Never that it would be in that direction
Sometime, when it's a mjor emergency, complying is a necessity mate.
I have no reason to be ashamed of my living. My rights are the result of decades of battles for people in my condition. Do not think for one second that I will shame those people by not being proud of their hard work.
Your ideology is so disgusting that you think that I should be ashamed and beg pardon or the knee for being able to live on a right that I have where I live.
When you expect people in difficult situation to give you the thumb up for just paying your due to society and thank you for simply being able to benefit a right that they have. This shows just how little you are considerate of them.
You do not seem to care about people in difficulty, you laugh at them, dehumanize them, ignore their words or lives (you once again for the X time told me to find a job when I already explained multiple time how I'm physically incapable of that) and subject them to your meritocratic vision.
So when you make big talk about slavery .. really, you are not credible one second.
Sometime, when it's a mjor emergency, complying is a necessity mate.
I have no reason to be ashamed of my living. My rights are the result of decades of battles for people in my condition. Do not think for one second that I will shame those people by not being proud of their hard work.
Your ideology is so disgusting that you think that I should be ashamed and beg pardon or the knee for being able to live on a right that I have where I live.
When you expect people in difficult situation to give you the thumb up for just paying your due to society and thank you for simply being able to benefit a right that they have. This shows just how little you are considerate of them.
You do not seem to care about people in difficulty, you laugh at them, dehumanize them, ignore their words or lives (you once again for the X time told me to find a job when I already explained multiple time how I'm physically incapable of that) and subject them to your meritocratic vision.
So when you make big talk about slavery .. really, you are not credible one second.
You're not fighting for anything. In fact, you're not fighting at all. Staying at home all day preaching to strangers on an anime forum, in the corner of the internet, helps no one. Some of us are actually working to put food on the table. Some of us donate resources to orphanages. Some of us like me get stabbed and shot at to keep people alive. Some of us do public speaking to keep people motivated. Some of us are in education to raise kids right. Some of us are in clinics easing the pain of those with mental issues.
A bunch of us are out here actively trying to make things better for ourselves and others, while all you can do is sit behind a screen and force your ideology on a bunch of weebs and insult them, on a forum about fictional pirates.
Here's some advice: if you wanna reach people, you first have to be a decent enough person to listen to. No one would wanna take fitness advice from someone who never works out. And nah nothing personal
A bunch of us are out here actively trying to make things better for ourselves and others, while all you can do is sit behind a screen and force your ideology on a bunch of weebs and insult them, on a forum about fictional pirates.
Here's some advice: if you wanna reach people, you first have to be a decent enough person to listen to. No one would wanna take fitness advice from someone who never works out. And nah nothing personal

Oh, so that's how it is. We go into the personal now ?
Who the hell made you think that you were legitimate to have the right to judge my way of fighting bigotry ? Hm?

If that's too hard for you that you have to complain, change your job, I'm not responsible for your bad descisions.
So.. all of this little whining to say to me that your life is hard and that I'm not legitimate because I'm not actually working like you do or doing anything else that being behind a screen.
Wait.. I think it reminds me of something I said just a few week ago ? Wait.. I'm sure I will be able to find it back
*ramble ramble*
OH ! Here it is ! >>
It's funny Van.. how each time your are trying to prove me that you are a rationnal person, you manage to show just how politically lost you are while proving how mean you can be.
Nothing personnal indeed. Except everything
Who the hell made you think that you were legitimate to have the right to judge my way of fighting bigotry ? Hm?

If that's too hard for you that you have to complain, change your job, I'm not responsible for your bad descisions.
So.. all of this little whining to say to me that your life is hard and that I'm not legitimate because I'm not actually working like you do or doing anything else that being behind a screen.
Wait.. I think it reminds me of something I said just a few week ago ? Wait.. I'm sure I will be able to find it back
*ramble ramble*
OH ! Here it is ! >>
It's funny Van.. how each time your are trying to prove me that you are a rationnal person, you manage to show just how politically lost you are while proving how mean you can be.
Nothing personnal indeed. Except everything

Bro, the sad thing is, he didn't say anything wrong. You're just taking offense to the truth. There are people out there who are genuinely living, struggling, and experiencing the world as it is - and you try to tell them that they're wrong when you're a stay-at-home layabout who has self-admitted he struggles to do anything outside of post on this forum.
The point in all of this response from you that is completely unacceptable is your comments about his job. For someone who says: "Who the hell made you think that you were legitimate to have the right to judge my way of fighting bigotry?" you sure mock and deride other people's choices in life.
If Van has a job where he has to risk getting stabbed to help people - then that makes him a fucking hero to society. What gives you the right to assume it's too hard for him? He never said anything of the sort.
You're actually a disgusting person. I'm sure I am too, but I can own that. You on the other hand just go around touting some kind of moral superiority when you're the the least well adjusted person on this entire forum. You can't work. You can't REALLY contribute. I wouldn't be surprised if you are either surviving on your parent's work, or the taxpayer. And yes, I am looking down on you for that. Not because being unable to work is something to be mocked (one of my best friends is diagnosed with schizophrenia and he can't work), but because you show NO FUCKING HUMILITY despite the situation you are in. You act as if you know a world that you don't engage with. You act as if you can judge a hard-working man, when you don't even fucking try. And don't pretend like you DO.
Fuck it. I'm getting banned for this probably, but I draw the line at someone in your position deriding someone like Van in that oh so typical passive aggressiveness that embodies your cowardice as a human being. You can't risk saying something overt, lest you are banned from the one place that gives you any semblance of importance.
The point in all of this response from you that is completely unacceptable is your comments about his job. For someone who says: "Who the hell made you think that you were legitimate to have the right to judge my way of fighting bigotry?" you sure mock and deride other people's choices in life.
If Van has a job where he has to risk getting stabbed to help people - then that makes him a fucking hero to society. What gives you the right to assume it's too hard for him? He never said anything of the sort.
You're actually a disgusting person. I'm sure I am too, but I can own that. You on the other hand just go around touting some kind of moral superiority when you're the the least well adjusted person on this entire forum. You can't work. You can't REALLY contribute. I wouldn't be surprised if you are either surviving on your parent's work, or the taxpayer. And yes, I am looking down on you for that. Not because being unable to work is something to be mocked (one of my best friends is diagnosed with schizophrenia and he can't work), but because you show NO FUCKING HUMILITY despite the situation you are in. You act as if you know a world that you don't engage with. You act as if you can judge a hard-working man, when you don't even fucking try. And don't pretend like you DO.
Fuck it. I'm getting banned for this probably, but I draw the line at someone in your position deriding someone like Van in that oh so typical passive aggressiveness that embodies your cowardice as a human being. You can't risk saying something overt, lest you are banned from the one place that gives you any semblance of importance.
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