Aliens might be a psyop, mind you.
I've been researching the topic heavily.
There are Advanced Races beyond us on this planet (many of which are native to it) and in other planetary bodies outside our planet.
The evil/misguide Aliens/Advanced Races have run psyops for a long time, trying to make humans fear them, because they operate off of fear. These are the being that truly run the "evil" world governments: they can conceal themselves by hacking out minds with advanced technology to make themselves look like us.
Notice how some politicians/rulers/wealthy people just... don't act right? Not even just non-human, like they're just not part of the program in general? There ya go.
Many of the "battles" in mythology involve these two factions. One is a "good" alliance of Advanced Races (think what Halo turned into with the Elites, and other Covenant Races, and Spartans becoming allies), who want to help us ascend, like other spiritual leaders, Buddha/Christ, did. The other group want to control us using fear, slavery, misinformation. These are the people who corrupt religions and attack saints.
We are all gifted with Free Will, so the good alliance can't force us into anything. It is up to us to choose to work with each other, despite our differences, rather than fall into the fear and judgment we were warned to cast aside.
I've been working hard on trying to pray for the worst people. Even if I don't like them, if they became better, it would make the lives of the people around them better, too.
Why did Angels fall? Because they weren't perfect to begin with. If they were truly perfect, they could never have fallen.
The Aliens/Advance Races/Space Neighbors aren't perfect, and that's the problem.
Even if the Naruto talk-no-jutsu stuff Luffy and protagonists do is annoying, it's the truth. The only way to truly make the world better is accept that anyone can fall, and anyone can be saved. You can't force people to want to be saved, you can only help them when they want to honestly save themselves.
We're waiting for a Superman because we want our heroes to fly, rather than do the hard things, like give medical care to kids who might die even if you put everything you've got into trying to save them.
Christ and Buddha weren't heroes because they wielded giant flaming swords and walked around smiting their enemies.
They were heroes because they chose to help the people no one else would.
We need to help ourselves and each other.
We've tried to correct evil with blades, poison, guns, and bombs long enough. The weaponry we are now producing is capable of erasing our race, not the planet: US. The planet will survive as it has.
The good Advanced Races in the alliance (the Galactic Federation is the name I've seen used but I'm not sure it's accurate) act like Christ/Buddha.
Humanity needs to combat evil with unity, laughter, and kindness. It's why I love Luffy, despite the times he drives me nuts, lol.
I have SIGNIFICANT problems with the Catholic Church, but I appreciate their efforts in recognizing the legitimacy of Alien/non-human races as also being capable of following the messages of those who came before. We all come from the same source.
Try to keep an open mind and open heart going forward, I appreciate you always listening to and respecting my beliefs despite us disagreeing at times, especially since sometimes I'm an asshole regarding religion. Be wary of anyone trying to claim themselves as "Gods" in the coming years. Look for those who act like Christ/Buddha. As Fred Rogers said, "Look for the helpers".
Our hearts are engines and our minds are quantum computers that connect to the entire world beyond our planet, we don't need the cheap tricks of conmen to find paradise. Everything they have to sell us has already corrupted this beautiful Earth. It's time to take it back. Not just as humans, but by recognizing we all come from the same Source, whether people want to call it "God" or not.
We are all made of the same light spiraling around the world.
The coolest stuff I've been researching is about how stars communicate with each other.
The world is so beautiful once you wash away the lies.