Apollo Justice: Spirit of Justice
DHURKE THE GOAT! If only Dragon was more like him....
Spirit of Justice is so great, I loved it, the bonus DLC cases for Dual Destinines and Spirit of Justice are so good too!
Ace Attorney Investigation Collection came out yesterday too ofc, we can finally play Investigations 2 in the West and in English! HALLELUJAH!

I've been playing Risk of Rain 2, bought it on a whim the other day, the music is GODLY, really deep soulful, electric guitar blues at times in it, even has a song inspired heavily by Purple Rain which I posted in the What Are You Listening to thread:
and I've also been playing the Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon Keep Expansion for Borderlands 2 (the seperate one not the DLC itself), Pirate Warriors 4 as I got the 2nd Character Pass now FINALLY, I got Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered and Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition on deep discounts amongst some other games, so extremely happy right now!
Sadly, I couldn't afford Red Dead Redemption 2 and Hogwarts Legacy (cant even run Hogwarts yet anyway, 16GB Minimum RIP! LOL) but they were reduced IMMENSELY on Steam, absolutely peanuts prices! Ah well, que sera sera, I'll get them by next year at worst, especially with my new PC EVENTUALLY lmao.
Looking to get Ratchet and Clank Rifts Apart or w/e its called but may need to upgrade my PC for that one too and Ghosts of Tsushima now too as its on PC as well! Also need to get Horizon Forbidden West as its on PC now too....
But yeah Risk Of Rain 2 is extremely fun and well worth getting! Deep discount on it atm on Steam too!