Kizaru is suffering the same fate as his old buddy Kuma...
Both possess broken DF abilities so Oda is forced to shackle them through the plot...
Kuma's mind was killed off while Kizaru turned out to be conflicted about following the orders...
Other than letting him show off a CQC that disrespects Snakeman, he wasn't allowed to show off anything about his DF...
Not a single named attack was granted. I was thrilled when I saw that my headcanon became canon and Kizaru pulled multiplication ability but the enjoyment was short-lived once I saw that it amounted to nothing...
The curse of facing Luffy, everything turns into a joke with no consequences.
If he ended up facing Zoro and getting a full fight, he would be looking entirely different.
The highest praise one can get in OP world, combat wise, is fighting against Zoro. Kizaru simply wasn't lucky enough.
Both possess broken DF abilities so Oda is forced to shackle them through the plot...
Kuma's mind was killed off while Kizaru turned out to be conflicted about following the orders...
Other than letting him show off a CQC that disrespects Snakeman, he wasn't allowed to show off anything about his DF...
Not a single named attack was granted. I was thrilled when I saw that my headcanon became canon and Kizaru pulled multiplication ability but the enjoyment was short-lived once I saw that it amounted to nothing...
The curse of facing Luffy, everything turns into a joke with no consequences.
If he ended up facing Zoro and getting a full fight, he would be looking entirely different.
The highest praise one can get in OP world, combat wise, is fighting against Zoro. Kizaru simply wasn't lucky enough.