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There's a difference between it currently not being common knowledge for the populace and it being known by the marines when he was a subordinate for decades.

And as it was brought up earlier, if Garp knew to keep it a secret, then it's even worse that he never told Luffy or Ace to not use the D.
I think it’s a difference between marines and CP tbh. Cipher Pol agents are the ones who were clovers enemies judging by Robins flashback, Marines were just there because of poneglyph reading.
Tbf Atlas has no haki, or any particular skill it's basically just Franky......Nasju should've sliced her into bits without too many troubles xD but ofc the plot demands otherwise :)
BM should of destroyed the Sunny from chasing it fir 20 chaps, but she didn't. She was busy getting her home stolen, blitz by brook, get sent underground, Pedro bomb pushed her over. In Wano she was getting rolled out of a fucking castle like a bowling ball by Robin. Only time she acknowledged she was hurt in Wano was Kidd and Law. Oda writing is stupid. He thinks cause BM, Kaido, Gorosei can take hits no problem he can just toss them around make people stab then etc.... and his audience will still think they are strong


The only one who can beat me is me
We'll never get to see these days. Doflamingo was truly special.

He was a high tier but he entrapped an entire country with the small alliance and an admiral, then he went on and tried to massacre the entire population with the bird cage. He kept this bird cage with ruptured organs and fighting a balloon guy.
Its so ironic and so true man. People preach the world building in OP is way better post TS (Oda's angels/glazers/grifters say it) and yet pre TS I felt was far more imaginative, creative and adventurous. Post TS has some great ideas but very limited, very few and far between.

Exactly that too! All those different weird, unique animals in Alabasta alone, Long Ring Long Island was amazing conceptually too and hsa some of the strangest animals I've ever seen too, I loved it. Thriller Bark was a tour de force of creativity too along with Skypeia ofc. Impel Down too, my god, Oda really hard on making Impel Down bizarrely creative too.

Right?! Wano was like modern anime games/Pirate Warriors level of lazy, generic repetition and predictability. I had so much hype to see Ringo given its importance to Zoro, Ryuuma and such (I presumed Zoro would have far more relevancy to it by lineage with Ryuuma, his own family and such) and even with the reveal of the original Wano, it was the same as current Wano but its just 3 times bigger and underwater?

People had really cool ideas for Wano for it being a giant turtle and the map of the c ountry looking like a turtle's shell wiith all the segments, Oars being the one to form Wano by pulling all these smaller nations together into one place.

We had Mount Fuji(tora) there and that never came up and was used either, despite people thinking it will be relevant.
In fact, fuck it, I asked Gemini, the Google AI (I use that instead of "BITCH GPT" now) and it gave me this in a few seconds after I made a specific request of it:

Wano Reimagined: A Land of Myth and Mystery

  • The Floating Islands: Instead of a single island, Wano is a chain of landmasses suspended in the sky by colossal Sakura trees with roots extending down into the clouds. Each island represents a different region, with unique climates, cultures, and flora.
  • The Eternal Waterfall: A massive waterfall cascades endlessly from the highest island down to the ocean below, creating a mist that shrouds the lower islands in an ethereal veil. This waterfall is said to be the source of Wano's life-giving water.
  • The Oni Gates: Scattered across the islands are ancient stone gates adorned with Oni masks. These gates are rumored to be portals to other realms or dimensions, guarded by powerful spirits.
  • The Bamboo Forest of Whispers: A sprawling bamboo forest covers one of the islands, where the wind whispers secrets of the past. The trees here are said to have memories, and some believe they can communicate with those who listen closely.
  • The Oni's Graveyard: A desolate island filled with eerie stone statues of Oni warriors. Legends speak of a great battle that took place here long ago, leaving the island haunted by the spirits of fallen Oni.
  • Thunder Kirin: Majestic creatures with the bodies of deer and the heads of dragons, capable of summoning lightning from their antlers. They are revered as protectors of Wano.
  • Kitsune Foxes: Mischievous spirits that can shapeshift into human form. They are known for their love of trickery and pranks, but also for their wisdom and knowledge of ancient magic.
  • Kappa Turtles: Water spirits that inhabit the rivers and ponds of Wano. They are known for their playful nature and their love of cucumbers.
  • Tengu Ravens: Intelligent birds with human-like faces that live in the mountains. They are skilled warriors and master craftsmen, revered for their knowledge and skills.
  • Baku Dream Eaters: Mythical creatures that feed on nightmares, protecting the people of Wano from bad dreams. They are said to be gentle giants with the power to grant wishes.
  • Moonlit Lotus: Glowing flowers that bloom only at night, illuminating the landscape with an ethereal light. They are said to possess healing properties.
  • Whispering Bamboo: Bamboo trees with hollow stalks that amplify the wind, creating haunting melodies that echo through the forest.
  • Dragonfruit Trees: Massive trees that bear vibrant red fruits with scales resembling dragon skin. These fruits are said to grant incredible strength and vitality.
  • Sakura Trees of Eternity: Ancient Sakura trees with gnarled trunks and pink blossoms that never fade. They are revered as symbols of endurance and resilience.
  • Weeping Willow of Sorrow: A solitary willow tree with drooping branches that are said to absorb the sadness and grief of those who touch it.
Unique Features:
  • The Celestial Forge: A massive, ancient forge powered by the stars themselves. It is said that the legendary swords of Wano were created here, and some believe it still holds the power to forge weapons of unimaginable power.
  • The Spirit Temple: A hidden temple deep within the Bamboo Forest of Whispers, where shamans commune with the spirits of nature. They offer guidance and protection to those who seek their wisdom.
  • The Oni Academy: A secret training ground for aspiring Oni warriors, located on a secluded island. The rigorous training here tests both physical strength and spiritual fortitude.
  • The Floating Market: A bustling marketplace that travels between the islands on a giant cloud-ship. It offers a wide variety of exotic goods and rare treasures from across Wano.
  • The Festival of Lights: A vibrant celebration held once a year, where the islands are illuminated with lanterns and fireworks. It is a time of joy and renewal, where the people of Wano come together to honor their ancestors and celebrate their culture.
This reimagined Wano is a land steeped in myth and mystery, where ancient traditions and supernatural elements intertwine with a vibrant culture and diverse natural environment. It's a place where adventure awaits around every corner, and where the past and present coexist in a harmonious balance.

This would have been IMMENSELY better and easily have rivalled Okami or something like Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Sengoku Basara or any series or IP that showcases traditional Japan and is based on it.

It came up with this in less than 5 SECONDS! People hate on AI a LOT but it can be used for AMAZING things too like many other things in life.
I love this, Wano unlike other islands the SH visited felt so devoid of "magic" and uniqueness. Even Dressrosa at least had the toys and exaggerated Gaudí architecture. Although personally I would make kappas like a long-lost freshwater offshoot of fishmen or their own race. I know LOda doesn't like to treat the movies as part of his story (which he really should reconsider for some), but DJ Gappa felt like a good introduction to the concept.

The kid even had webbed fingers.

And yeah, kitsunes definitely should've been a real thing too, so when the only shapeshifting fox turns out to be a devil fruit user in an SBS, well talk about wasted potential. Same goes for tanukis, which we had seen before even out in the grand line as Sea Tanukis, yet Wano only shows off one who is in the form of a pot, but then the SBS reveals its just a devil fruit that ate a tanuki fruit, which begs the question how someone in Wano was even able to make a DF object considering their isolation and that only Vegapunk conceived the method recently.

Meanwhile Alabasta was rich in weird and unique mythical animals. Although, looking back, LOda really should've had sphinxes be there since its the closest thing we have to an egypt island, and Sphinx Island looks way too small to accomodate for such large chimeras.
God the art is so ass lately. I've been reading Bleach and Berserk recently (though I already read Berserk before but I stopped at the Lost Children arc) and it's become so apparent that OP's art is ass
Kubo was a lazy ass when it came to backgrounds but his character art was beautiful most of the time. The only bad thing I can say about it is that he made everyone a little bit too skinny.
I wonder if ultimately this broadcast is going to lead to the population be more aware of D clan members. After all Vegapunk mentioned D earlier and now there’s no mistaking several key figures, including the pirate king have it in their names. Maybe this is the trigger?
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