I thought everyone could understand it was a rethorical question. Charlie Hebdo has been putting out very offensive articles against other religions too, but I am not surprised you focus on the poor muslims.
By the way I thought I made it clear that I had enough of you.
You are free to ignore me.

Jews and Muslims are two oppressed minorities in France (and in the west in general). So no, laughing the same way about all religion or all religious person does not have the same impact.

I thought I explained already that making good jokes do not mean laughing at the oppressed but laughing at the power WITH the oppressed.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I bet you got your answer lol

so yeah most certainly
I did not since I didn't read the post.

I thought everyone could understand it was a rethorical question. Charlie Hebdo has been putting out very offensive articles against other religions too, but I am not surprised you focus on the poor muslims.
By the way I thought I made it clear that I had enough of you.

White ranger is white, black ranger is a black dude, pink ranger is female, blue is a dude and yellow is Asian. What do you think?
You know for a fact the white ranger will either be a villain, an incompetent teammate, or just removed entirely lol.
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You are free to ignore me.

Jews and Muslims are two oppressed minorities in France (and in the west in general). So no, laughing the same way about all religion or all religious person does not have the same impact.

I thought I explained already that making good jokes do not mean laughing at the oppressed but laughing at the power WITH the oppressed.
You can ignore a fly bothering you, but it will still be very annoying. So stop being an eyesore.
A religion being less common in a certain area doesn't mean that it's ok to disrespect it while the others should be protected. You are really bad at masking your hatred for christians.
A religion being less common in a certain area doesn't mean that it's ok to disrespect it while the others should be protected. You are really bad at masking your hatred for christians.
Ok. Since none of you want to understand I'll go to the basics. I created an allegory with the help my friend chatGPT for this one, because I was too dumb to simplify correctly an allegory about oppression on my own:

The Allegory of Burdens

Imagine three people: Muhammad, Noah, and Isaiah.

  • Muhammad is carrying a very heavy bag full of large rocks.
  • Isaiah is carrying a slightly lighter bag, but it's still bulky and hard to carry.
  • Noah, on the other hand, has only a small, nearly empty bag, which is easy to carry.
All three have to walk down a difficult path. Muhammad walks slowly, sometimes stumbling under the enormous weight of the bag. Isaiah moves a bit faster, but still struggles. Noah, with his light bag, walks with little difficulty.

Now, imagine that someone starts mocking Muhammad for walking slowly or tripping. That’s unfair, because Muhammad is carrying a huge burden, and it’s this weight that slows him down. Similarly, mocking Isaiah, who is also carrying a burden, is cruel, because their bag makes it hard for them to walk as fast as Noah.

On the other hand, if someone mocks Noah for stumbling, it’s less harmful because Noah doesn’t have much to carry and can easily get back up without any major struggle.

Conclusion: Mocking Muhammad or Isaiah, who carry heavy burdens, only adds to their struggles, since they’re already facing obstacles that Noah doesn’t have. Mocking Noah, who carries almost nothing, is much less hurtful because he doesn’t have the same burdens holding him back.

Ok. So now I hope you understand where I'm getting at through this simple logic exercice. I made it more precise by giving each chararacters a specific prophet name corresponding to a religion and thus, believers:

Muhammad > Muslims
Isaiah > Jews
Noah > Christians

You see, in the west Muslims are oppressed on a systemic scale. This is something that is documented by researchers. Jews on the other hand are victims of large scale antisemitic rethoric from a lot of places. Jew's oppression is a lot less impactfull that the oppression that are facing muslims, but it still present, especially in France where Jew are the target of the far right.

On the other hand, Christianity is hegemonic in the majority of western cultures and Christian are not subject to large scale oppressions or systemic ones.

So.. what happens when you make fun of every believers in the same way ? Well.. You will accentuate the burden of oppression that already exist on Muslims and Jews, thus making them the target of more remarks, more systemic reforms, more attacks etc.. while Christians on the other hand, will simply have to face a bad joke.

This is not a question of hating Christians, Christian have nothing to do with it. It's a question of avoiding putting more pressure on the shoulder of other believers when it can only worsen their situation.

This is why you can't treat people under oppression the same way as you treat people who are not.
A thread consisting of a bunch of male weebs on a forum arguing about whether the female gaze is targeted through muscles. Guess I’ll join.

That is the biggest generalization btw. Sure it’s a thing some women want, but the level of the muscles seen in a lot of movies like marvel etc. definitely is aimed more at the male gaze. It’s like the same logic as why a young boy buys an action figure of a beefy character or a wrestler.

There’s a big difference in how it’s depicted and a lot of content with dominant male audience tends to that gaze.
Yeah you do, men are hyper sexualized in these genres. Going back to Twilight Jacob always was shirtless and/or had tight clothes highlighting his muscular build.

I think there's some benevolent sexism is some writing done by women, idk if the notebook is one but yeah I just mainly used it to show you how bad the romance genre is when it comes to writing men at times.
This is true lol and that's what makes those films/books so cringe.

This is male gaze, that's made for men, not for women bra.

Why do you think Zoro fans love Shirtless Zoro so much or e ven Dragon Ball character ? Muscles are not made for women in general, but made to appeal to men. (and a few thirsty women)
Fluffy have you ever picked up a romance book aimed at women? Doesn't have to be one of the ultra famous ones that got turned into movies. My mom has a ton of there at home and they all follow this pattern for the most part.
Can you translate it?
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men have a much harder time than women
Again up to the individual.
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Would Power Rangers be problematic if it was created in this era? :quest:
Ranma 1/2 is getting a remake.

That shit is problematic in this era. But im hyped af
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You can ignore a fly bothering you, but it will still be very annoying. So stop being an eyesore.
A religion being less common in a certain area doesn't mean that it's ok to disrespect it while the others should be protected. You are really bad at masking your hatred for christians.
Imo its important to make a distinction between religions and their adherents. Religions are a set of ideas that should be free to be criticized and ridiculed.
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Ok. Since none of you want to understand I'll go to the basics. I created an allegory with the help my friend chatGPT for this one, because I was too dumb to simplify correctly an allegory about oppression on my own:

The Allegory of Burdens

Imagine three people: Muhammad, Noah, and Isaiah.
  • Muhammad is carrying a very heavy bag full of large rocks.
  • Isaiah is carrying a slightly lighter bag, but it's still bulky and hard to carry.
  • Noah, on the other hand, has only a small, nearly empty bag, which is easy to carry.
All three have to walk down a difficult path. Muhammad walks slowly, sometimes stumbling under the enormous weight of the bag. Isaiah moves a bit faster, but still struggles. Noah, with his light bag, walks with little difficulty.

Now, imagine that someone starts mocking Muhammad for walking slowly or tripping. That’s unfair, because Muhammad is carrying a huge burden, and it’s this weight that slows him down. Similarly, mocking Isaiah, who is also carrying a burden, is cruel, because their bag makes it hard for them to walk as fast as Noah.

On the other hand, if someone mocks Noah for stumbling, it’s less harmful because Noah doesn’t have much to carry and can easily get back up without any major struggle.

Conclusion: Mocking Muhammad or Isaiah, who carry heavy burdens, only adds to their struggles, since they’re already facing obstacles that Noah doesn’t have. Mocking Noah, who carries almost nothing, is much less hurtful because he doesn’t have the same burdens holding him back.

Ok. So now I hope you understand where I'm getting at through this simple logic exercice. I made it more precise by giving each chararacters a specific prophet name corresponding to a religion and thus, believers:

Muhammad > Muslims
Isaiah > Jews
Noah > Christians

You see, in the west Muslims are oppressed on a systemic scale. This is something that is documented by researchers. Jews on the other hand are victims of large scale antisemitic rethoric from a lot of places. Jew's oppression is a lot less impactfull that the oppression that are facing muslims, but it still present, especially in France where Jew are the target of the far right.

On the other hand, Christianity is hegemonic in the majority of western cultures and Christian are not subject to large scale oppressions or systemic ones.

So.. what happens when you make fun of every believers in the same way ? Well.. You will accentuate the burden of oppression that already exist on Muslims and Jews, thus making them the target of more remarks, more systemic reforms, more attacks etc.. while Christians on the other hand, will simply have to face a bad joke.

This is not a question of hating Christians, Christian have nothing to do with it. It's a question of avoiding putting more pressure on the shoulder of other believers when it can only worsen their situation.

This is why you can't treat people under oppression the same way as you treat people who are not.
You really are just a useful idiot, aren't you, Logiko? You use sophistry to mask your own disdain, and faux sympathy to uplift your status in this oppression-based social economy.
You really are just a useful idiot, aren't you, Logiko? You use sophistry to mask your own disdain, and faux sympathy to uplift your status in this oppression-based social economy.
here you are again with your pseudo intellectual posts filled with fancy words😂
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Lmao this isn’t Islamophobia at all read the context and why they are mocking it this way every criticize or caricature isn’t Islamophobia
I don't understand this one, why ''don't touch our benefits''? What benefits is this about?
I don't understand this one, why ''don't touch our benefits''? What benefits is this about?
Frankly don’t really remember this one
And yeah I agree the message of the drawing is a bit confusing

but from what I understood when I checked up online (just did 2 seconds ago) it was to criticize the far right who didn’t want immigrants to have benefits

but yeah the link with the kidnapped girls is a bit missed for me