You care more about Spain

Look, you aren't loyal to any one country or people and will detriment that country and leech onto another if it means saving your own ass
I’m a Spanish citizen. How are you leeching off a system when you contribute? You wouldn’t know what that means. I don’t care about your misguided sense of nationalism. I am loyal to my friends, my family, and my dogs.

And don’t pretend you care about America in the first place, you’d burn this country to the ground if it meant triggering libs.
If by keeping on the surface, you mean enabling then sure lol
There is nothing wrong with materialism or the analysis of the story of Carrot


People who do shit like that don’t even really care about the cause and are just using it as an excuse to riot.
Some people yes. There are always some bad apples in every movements.
But most people don't. Most people are actually doing this for a political reason.

I remember when George Floyd was killed and people living in completely different parts of the country under different police departments used that as a license to go burn and ransack businesses.
Yes, riot are not always clean and sometimes small business are burned as well, but those were still legitimate violences.

Meanwhile all the people who legitimately cared about the issue were protesting peacefully.
Protesting peacefully can only get you so far.

This is the trap of capitalism. If you refuse to radicalize yourself you will only help the system.

You worded this better than my typo filled response lol. I feel very passionately against the riots and the people who suffered because of them.
And other people are suffering because of racism and the system is staying silent.

So, what do we do ?


We let racist people take over ? .. Since you are supporting racist people like Trump, Lets see how it will work for you in the future..
Now I am extremely curious how those not attractive by standard norms men have those pretty girls on their arms. I just assumed it was money. :milaugh:
The top fighters are extremely wealthy. The thing is that the UFC is a company that employs its fighters. I don’t know exactly how their system works but no one gets paid the same, so the baseline of fighters tend to be pretty poor.


Ok from now on I'm stealing Jeff Dye's response.

I'm so tired of people thinking I support Donald Trump just because I think he's cool and voted for him twice (in my case once, twice come November).