He won the popular vote. Racism and sexism don't do that.
He won the vote = best human being :kobeha:

Do me a favor

list down all the benefits of illegal migration (massive numbers)

Then list down all the negatives of them as well
-They open restaurants with spicy food :finally:
-Our football teams are full of----- THEM
-They ALL work in jobs that we don't want anymore -- like being a stripper and whatnot.
-The poor ones are locked in "poor neighborhoods" where we send them to schools with each other and they will barely meet gringos from the middle-class in their entire lives, which means they hate us and don't wanna be part of our community :pepebusi:
-They are dealing drugs which is actually good because they provide what 50% of our population asks for (or asked for at a point in their lives). Maybe we should legalize their jobs but not their migrant status :smart:

Negative points:
-They're eating the dogs with spices
-They are naturally/culturally inclined to violence and will ignite a pro-Kim Jong-Un revolution from the poor neighborhoods
-They steal my job by existing. Very bad. The other day some Turkish dude was hired instead of me :few:
-They vote for the wrong candidates --- or do they even vote ?
-Their gods, if they have any, are wrong too but at least we won't be together in the after life
-Some of them are in relationships with kidnap our ladies and make us look like losers :pepecry:
-GDP grows, which is bad for the environment

As you can see, negative points are slightly winning. Final Solution would be to ask them to leave:doffytroll: