That's not the work of science, that's the work of epistemology and philosophy.

Science is practice/method. While the method mignt evolve due to the influence of epistemology, philosophy or politics, its stays a practice that does not seek for the truth but the understanding of reality.

Therefore using the concept of truth to attack science or materialism is not pertinent.

Both are based on the current understanding of reality. Knowledge evolves with science and with science, materialism evolves as well.

Are you talking about yourself here Trump Jr ?
I didn't say that it's the job of science, but that it's the job of these disciplines to explain what is the nature of science
Speaking about South Park, the irony is that TODAY is international Pro-nouns day and Trump dodged a bullet. Truth is stranger than fiction and even South Park wouldn't be able to come up with this shit. Way too funny!
Bro, tf are you on? The culture war has fully rotted your brain. Normal people are not preoccupied with stuff like that. And both things have nothing to do with each other? The fact that you know it was pronouns day or whatever tf says a lot more about you than anything else.
[COLOR=rgb(var(--color-gray-100)/var(--tw-text-opacity))]Donald J. Trumphttps://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

@Zemmi yes he knows the message
Post automatically merged:

Bro, tf are you on? The culture war has fully rotted your brain. Normal people are not preoccupied with stuff like that. And both things have nothing to do with each other? The fact that you know it was pronouns day or whatever tf says a lot more about you than anything else.
I never knew that this was a thing.

you always learn something new
What's the difference lol
In one case, abstract concept can't exist, in the other abstract concept are the results of our thinking process that is a result of material phenomenons and are therefore existing.

Two very different things


What tf are you guys even arguing about
The core foundamental basis of political conflicts.

I didn't say that it's the job of science, but that it's the job of these disciplines to explain what is the nature of science
I was talking about what Germinator just said. Not you mate :optimistic:


Hustlerversity Graduate
In one case, abstract concept can't exist, in the other abstract concept are the results of our thinking process that is a result of material phenomenons and are therefore existing.

Two very different things


The core foundamental basis of political conflicts.

I was talking about what Germinator just said. Not you mate :optimistic:
No this is Philosophical
>Claims abstract objects exists

You aren't a literal materialist then
Abstract concepts*

You have reading problems mate

No this is Philosophical
Yes, and no.

This is the foundamental basis of pretty much every conflict here, on this forum, in your country and on this planet.

Carrot VS Yamato
The woke VS Trump
Israel VS Palestine
Communism VS Capitalism
Ignorance VS Science
The left VS the right

All those wars and conflict have the same roots. A foundamental opposition.

Two opposite visions of reality :
