I'm talking about the current state of scientific research mate.
I was 8 lmao
No. Simply because I was uninformed and not well enough defended to prevent missinformation to kick in.
Sorry I'm not informed enough on the Russo Ukrainian conflict to tell you.
No. That's what you don't get. And for that it's the same problem as One Piece theorist.
It's not because you were proven right as a theorist that you were right. It just happen that your conclusion was right. In reality, if the reasonning is bad, no matter how right you are in your conclusion, you were wrong.
if you fire 1000 arrow at once on a target with a magic bow and touch the center of the target, can we say that you are a good archer ? Not really..
Another thing that people don't realize is that your political view and values will influence how you see those "point".
No matter how many time I tell a conservatist that transphobia is hurtfull toward people and that allowing children to transition is vital for the trans community.. they will always find a way to ignore the point or to avoid its relevancy.. until they are personnaly impacted by their behavior.
This behavior do not only happen with political values in fact, it can also impact how we see life or elements of life. For example: Stories. We have a big example of that on this forum.
We can perfectly live with contradiction and cognitive dissonance, it human.
So we need to take that into account when seeking information.
That's not what I say. You SHOULD listen to the other side to know what said side think, but be very careful not to be influenced by it UNLESS there is a very good reason.
Information can't be delivered objectively.
It's by nature impossible. The simple fact of selection certain information and the form we take to deliver them is subjective and will be a political choice.
The results delivered by the scientific practice are supposed to be objective. The process leading to those results doesn't need to be.
That's a missconception professed by people who don't really know about scientific history. The scientific history in all time has been pushed by political agendas of all sorts.
This, for example, was a case of scientist pushed by political agenda, a racist one in this case.
Indeed, there is no "leftist sciences".
There are only leftists who FOLLOW sciences.
Scientific result are not "Leftists" (the scientific process, on the other hand can be), it just happens that scientific results deliver datas and conclusions that align with Leftists values. That's all.
And that's something liberals would say. In fact, I could do the same, if I was intellectually lazy, I could say stuff like "liberals are only seeking Sciences when it aligns with a purely numerical vision of the world, without humans or the social in the balance"
But I won't say that :
(even if it's a bit true)
No, in reality liberals are mostly ignorant about social sciences. They sometimes don't even know it exist. Which can be quite the shock when they discover people like Bourdieu.
You have a vision of leftism or radical leftism that is completely biased mate.