But the attempt happened yesterday my man.

In Germany it happened today though
It was midnight in UK. Who cares though?

There's like a full month of lgbt stuff, might as well say this was a full weekend of pronouns.

Bro, tf are you on? The culture war has fully rotted your brain. Normal people are not preoccupied with stuff like that. And both things have nothing to do with each other? The fact that you know it was pronouns day or whatever tf says a lot more about you than anything else.
You called me bro before asking my pronouns, sounds like you don't give a shit about pronouns you didn't ask me about mine, so why bother commenting when you clearly don't care?

iT sAYs mOrE AbOUt yOU
Keep crying lol
Literally on every liberal german MSM you see Trump!

On every frontpage too.

But can we talk about the two heavily injuried and the hero who was murdered who protected his daugther and wife for one second?
Perhaps, but maybe they don't want the media coverage?
We don't know. But as terrible as it is, losing a family member, I hope the family is well compensated for this devastating loss.
Literally on every liberal german MSM you see Trump!

On every frontpage too.

But can we talk about the two heavily injuried and the hero who was murdered who protected his daugther and wife for one second?
I do care about all the collateral victims, but this was MSM inciting hatred that led to it.

I remember a time when USA was far less polarised. The news media are a very dangerous weapon of societal destruction.
At least here in UK i can't tell the difference after the last election, they are both almost equally shit.
You called me bro before asking my pronouns, sounds like you don't give a shit about pronouns you didn't ask me about mine, so why bother commenting when you clearly don't care?

iT sAYs mOrE AbOUt yOU
Keep crying lol
I call my wife bro you low effort troll. I am commenting cuz ain’t no way you’re dumb enough to make such a retarded correlation.
Perhaps, but maybe they don't want the media coverage?
We don't know. But as terrible as it is, losing a family member, I hope the family is well compensated for this devastating loss.
There is a gofundme for the funeral established by a big conservative person from twitter. Lauren Loomer talked about it too.

There is a post of the daugther about talking not being covered by the media.

I mean also our german politicians wouldn‘t know about them not being covered though. Most of them condemned the attack on Trump, just a few condemned the whole thing like the father who was murdered
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I do care about all the collateral victims, but this was MSM inciting hatred that led to it.

I remember a time when USA was far less polarised. The news media are a very dangerous weapon of societal destruction.
At least here in UK i can't tell the difference after the last election, they are both almost equally shit.
Agreed. On everything.

But that‘s why we should talk about the father.

Yeah Labour = Tories equal bullshit. Tories are absolutely a disgrace to „conservatives“
I call my wife bro you low effort troll. I am commenting cuz ain’t no way you’re dumb enough to make such a retarded correlation.
You're trolling/missgendering your wife and then you call me a troll? Hahaha!

Hey it's ok whatever you do in your private life you do you, but shouldn't you call that bro you married a husband if that is more appropriate? See you keep getting the pronoun stuff wrong and then keep complaining.

Either stop crying or go learn those damn pronouns!! NOW!
You're trolling/missgendering your wife and then you call me a troll? Hahaha!

Hey it's ok whatever you do in your private life you do you, but shouldn't you call that bro you married a husband if that is more appropriate? See you keep getting the pronoun stuff wrong and then keep complaining.

Either stop crying or go learn those damn pronouns!! NOW!
Man, how sad is your life that you’re complaining about pronouns on an anime forum?

Laziest attempt at trolling I’ve ever seen you wannabe American.
Abstract concepts exist as objects, called "universals". They inhabit particulars as forms

You aren't very well read if you are making semantics such as this. You aren't a literal materialist lol
Sorry, mate, I do not care much about the deep dive into philosophy.

If you want to have a discussion about it or about the categorization of abstract concept, that's will not be with me.

And no, this doesn't negate my materialism lmao, but you are funny :)

Again, Materialism is a vision of reality and abstraction is not something that can't be included in it. So your quest to fight my argumentation is doomned to fail dear.
Sorry, mate, I do not care much about the deep dive into philosophy.

If you want to have a discussion about it or about the categorization of abstract concept, that's will not be with me.

And no, this doesn't negate my materialism lmao, but you are funny :)

Again, Materialism is a vision of reality and abstraction is not something that can't be included in it. So your quest to fight my argumentation is doomned to fail dear.
You're trying to be clever and use reason to transcend reason. Unfortunately, there is no fixing mental illness

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I’ve ever seen you wannabe American.
Europoor talking shop about who's American and who isn't