This is exactly what it is ...
McDonald is helping Israel and its soldier and is therefore. by defaut a support of a genocidal and apartheid state. This is just a cold fact.
But "Logiko is the gaslighter" episode 2573
What a narrow, nihilistic and cynical vision of the world to see activists as people who try to have a moral high ground and just want to appear as good people...
Also, you are talking here to a guy (me) who - despite the criticizm of the ad - literally just watched a video of Inaki and laughed at it, because I actually like the guy. So... in term of nuance and awareness, you are not really in the top 10.
Harassing ? For the love of Oda. You guyz are out of touch. At best I saw people say that they won't watch the live action anymore. And there is only ONE top comment on his recent instagram post.
Relax. People are right to be triggered by this add and they are right to tell that to the actor because - in case you didn't notice it - he is now one of the face of One Piece.
Thinking like that, there is no limits and people can't keep others accountable. There is a reason why there is a call out here and not simply a boycott. People want to make it clear that they don't want a support for Gaza in the franchise.
This is what a political message is. Stop the depolitization please.
Yes it is.
You can refuse to do it, but it is a moral imperative. You can't simply support a support of genocide and brush off the responsibility
if you have the choice to do otherwise.
We are talking about a genocide here.
Go tell to Palestinians that you want to keep your nuance mate.
The point your guyz are missing here is that : We should boycott ONLY if we have the choice to do things otherwise.
Your BS argument is the same as doing this:
For some, Mc Donald is not a choice, is simply the cheepest things to eat. But those are not the person that are targeted here. So you are completely missing the point. No one is telling to people in precarity to start boycotting, we are telling that to those who have a choice. Which includes this actor here.
So calling for hypocrisy in front of a boycott is simply not understanding what a boycott is.
No it can't, because you do not think enough to understand that people who are asking for a boycott are not asking it to people in difficulty, but to those who have the choice to do it. Which includes Inaki Godoy.
They think *
This does not make it a fact.
But indeed, a lot of people here can't accept scientific facts, some mods included.
Coming from you, this is funny.
Of course. Inaki is most likely depoliticized.
Nuance here would be to denounce this ad but to understand that the guy can make a mistake and it's ok. As long as he understand why people are angry, there should be no problems.
That's the point of a targeted boycott. There is a reason why BDS is criminilized in Israel and why MC Donalds started to buy back his Israelian firms.
Of course. Inaki is most likely depoliticized.
Nuance here would be to denounce this ad but to understand that the guy can make a mistake and it's ok. As long as he understand why people are angry, there should be no problems.
That's the point of a targeted boycott. There is a reason why BDS is criminilized in Israel and why MC Donalds started to buy back his Israelian firms.
No there is no "strong argument". It's anti-vaxxine fear mongering.
Those risk are extremily weak and do not twist the benefit/risk balance.
Yes, because the later form of Covid are less strong and less likely to kill you.
Which is wrong:
Imagine thinking yourself as a genius because you refuse to boycott a genocidal country out of spite for activists on twitter.
"Logiko has no credibility on "trust the science" when the science told us to be rationnal and avoid getting sick"

Go say that to people who can't live normally now because they once had COVID you genius.
BDS aims at targeting the boycotts toward specific brands and not just all of them.
As such, they are targetting Mc Donalds and we should follow that call.
Inaki is simply doing an add for it and simply need to understand that the brand is problematic at the moment, that's all.
"I've seen activists use their phones, "It’S bS tO bEgIn WiTh lOl"