. The "deport rapists back to their home country" is all well and good, but should we deport them only after they've committed the crime in their new country, or if there is any previous history on them that can be found that they committed such a crime (or others) in their home countries?
Kind of misinterpreted, but I might have not explained properly at all. The "deport rapists back to their home country" is all well and good, but should we deport them only after they've committed the crime in their new country, or if there is any previous history on them that can be found that they committed such a crime (or others) in their home countries?
Your statement seems to imply that there are more rapists among immigrants than among non-immigrants and that it's just a matter of time until an immigrant commits rape. Or did I misunderstand you again?
I don't think it's a silly wet dream anymore, and it's not one independent organization:

I agree with the angle that Putin didn't want an unstable Trump
but after him and republicans trying (and succeeding for a long time) to block Ukraine aid, it's different now. And the whole way they talk about NATO. They might cut funding for Ukraine or force them a shitty cease fire. I wouldn't say it's the main point. Project 2025 is more than enough. Why shouldn't it be the supreme court? more appointments can even the scales with those corrupt judges.

I am saying this as someone who liked trump and was happy at 2016 (not anymore). This isn't about anyone's political opinion on the spectrum, it's about still having the option to vote on these political opinions and be free. I'm not even American but this can have horrible global consequences.
Well there's no way for it to get into legislation, is what I mean.

The Republicans make half the government no matter which president is in office though. If they want to block aid, they can even now. (Can't blame that either, I don't think first world countries need to be responsible for everything shitty that's happening, even though I think the EU and the US are having major profits from weapons rn.)

I don't know which corruption you mean, the verdicts I read - albeit not many, just the ones I was interested in - were constitution based :few:

No, I don't think "freedom" will disappear in any form, or that anything will change in their governance. As for foreign affairs, I think it's best for us non-US citizens if Biden retires asap.
Your statement seems to imply that there are more rapists among immigrants than among non-immigrants and that it's just a matter of time until an immigrant commits rape. Or did I misunderstand you again?
You misunderstood. I don't think homegrown rapists should be deported but jailed. I think immigrant rapists should be deported. There is no assertion on who will rape more and that is just an attempt to paint someone else as a racist.
or if there is any previous history on them that can be found that they committed such a crime (or others) in their home countries?
To answer this part, it's going to be difficult to find anything about their life depending on the documents they bring along or don't.
I don't think homegrown rapists should be deported but jailed.
Nice strawman, nobody here suggested deporting non-immigrant rapists(to which country even??).
There is no assertion on who will rape more and that is just an attempt to paint someone else as a racist.
Then mind explaining this post?->

I don't think first world countries need to be responsible for everything shitty that's happening
Their status as first world countries is a direct result of them being responsible for creating most of the global problems that make all these ''shitty'' things happening today.
The historical amnesia that western conservatives suffer from will neither put an end to global wars nor solve the global migration crisis.:lawsigh: :lawsigh:
I'm not western nor conservative :feelsokeman:

How would going into history solve anything? History is Putin's whole excuse for war in the first place, which is an ass reason to attack someone's borders.

How far back do you wanna go? 10 years? 50? A 100? What do you think that will accomplish? Chitchat over history? Stopping a war? It doesn't allow an attack on someone's sovereignty and going against international law no matter how you want to establish history. Russia would do it cause they want to do it.

But I'm all ears for your history solution though
As of right now I'm debating with myself who got the better strawmen. Okamakama's are more in your face but Natalia makes up for it with her sly and cat like passive aggressive, almost bratty ignorance and sassy attitude.
@Logiko @NAMELESS @Crocks @Zenos7 and others. Meet the case of Mary Kay Letourneau.

She was a teacher 34 years old that date a young student of 12 years old and was sentenced for raping him. While waiting for sentence she gave birth to their first kid. And their relationship continued after she got out of jail not long after and she went to jail again. This keep going until he was old enough and the guy had to go to the court to remove the restriction order that they have settle for her to be away from him and later they married and stayed like that for 14 years. This is the kind of story your ignorant minds are trying to prevent. A 14 year old marriage that went through several arrestments, national famous and restriction orders.

I personally met a couple in 2020 before covid that the girl was 14 years old and the guy was 20 years old and would visit her when she left school. My mother was 16 years old when she was seeing my dad that I believe was around 20 too (I don't know his true age and please don't ask why). Those are the kind of story you want to prevent to exist because you are a bunch of ignorants.
You got banned haha, take this ratio, Free Palestine